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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 I Want to Tell You a Secret

Besides, this little brat is handsome. He’s sure to get girls when he’s older.



“Everyone has a dad when they are born, right?” Aiden blinked his huge eyes as if he was

asking a serious question.

Even though Amanda didn’t want to answer that question, she had to admit it. “Yes.”

“Then, where’s my dad? Do you have his picture, Mommy? Can I see?”

Amanda’s heart constricted as she looked at the anticipation on Aiden’s face.

“Why do you suddenly want to see your dad’s picture? Don’t you hate him?”

For some reason, Aiden had always hated his father. It might be due to her telling him that

his dad didn’t want them anymore.

Aiden jumped down from her embrace and said, “Today at kindergarten, the teacher told

us that everyone was born because Daddy loved Mommy. But Mommy said Daddy didn’t

want us anymore. If Daddy didn’t love Mommy, how did you give birth to me?”

Amanda was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Did Elias love her? At least he didn’t even when she was pregnant with Aiden.

“Baby, Daddy… he…” She wanted to explain but didn’t know how to.

Aiden stared at her and got impatient as she was hesitating for a long time. “Mommy, I

just want to see Daddy’s picture. Just let me take a look, please?”

“Then, can you tell Mommy why you must see his picture?” Aiden had never asked for

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this. This was out of the blue.

“Erm… because the teacher said I don’t look like Mommy. So, I probably look like Daddy. I

want to see what Daddy looks like to see if I look like him or not.”

His answer made Amanda fall silent once again. She was at a loss as to what to do. Could

she really let Aiden see Elias’ picture?

Aiden looked very much alike to Elias; it was as if he was replicated. But she didn’t want

Aiden to return to the Winters Family. So, there was no point in letting Aiden see Elias’


So, she lied, “Baby, I’m sorry. I don’t have your father’s picture. So, I can’t let you see it.”

Disappointment painted Aiden’s small face after he listened to her words. His bright eyes

lost their light as he pursed his lips. “Fine. I won’t see it.. Daddy doesn’t love us at all. He

didn’t even leave a picture behind. I hate him more!”

Then, Selina walked into the living room and called, “Aiden. Amanda. It’s time to eat.

Come over.”

Aiden pursed his lips as he stormed off into the dining hall but turned around to call for

Amanda after a few steps. “Mommy, let’s eat.”

Suddenly, Amanda’s heart ached even more as she looked at Aiden’s somber back. He

only wanted to see his father’s picture, yet she couldn’t fulfill such a simple request.

She got up and went to the dining hall. It felt like something was stuck in her throat as she

saw Aiden sitting obediently on the dining chair.

“What’s wrong? Why do you look so pale?” Selina served the last dish onto the table and

realized something was off with both Amanda and Aiden.

Amanda smiled and shook her head in response. “Let’s eat.”

After eating, Selina showered Aiden and put him to sleep while Amanda went to the

balcony for some fresh air..

Many things had happened this couple of days and her mind was in a whirlwind. The only

thought in her mind now was to prove her innocence. But how was she going to do that? It

was impossible.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Amanda took a look and saw that it was a call from Simon. I

didn’t go to the law firm today.

She composed herself and answered the call. “Hi, Simon.”

“Are you okay?” Simon didn’t ask why she didn’t go to the law firm or what happened.

“I’m alright…”

“You weren’t the one behind Grace Murphy’s incident, right? You’re not that dumb in my

eyes. You won’t do something like that no matter how much you hate her.”

Amanda laughed. “Of course, it wasn’t me. I will find the evidence to prove my


Simon on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds then said. “That

surveillance footage is the best evidence. You can’t find anything else reliable enough


The smile on Amanda’s face gradually disappeared. She knew that.

Then, Simon’s voice came through again. “If you’re willing, I can help you.”

“How?” Things were like a dead game in chess. How was he going to help her? She was

just asking for too much.

“Don’t worry about that. I have my ways. If I helped you prove the truth, can you promise

me one thing?

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Amanda looked up at the sky. She couldn’t figure out what Simon wanted. But she

desperately needed to clarify this incident before it dragged on as it would affect her.

“Okay. I’ll promise you if you help me find the truth.”

“Then, wait for my good news. Good night.”

After hanging up the phone, she fell into deep thought about what Simon would do.

On the other hand, Simon was sitting in the car downstairs. After getting Amanda’s

confirmation, he stepped on the gas and went to the hospital.

At the hospital, Simon hid a recording device on his body before walking toward the

inpatient department.

He walked to Grace’s ward and knocked before hearing her voice calling, “Come in.”

He pushed the door and entered. Grace was in a low mood because of her face. She had

not perked up once since she was hospitalized.

“Why are you here? To help Amanda? You want me to let her go?” Grace looked up to see

Simon and turned spiteful.

However, Simon acted very professionally and entered before sitting on a chair by the

side. “I’m here to talk and to see you.”

He placed the bouquet of fresh flowers in his arms on the side.

Grace just harrumphed, “I don’t need your fake kindness. You’re just here to talk for

Amanda. I’m telling you, don’t even think of trying to frame me or record anything. I know

you lawyers like doing that a lot. She destroyed my face. How dare she send you here?!”

Simon raised a brow. “You seem to know a lot about lawyers, Miss Murphy.”

“That’s because I’ve played a lawyer role and experienced what it’s like being one. What

else do you have to say? I know all your tricks, so don’t even think about it.” Grace only

wanted to be alone now. She didn’t want anyone to see her face.

Then, Simon cleared his throat before saying, “I actually wanted to tell you a secret.