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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 An Unfortunate Coincidence, Running Into Elias. With Aiden

Elias returned to his desk and snubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray filled with cigarette


Suddenly, he laughed self-deprecatingly.

What has gotten into you, Winters? You two have been divorced for four years. Why does

it upset you so much that your ex-wife has gotten herself a boyfriend? Is it because

Nicholson looks absolutely unreliable? Yes, that must be it. Amanda used to be my wife, in

any case. I can’t just sit back and watch as she falls into a pit, can


Thinking back now, Elias was a bit impulsive at the dinner table. No doubt Amanda felt

humiliated when he revealed her abortion in front of Simon.

However, his jealousy and anger had taken over at the time, and his sanity was no longer

in check.

Ring! Ring!

It was his phone. He looked at the caller ID and found it was Grace. However, he didn’t

feel like answering it.

Even so, the ringtone continued blasting, urging him to pick it up.

Eventually, Elias answered it, impatience evident in his voice. “Shoot.”

“Are you still in the office, Elias? Are you not done with work yet?”

At that, he sat in the swivel chair with his long legs crossed on the desk. “Yeah, I have to

work. overtime tonight. I’ll be here for a while. You go to bed first.”

“Alright. I want to visit my brother at the cemetery tomorrow. You’ll go with me, won’t you?

It’s been a while since you last visited him too.”

Elias knew Grace was deliberately reminding him not to forget his promise, and he

massaged his forehead, saying. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Rest early.”

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“Alright. You don’t stay up too late, either. Try and take a nap when you can.”


After ending the call, he switched the phone off and chucked it onto the desk.

He had never forgotten, and would never forget, Yelan’s exhortation to him. However,

Grace’s constant reminders annoyed him.

The following day, Amanda went to the law firm right after dropping Aiden off at the

kindergarten. She got a call from Simon right as she arrived at her desk.

She had thought it was an emergency. Lo and behold…..

“What do you say to picking Aiden up after school and taking him to the amusement park

before having dinner?”

“We can do another day if you’re busy” Amanda chuckled helplessly. “I’m sure you’re still

getting over your jet lag as well. I should let you know entertaining the little brat is an

exhausting job-”

“I’d rather not break my promise,” Simon interjected. “Don’t think it’s no big deal just

because he’s a child. You’ll lose his trust over time, and it’ll be too late by the time you

want to make amends.”

Amanda suddenly felt ashamed for even she, Aiden’s biological mother, hadn’t regarded

the boy’s feelings.

“Yeah, you’re right. We’ll entertain him to his heart’s content, then.”

“I’ll let you get back to your work now. We’ll pick him up after school in the afternoon.”


After hanging up the phone, Amanda quickly focused on her work, wanting to finish the

day’s work as soon as possible so that she could spend the afternoon with her child

without any distractions.

Soon, it was time to get off work, and Amanda headed to the parking lot to get her car

after packing up, only for a black Maybach to pull up in front of her. The window rolled

down. revealing Simon’s face.

“Get in. We only need one car.”

She smiled and gladly obliged.

Half an hour later, Simon pulled up in front of the kindergarten, and the two went inside to

pick. up Aiden.

Immediately, Amanda found the boy trotting in her direction, and she couldn’t help

beaming in response as she crouched down with open arms to embrace her child.

Lo and behold, Aiden ran straight into Simon’s arms behind her, who easily picked him up.

Amanda’s smile froze as she stood up helplessly. “You heartless little rascal. You won’t

even spare me a glance. You only have eyes for Simon now,” she complained, patting

Aiden’s bottom gently.

“It’s because I haven’t seen Mr. Simon in a long time, but I see Mommy every day,” Aiden

said as he wrapped his arms around Simon’s neck, looking very much

Simon, on the other hand, commented with a smile, “You’ve grown taller and heavier since

I last saw you a month ago.”

“Of course. I’m a little man!” said the boy smugly as he threw his fist into the air.

“Good boy. Let’s head to the amusement park before we grab some good food. What do

you say?”

“Yay! You’re the best, Mr. Simon! Mommy, you have to come too! We’ll go together!” Aiden


Nothing but helplessness washed over Amanda right then. She could tell her son

genuinely liked Simon.

She wouldn’t be surprised Elias would be beside himself with rage if he found out.

Then again, he did erect a tombstone for his living son. Serves him right!

With that, the three of them played in the amusement park for two hours before getting


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They picked a table by the window and when the attendant brought over a high chair, a

certain. toddler refused to sit in it.

“Sweetie, please sit in the high chair. It’s safer for you.”

However, the boy continued to despise it. “Tm a big boy now, Mommy. I don’t want to sit

in that. Those are for babies.”

His words rendered Amanda speechless and she mused, Dear, you’re only three yourself.

How big do you think you are?

At that, she cajoled Aiden with a smile. “Look at how fun this chair is, Aiden. I promise

you’ll enjoy your food more if you sit in the high chair.”

“Mommy, I keep telling you not to talk to me like that. Do you know how childish you

sound?” Aiden grumbled as he gazed at his mother like she was an idiot.

Childish? I can’t believe my son just called me childish!

At that, she resisted the urge to beat the little rascal up and gave up making him sit in the

high chair. “Fine, whatever. Do what you like but I’m warning you, don’t cause any


“I know, Mommy. Stop nagging!” Aiden sat there like a little adult, studying the menu

carefully as if he could really read.

“Can you even read? Give it to Simon,” Amanda muttered and took the menu away from


“I’m beginning to learn!” Aiden retorted, pouting in exasperation.

Meanwhile. Simon chuckled at the interaction berween me and ann

Just then, a couple of ræviding diners came into the restaurant and Ananda gamed

inadvertende only to be tuned

Elies and Grace? This is bad? What now? I can’t possibly desde ander the table new 1

Panic overcame Amanda, and she turned to Simon, requesting. Can we eat elsewhere

Simon took a gander at the entrance and instantly understood why she looked so

panicked. “Sure”