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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 Just You Wait, Elias!

Elias let out a chortle. “What does a man need shame for? Achieving our goals is what’s


Amanda was thoroughly rendered speechless. Knowing that there was no way for her to

communicate with him nor was she bothered to waste her time with him, she decided to

hang up on him.

However, the man on the other end suddenly piped up, “If you don’t want to be my legal

advisor, come and reject the offer to my face or I’ll insist on my decision.”

“Just you wait, Elias!”

“What time are you coming over? I’m working overtime at the office, so I can wait a little

longer for you.”

“Wait until I’m free. It may even be midnight. If you can wait for me in the office until

midnight, I’ll definitely go over to see you.”

At that, Amanda immediately hung up. She didn’t believe for a second that Elias would

wait for her in the company until it was midnight, and she resumed her work after hanging


Sitting opposite her, Aiden blinked his large eyes at the sight of her fuming appearance.

“Mommy, who are you angry at?”

“I’m not angry. I’ll be done after you finish one more episode, and then we can go



Amanda couldn’t help but smile at his adorable voice. At the end of the day, only this

young boy was capable of drawing out a smile from her in an instant.

Hence, she had to keep him firmly by her side, and she would never give up his custody to

a deadbeat father like Elias. He didn’t deserve it! In fact, he could go back to a fake b*tch

like Grace all he wanted!

After finishing her work for the day, Amanda took Aiden back to Galaxy Bay. Then, she

made a simple meal and helped him take a shower once they were done with their meal.

By the time she coaxed him to bed, it was nearly 10.00PM.

Amanda headed downstairs to get a bottle of water to drink from the fridge, and it was

then that she heard a sound from the door, most likely signaling Selina’s return..

Twisting the cap open and taking two sips of water, she walked toward the living room and

called out, “Selina, you’re back-

However, before she could finish, she was met with the sight of Selina’s face covered in

wounds. She hurriedly strode over and asked, “What happened to your face? Did someone

hit you?”

She looked at Selina’s bruise-covered face and her swollen forehead, and it appeared as if

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

she had been abused by someone. Then, Amanda recalled that Selina had said that she

was married. Could it be a case of domestic violence?

Selina subconsciously covered the injuries on her face with her hands, wanting to return to

her room immediately. “It’s no big deal. I just bumped into something by accident. I’ll be

fine after I put some ice on it. You should go to sleep soon.”

Amanda tugged her hand downward and inspected her wounds. She was quite badly hurt,

and it seemed that the culprit was planning to end her life.

“Tell me, what exactly happened? Did you run into a robber on the way back, or is it…

domestic violence?” Despite her questioning tone, Amanda could tell at a glance that

Selina’s wounds were a result of domestic violence.

Upon hearing her final question, Selina couldn’t help but let out a wail and jumped into

Amanda’s arms. “Amanda, you’re the only one who brought up domestic violence with me.

They all | say! that it’s just a couple’s dispute, that it’s normal for a husband and wife to

fight and things will be fine soon, but I really can’t take it anymore…

“What kind of couple’s dispute would put you in this state? You can file a case with this!

Tell me what exactly happened. Don’t forget what I do for a living. I can help you!”

Amanda led her to the couch and sat her down so that she could give her a thorough

examination. She noticed that Selina’s body was covered in bruises as well, and it was

clear that it was a classic case of domestic violence. Not only that, she could tell that

Selina’s husband wasn’t planning to spare her life at all.

“Amanda, I wanted to stay there for a night, but I just couldn’t spend another second in

that place, so I came back… I don’t feel like saying anything now. Don’t ask.”

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to tell me anything right now. I’ll go get the first aid kit to

treat your injury. It looks quite serious.”

Then, she left to look for the first aid kit, only to realize that its contents were incomplete

as it hadn’t been long since she moved houses, so there was no way for her to treat

Selina’s wound.

“Wait here. I’ll go out and get some medicine. Aiden is sleeping upstairs, so help me take

care of him.”

With that, Amanda was just about to leave when Selina hurriedly shot to her feet and

stopped her. “You don’t have to. I’ll be fine in no time after I put some ice on it.”

“What do you mean, you’ll be fine? Look at how bad your injury is. This isn’t something

that can be solved with ice alone. It’s going to get inflamed. Wait for me at home.”

With a frown, Amanda turned around and left the house. She had always assumed that

Selina had

married a good man, but she never expected him to be someone who would hurt his wife,

and it disgusted her.

