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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26 Howard Set up a Blind Date for Amanda to Intentionally Provoke Elias

“Grandpa… You….” Howard’s behavior left Amanda at a loss for words, unsure of what to

do with him.

I really shouldn’t have left home today! Why has this grandfather-grandson duo decided to

screw with me today!!

On the contrary. Howard was in seventh heaven as he got up and led Amanda to the

dining table “Come, Amanda. You really are a sweet child,”

At that, the elder gazed disdainfully at his grandson and muttered, “Go on! Your business

is done here. Go back to whatever you were doing and don’t be an eyesore. Amanda and I

have something to discuss.”

Bewildered. Amanda looked to Elias, who was behind her. He then sat directly opposite her

with seething rage. “Why have you tricked us into coming here?”

“Correction, I only asked Amanda to come. You invited yourself. I already said it over the

phone, haven’t I? I want to set Amanda up with a fine young man,” Howard announced,

deliberately aggravating Elias and making the latter frown in response.

“You’re being ridiculous!” he snapped.

Someone’s getting feisty… Howard chuckled inwardly. He knew his grandson still cared

about Amanda; he was just unaware of it.

That said, Howard remained plain on the surface. “How is this ridiculous? I handed

Amanda to you a few years ago, thinking you were a decent, responsible man, but look at

what you’ve done to her! Look at how you bullied her! I’ve resigned to fate now. It’s fate

that you two can’t be together, and I won’t force it on you two anymore. Since you can’t

give Amanda the happiness she deserves, I’ll find her the man who can. It’s only then I

can be at ease.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

While Elias was rendered at a loss for words, Howard turned to Amanda. “I know you don’t

like him and have no intention of remarrying him. I won’t force you anymore, but I also

know you’re lying when you say you have a boyfriend. Do you think I can’t tell? That’s

why, my dear, I have to find you a good man you can rely on for the rest of your life.”

“Grandpa, I… It’s fine, really. I can look for one on my own. These things depend on fate.”

Amanda genuinely felt defeated. She couldn’t believe Howard did a one-eighty overnight.

How can the elder want to set me up on a blind date now when he was still doing

everything to have me and Elias remarry yesterday?!

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll just have a chat with him. If you think he’s not the one, we’ll

move on to the next one. I have many fine men here, and I promise we’ll eventually find

someone better than that rascal,” said Howard, not forgetting to roll his eyes at his


Meanwhile, Elias gazed silently at his grandfather with a tense expression, waiting to see

what the elder had up his sleeve.

Amanda, on the other hand, just wanted to escape this situation. “Grandpa, I’m kind of

busy lately. I don’t have the time-”

“He’ll be here soon,” Howard murmured. “Give him a chance, okay? I think this young man

is pretty decent. He’s outstanding in many ways.

At that, he turned to Elias. “What are you still sitting here for? Shoo! Don’t bother Amanda

on her blind date. Go back to whatever you were doing.”

“Do you think this is fun, Grandpa? Setting up a blind date for someone without their


Though Elias had nothing to do with Amanda anymore, he still felt inexplicably vexed to

see her on a blind date.

“What does it have to do with you?” Howard snorted disdainfully. “What? Do you still have

feelings for Amanda? Does it upset you to see her on a blind date?”


Then shut up and get out! Don’t interfere with our business!” Howard would like to see

how long Elias could remain obstinate.

Just then, the door opened, and a gentleman in a suit came in. No doubt he was the man

Howard had set Amanda up with.

“Sorry for being late, Old Mr. Winters.”

“Brooklyn, come, come!” Howard greeted the man with a smile. “You’re not late. We’re

just early. Let me introduce you to Amanda Bailey. She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? She’s a

lawyer too. I’m sure you two have a lot in common, seeing that you’re both lawyers.

Amanda was dumbfounded, unsure of how to react. Grandpa went to great lengths this

time. He even found a fellow attorney for this blind date!

“Amanda, this is Brooklyn Wrenn, a grandson of my friend. He’s one of the partners at a

law firm. and a pretty outstanding young man,” Howard mentioned while observing Elias’

expression. At that point, Elias was thunderous.

Elias scrutinized the man before him judgingly and came to a conclusion-unworthy. This

man is unworthy of Amanda.

Meanwhile, Amanda smiled awkwardly, then gazed toward Elias for help as though asking

him to do something about his grandfather.

Elias wanted to interject as well. However, given Howard’s current state, nothing he said

would get through to the elder.

Sometime later. Howard suddenly suggested, “Now that you two have gotten to know

each other, you should go out for a stroll and spend some alone time.”

“Grandpa… very well.” Amanda felt so awkward at this point that she wished she could

bury herself in a hole. Still, she obliged and just like that, she headed out of the private

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

room with Brooklyn.

Howard, on the other hand, sipped his tea leisurely while observing his dear grandson’s


Suddenly. Elias got up and got ready to leave.

“What do you think you’re doing? Sit down and don’t cause trouble!”

At that, Elias glanced over his shoulder and snarled, I’ll go be the chauffeur!”

As if I’ll let Amanda be alone with that man!

Amanda wanted to leave after following Brooklyn out. However, she couldn’t come up with

a good excuse.

Just then. Elias’ deep, alluring voice rang out from behind her. “Amanda, I’ll send you


Amanda’s eyes lit up at once and she turned to look at Elias, who pulled her behind him

and said to Brooklyn. “She already has a boyfriend. You’ve lost your chance.”

Then, he dragged Amanda toward his vehicle, leaving a shouting Brooklyn behind. “But

Old Mr. Winters asked me to come on a blind date!”

“And now, I’m asking you to go back,” Elias said without looking back.

Amanda was then shoved into the front passenger seat. Looks like this b*stard is as

overbearing as


With that, Elias ignited the engine and slammed on the gas, leaving the wretched place.

All this while, Howard continued to sip his tea leisurely.

“Sir, Mr. Elias forcefully took Miss Bailey away.” the bodyguard came in and reported,

causing Howard to guffaw. It seemed that he had foreseen the situation as he mumbled to

himself, “I knew he still has feelings for Amanda. He just doesn’t know it! This reverse

psychology trick will soon be effective.”

“You truly are amazing, Old Mr. Winters. The bodyguard was genuinely impressed. “You

still know Mr. Elias best.”

At that, Howard fiddled with the teacup in his hand smugly. “I watched that rascal grow up

before my eyes. As if I can’t tell what he thinks!”