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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18 I’m Angry! I’m Sad!

When Grace noticed the look of frustration on Elias’ face, she panicked a little. “Okay. I’ll

trust you! But… Wasn’t it hard for you to hold yourself back last night, Elias? How did you

control yourself?” Grace asked in a cautious tone. She didn’t want to make him angry. It

wasn’t that she didn’t trust him-it was simply that she couldn’t trust Amanda! That was

the perfect chance for Amanda to reconnect with Elias. Why would she give up on such a

good opportunity?

“I took a cold shower, Elias muttered flatly. Grace felt a lot more relieved after hearing his

explanation. She knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t bother to explain himself

if he had slept with Amanda-he would’ve just admitted to it instead. Elias wasn’t a man

who liked explaining himself, after all.

A smile surfaced on Grace’s face as she walked over to Elias. “Do you still feel the effects

of the drugs now, Elias? Do you feel better….?” she asked bashfully.

“Yeah.” Elias sat down on his office chair to prepare for work. He had a meeting with

higher management later that day. “If you need anything, I… I can help you feel better,

Elias. I’m your girlfriend, and I…” Grace was too shy to even look him in the eyes. Elias

had never once laid hands on her, and she couldn’t seem to get him to do it no matter

how hard she tried.

Up until then, Grace was still lying to him about the night of the celebration four years

ago. Would Elias still feel responsible for me if he found out that he didn’t sleep with me at

all that night? Grace was too afraid to imagine how Elias might react if he ever found out.

So, she knew that she had to sleep. with him before he found out about the truth.

Otherwise, she would be at risk of getting dumped. by him.

Grace’s fists were clenched as she waited anxiously for the man’s answer. Elias, who was

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signing some documents with a pen, halted his movements for a second. “There’s no need

for that. I’m fine.” An awkward silence filled the air after that.

A look of disappointment and shame appeared on Grace’s face. It was embarrassing

enough for a woman to be the one making such suggestions, and it was worse to be

rejected! In an attempt to deal with the awkwardness, Grace changed the topic. “Are you

busy this afternoon? Can you spend some time with me? I need you.”

Amanda hurried back to her house in Lotus Waterfront to find the nanny and her baby

having breakfast together. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the nanny had

stayed the night. “Why are you only home now, Miss Bailey? I nearly called the cops! The

baby was crying for you, and I didn’t want to leave him alone.” The nanny couldn’t help

but complain when she saw


Aiden’s big, round eyes lit up when he saw his mother, but he then turned his head away

grumpily. He didn’t want to look at her. Amanda gave them a helpless smile. I’m sorry. I

couldn’t come home last night as something came up. Thank you for staying around to

care for the baby. I’ll give you an extra allowance for it, she told the nanny.

“It’s not about the money. I was just worried about you! I’m glad you’re back. I guess I

should leave now-I have a bunch of things to do at home, too, the nanny uttered.

“Alright. Thank you for last night. Goodbye. After sending the nanny off, Amanda came

back to the dining table to find Aiden stuffing his face with breakfast. The young boy

hadn’t met her gaze since she came home, and it was obvious that he was angry at her.

Amanda couldn’t help but giggle when she saw her son’s chubby and smooth cheeks.

“Why won’t you look at me. Aiden?”

“Hmph!” The young boy grunted at his mother before he went back to eating his

breakfast. He didn’t want to speak to Amanda at all.

“Aiden? Are you really going to ignore Mommy?” Amanda tried her luck again. The child

was throwing a pretty bad tantrum as he was persistent in ignoring her. “Baby? Don’t

ignore me. Didn’t you say that you’d always forgive me?” Amanda knew that the boy had

every reason to be mad at her, yet she couldn’t help but feel amused at how adorable he

looked when he pouted. In the end, she couldn’t contain her laughter, and she chuckled

while pinching the young boy’s chubby cheeks.

Aiden responded with an impatient cry. “Hmph! I’m angry! I’m sad!”–

“What do I have to do to make you happy again? Should we go to the theme park later

today?” Amanda offered. Upon hearing her suggestion, Aiden’s round eyes sparkled with

interest, but he forced himself to put on a nonchalant look right after that. “You’re the one

who wants to bring me there. I don’t really fe

like going at all,” he mumbled.

Amanda burst into laughter. The young boy’s cuteness was simply irresistible. “Sure, sure.

I’m the one who’s forcing you to go to the theme park, right? For my sake, would you let

me bring you there?” she asked.

The young boy’s spirits lifted after that. “Let’s go right after I’m done with my meal!” He

grinned. excitedly.

“Alright. You should finish your meal now, then. I’ll go get changed,” Amanda replied.


Amanda spent a few hours under the hot sun, and she felt like her legs were about to give

way at any moment. She had brought Aiden to the theme park for some fun, but Aiden

made it his mission to try out every ride at least once. “Mommy’s going to use the

washroom for a while, Aiden. Can you stay here and wait for me?” Amanda uttered.

“Sure. Hurry up, Mommy. I’m hungry, and I want some food,” Aiden replied.

“I got it…” It was a nightmare to spend a day out with a young boy like Aiden-Amanda was

physically drained to the point where she felt like puking. Meanwhile, Grace happened to

be on the phone in the washroom. “Where are the reporters that you’ve hired? Are they all

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prepared and in their positions?” she asked.

“Don’t worry. They’re all in their spots, and they’ll upload the pictures after they snap

them later. I’ve contacted the other magazines and entertainment media as well,” the

person on the other end. of the call said.

“Great.” A cunning smile formed on Grace’s face after she ended the call. I want the rest

of the world to know who Elias is really dating! Unfortunately for Grace, Amanda

happened to walk into the washroom at that moment. Grace wiped the smile off her face

when she saw Amanda. “Amanda?“

“What are you doing here?” Amanda froze when she saw Grace. She hadn’t expected an

actress like Grace to show up at a public space like the theme park. When Grace recalled

how Amanda and Elias had shared one whole night together, she couldn’t help but feel

hatred toward Amanda. “Hmph! I bet you were disappointed last night, Miss Bailey. Elias

didn’t lay a finger on you even when you guys were in the same room. How embarrassing

is that? Do you think you’ll get to remarry Elias just by getting on Grandpa’s good side?

Elias doesn’t like you at all!” Grace cried.

Amanda stared at Grace as if Grace were an idiot. Amanda had no intentions of speaking

about what happened the night before, but she figured that she had no reason to hold

herself back since Grace was being so pushy. “How are you sure that he didn’t touch me?”

Amanda asked.

“Elias told me about it, of course! He didn’t touch you at all!” Grace was firm with her tone

as she had complete trust in Elias.

Amanda let out an icy scoff. “Do you believe everything that he says? We were locked up

together the whole night! The drug took effect later that night. Do you think he managed

to hold himself back?”

“What do you mean?! Elias would never lie to me. Stop trying to ruin our relationship!”

Grace cried. She felt as if her mind was about to explode at that moment. Just the thought

of Amanda and Elias messing around in bed gave Grace a mental breakdown.