Amanda drove away from Galaxy Bay and had just started to look for a 24-hour pharmacy

when her phone began to ring.

The call was from Elias, but she immediately picked up and placed her phone to her ear

without taking a look. “Who is this?”

“How long are you planning to make me wait in the office?”

All of a sudden, Amanda remembered telling Elias that if he waited for her until it was

midnight, she would go to see him.

She probed tentatively. “Are you still in the office?”

If the president of Winters Enterprise was staying in his office at this hour, would the other

staff dare to leave work before him? The company must be brightly lit that night.

“So, you’re trying to back out of your promise?” His voice carried a trace of displeasure,

and it seemed that he was peeved.

Coincidentally, Amanda just so happened to be driving past Winters Enterprise, and the

building was brightly lit as she had expected. Did that mean that many innocent staff

members were forced to work overtime just because of something she said in passing? At

that thought, Amanda was instantly filled with guilt.

“Who said I’m going to back out? I’m already parking my car now. I’m coming up soon, so

wait for


Upon saying that, she ended the call, filled with guilt. She genuinely had not expected

Elias to have the patience to wait for her at the office for such a long time.

After parking her car, Amanda walked into the large building and took an elevator to the

19th floor, where she headed straight in the direction of Elias” office.

As she walked past the secretary department, she noticed that the secretaries were

yawning one after the other, each of them seeming listless. After all, how would they have

the nerve to get off work when Elias was still in his office?

When she arrived at the president’s office, Amanda knocked on the door, and a male voice

sounded from inside. “Come in.”

Hearing that, she pushed the door open and headed inside. The office was pitch-black,

with only a lonely beam of moonlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, as

well as the heavy stench of tobacco that lingered in the air.

Elias was sprawled on his office chair in a black button-down shirt, his tie loosely hanging


his collar, but his disheveled appearance did not take away his sultriness at all. In front of

him, an ashtray was piled full of cigarette butts. It seemed like he really had waited for an

extremely long time, and he only called her because he was growing impatient.

In an attempt to alleviate the tense atmosphere, Amanda coughed lightly. “Ahem…. I

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didn’t think you’d wait this long. It seems like you’re quite sincere about hiring me to be

your legal advisor.”

“So, are you going to take the job?” Elias’ striking features were further accentuated

under the moonlight, as perfect as a sculpture.

Amanda scoffed coldly. “I won’t! I already told you. I don’t want anything to do with you


The Lawyer’s Romance in

hares were unclear in the darkness, but anyone could clearly feet the air around him cot

the picked up another cigarette and placed it between his lips before lighting it the red

glow from the fame tickering in the air as a cloud of smoke swirled around the room

Amanda disliked the smell of cigarettes and couldn’t help but wave a hand before her man

The Cup Can you stop smoking? I hate it

Hejohed for a moment before putting the cigarette out in the ashtray. Then, he slowly got

to his Reet and walked out from behind the desk, coming to a stop before her. “Then, how

can I make you accept a

I will never accept it no matter what you do, but you can force me if you want. After all, I

can’t win over you, so I have no choice but to follow your orders obediently

Though the two seemed to be discussing work-related matters, there were many

underlying connotations behind their words

Ehas picked up a remote and pressed a button, and in the next second, all of the lights in

the office turned on. Having not adapted to the sudden brightness, Amanda placed a hand

over her eyes when she suddenly jolted upon seeing his handsome features in clear view

“I can force you, but I want you to be willing

He stared deeply into her clear eyes. It had been days since he last saw Amanda, and it

took all of his self-restraint to stop himself from pulling her into his embrace

She scoffed. “You’ve already slapped me back to my senses that day. There are no more

second chances between us anymore.”

Tim sorry. Does it still hurt?”

Elias raised his left arm, his slender fingers reaching out to caress her face. Because his

head was bursting with pain that day and he was extremely frustrated, he must have

failed to hold back his strength. It must be hurt….

However, Amanda slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me?”

He fell silent

“Don’t you think you’re being really phony? You clearly care more about Grace, so why are

you acting like a Casanova now? Elias, don’t tell me you want to keep two women by your

side. Do you think you’re a king choosing his concubines?”

Whenever Amanda recalled how Elias had lost his temper for Grace’s sake, she felt a wave

of anger surging within her

“Amanda! I’ve told you that I don’t like Grace, not one bit! I just owe her too much.

Besides, you