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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45 Do Not Reject Me!

Amanda raised her chin defiantly and looked straight into the man’s eyes.

Even though the atmosphere in the room was increasingly ambiguous, she was too angry

to notice the change.

Elias tried hard to restrain his impulse as he took in her current appearance. “I’ll say it

again,” he growled. “Put on your clothes, or bear the consequences.”

“I don’t want to! I would like to see what you are going to do to me! What makes you think

you can say and do whatever you want? Don’t forget that we have nothing to do with each

other now. You have no right to tell me what to do!”

Amanda had had enough of this man’s arrogance as if the whole world revolved around


Hearing that, Elias stared at her and repeated his question. “Are you sure?”

“Yes! So, what are you going to do?” She was not afraid of him now that they were already


Within the next second, Amanda let out a shriek as she was suddenly pushed down onto

the soft bed.

She stared at Elias’ handsome face as he suddenly approached her. “What are you doing?”

she shouted. “Get up!”

The man completely pinned her down and held her chin with his slender fingers. “I gave

you a chance to put on your clothes, but you refused. I have lost control now. I want to do

what I want to do.”

What? What does he want to do?

Even an idiot would know what was going to happen from this intimate position they were


“Elias, you b*stard! No! You can’t do this to me!”

Amanda struggled to escape, but it was in vain. The difference in strength between a man

and a woman was too great.

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“Yes, I can, and I will!” He arrogantly held onto her slim waist. “Do not refuse me!”

Isn’t he just a bully who uses force to get his way? Amanda could only resort to provoking

him with her ultimate weapon. “Take a look at me clearly! I am not the one you love! I am

Amanda, not Grace Murphy! Aren’t you afraid that Grace will throw a tantrum?”

The man’s pitch-black eyes stared fiercely at her face. His gaze was hot and persistent; it

was as if nothing could change his mind.

“I have not been drugged. I’m sober, and I know you are Amanda. Still, I want to do this. I

have wanted to do this for a long time.”

Amanda’s eyes widened in surprise. This b’stard is unshakable!

Suddenly, Elias’ phone vibrated, breaking the tense atmosphere.

“Go ahead and answer it. We will see after you are done with the call” Amanda wanted to

take the opportunity to escape. She could never let Elias succeed.

Annoyed, the man reluctantly took out his phone and glanced at the caller ID. He debated

whether to answer when he saw that it was a call from Grace.

Amanda, who saw the opportunity to push the man away, immediately did so before she

rushed. toward the door.

To her surprise, right as her hand touched the door handle, she was forcefully tugged back

by a powerful force.


Elias pulled her into his arms. “Where are you going? Do you think you can run away?”

“Are you mad, Elias Winters?! I won’t hold you accountable now because you are out of

your mind. Let me out of here. The two of us need to calm down!” Amanda huffed. She

was actually starting to get scared. Judging from how possessed he was acting, she had a

feeling that Elias wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted tonight.

“It’s too late.”

“It’s not too late! You can still turn back!”

The man chuckled disdainfully. “But I don’t want to turn back. I want to keep doing the

wrong thing.”

As he said that, he tossed his vibrating phone aside. He was unaware that the call

accidentally connected when it landed somewhere, and there was an active call showing

on the screen…

Amanda was thrown on the big bed again. Her long hair was spread on the white sheet

like splashed ink, and her pair of clear eyes looked like that of a frightened and alarmed


“Elias Winters!”

“I’m here. What is it?”

She was on the verge of breaking down as she cried, “Please…. Let me go…. We are

divorced. We can’t do this…”

“But I want to. I can’t control myself.”

Amanda couldn’t help wondering just what she did to deserve being taken advantage of at

this pool party!

Meanwhile, Grace had been calling Elias for a long time, but none of her calls got through.

I know that he is at a party tonight. Still, he can’t possibly be so busy he can’t answer the

phone, right?

Although she had already collected hair samples from Elias and Aiden to run a paternity

test, she wasn’t sure if the hair she found in Elias’ room belonged to him. It would be

better for her to collect hair samples in person.

Because of that, she called him to ask him out.

She was going to give up when he did not take her calls. However, her call eventually got


There was a hint of pleasant surprise on her face as she greeted, “Elias! Are you still at the


However, no one answered her from the other end of the call. Instead, she heard a

conversation between a man and a woman.

She recognized the man’s voice as Elias’ immediately.

But the woman… It’s Amanda!

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Grace crumbled in that instant. Why are they together?

Hearing the conversation that followed only further broke her heart. “Elias!” she shouted

into the phone. “What are you doing? Why are you with Amanda? What the hell are the

two of you. doing?!”

But no matter how much she yelled, there was no response from the other end of the line.

Elias and Amanda seemed completely unaware that the call was connected.

What made Grace even more devastated were the intimate moans and breaths she heard

from the phone.

Her heart, which felt like it had dropped, was torn apart as she listened to the live

broadcast on the phone, and her tears flowed down her cheeks. Elias has never concerned

himself with how I feel, she concluded..

She finally decided she had heard enough.

The sounds stopped when she slammed her phone on the floor, shattering the screen.

However, she knew that the man and woman had not stopped whatever they were doing.

“Elias Winters, you promised to take responsibility for me. You promised my brother to

take care of me. How can you do this…”

Grace cried out in pain as the sat on the floor like a helpless child. Her hatred continued to

grow deeper

I’m going to make Amanda pay with her life? She needs to know the consequences of her

taking my man from

Grace was determined to make Amanda pay for the humiliation she had had to suffer


After the wiped away her tears, she went to the living room and picked up the hair

samples shë collected She had decided to send them to a paternity text orniter

If the child ended up being Elise she would make sure that the boy disappeared from this

world so that he would never have the chance to appear in front of Elas

“Don’t blame me for being a heartless b2uch Amanda Tcan’t live without Flixx.”

Grace tightly held the trand of hair the collected. She wanted nothing more than to know

the test results immediately