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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108 The Blind Date

The instant he yelled, Jennifer and Grace quieted down. Jennifer shot a look at Yacob,

ordering. “You go outside for a moment.”

Yacob nodded. With that, he stepped out of the ward and guarded the door.

Jennifer came in front of her son’s sickbed. After tucking him in, she began persuading him

earnestly, saying, “Elias, stop acting like a child already, will you? The Winterses are

depending on you, so it’s important to take care of your health, not only for yourself but

also for the whole Winters Family! Your dad’s already-

“Cut it out! Enough of it already!” Feeling thoroughly annoyed deep down, Elias was in no

mood to listen to those words anymore.

Tears sparkling in her eyes, Jennifer swallowed her grievance. “I’m going out to let Grace

keep you company for a while. Don’t let her down anymore. She’s been taking care of you

all this time- she said, only to be silenced mid-sentence again by the impatient look in the

man’s eyes. Without saying another word, she turned around and left the ward.

Grace had already had the gauze removed from her face. The doctor said her wound

needed to breathe to heal better, but this made the gash left by the fruit knife all the more

conspicuous, which was too much for any woman to cope with As her tears slowly ran past

the scar..

Elias frowned in displeasure. “What are you crying for?! Do you not want your face



Grace hurriedly wiped her tears away, saying. “Elias, I don’t know what happened, but I

know must’ve gone to Amanda for what happened to me. Please. I’m begging you, don’t

go to her anymore. I’m really scared. She’s already insane, and I don’t want to lose you. It

really freaked me out to see you coughing up blood last time. Despite her concern for

Elias’ well-being, she was happy that he and Amanda had finally broken up for good.

“She said she didn’t gash your face,” replied Elias in a grim voice devoid of emotion.

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Upon hearing this, Grace was startled for a moment. What does that mean? Does that

mean he’s still going to believe Amanda’s words? She protested with a look of disbelief,

“What do you mean by that, Elias? Are you suspecting me? Would I hurt myself like this?

Do you think I’m insane? I work in the entertainment industry for a living! How am I gonna

work in showbiz with a face like this?!”

Elias didn’t say a word. He simply didn’t want to believe this was Amanda’s doing; he

couldn’t help feeling that she wasn’t such a wicked woman.

Tears instantly sprang to Grace’s eyes. “Elias Winters! I know you neither love nor care a

damn about me, but you shouldn’t think of me that way either! Do you think I’m smearing

Amanda? Would I pay the price of having my face disfigured just to sling mud at her?

That’s so insulting of you!” she wept. With that, she turned around and ran out of the ward

in tears, leaving Elias to lie alone on his sickbed in an endless silence.


Chapter 108 The Blind Date

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He let out a self-deprecating sneer. Yeah, she’s right. Would any woman want to pay the

price of having her face disfigured just to smear someone? Moreover, Grace is a celebrity.

In the evening, Amanda arrived at the dating agency as she had promised. This was an

upper- class dating agency; not only did it rigorously fact-check the profiles of the blind

dates of their clients, but it also provided a venue for dates.

She came to a private room on the third floor. When she came in, her blind date had

already arrived. She only asked for a cup of coffee and sat down across from him.

She eyed the man in front of her. Her first impression of him was pretty good; he looked

gentle and refined in a suit and tie. From what she had read in his profile, he seemed to be

in the field of finance and was divorced with kids, which made him quite compatible with

her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Amanda Bailey. I’m sure you’ve read my profile, so I’m not

going to introduce myself.” She extended her hand.

The man reached out and shook her hand gently. “Nice to meet you, Miss Bailey. I’m

Nathan Abney, and I’ve read through your profile. You’re a remarkable woman.”

“Thank you.” Amanda thanked the man awkwardly. This was the first time she ever went

on a blind date, and for some reason, she thought something was strange about it. The

man before her was pretty good, but she didn’t feel anything about him, nor did she feel

any desire to spend the rest of her life with him. She had never had a blind date before, so

she didn’t know if blind dates were all like this and if they were supposed to bond over


After chatting with her for over half an hour at the dating agency, Nathan suggested that

they go out to dinner. At first, she was going to refuse, but then, she decided to have a go

at it, recalling how much her son yearned for a father’s love.

As a result, she ended up having dinner with the man. They had a fairly pleasant

conversation, but it felt awkward and distant. In the end, Nathan suggested. “It’s getting

late, Miss Bailey. Where do you live? Let me give you a ride home.”

“No, it’s not necessary. I drove here, so I’ll just drive home by myself. I suppose you also

drove here, Mr. Abney?” said Amanda.

Nathan nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“In that case, let’s drive home separately. We have kids waiting for us at home, after all.”

“Okay, let’s stay in touch on WhatsApp, then.”

With that, they drove home separately.

After getting back in her car, Amanda instantly heaved a sigh of relief. Blind dates really

aren’t for ordinary people. It’s so formal and suffocating. It was Selina who had suggested

that she go on a blind


Chapter 108 The Blind Date

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date, saying this was the fastest way for her to get into a relationship. After all, she was

only looking for a good father for Aiden. She had agreed to it for some reason that she

couldn’t fathom, but now that she had really gone on a blind date, she thought it wasn’t

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what she had thought it to be. Can a marriage really be this casual?

When she returned to the villa in Galaxy Bay, Selina had coaxed Aiden to sleep and was

watching TV in the living room while waiting for her to come home. Seeing her come in

through the door, she couldn’t help but ask inquisitively. “So, how did it go? Did it work?

Did you hit it off with the guy?”

Amanda broke into a helpless smile. After changing into her slippers, she slumped onto

the couch with a sigh. “How should I put it? It didn’t really work, but it’s not otherwise

either. Perhaps that’s the way blind dates are. Maybe we need to take time to get along?”

“Sounds like you’ve got no feelings for him. It’s okay, just go on to the next one. Men are

plenty. anyway.” Selina said to comfort her.

Amanda replied with a shrug. There’s nothing wrong with this guy, but I can’t help feeling

that he doesn’t seem like the one whom I can spend the rest of my life with.” The man

didn’t give her a sense of belonging, so she couldn’t help but think that he was a stranger.

Back when she first laid- eyes on Elias, she had been hit by a feeling of déjà vu. For some

reason, she felt very close to the man, as though she had met him in their previous lives.

Is that what’s called a heart-fluttering moment? Well, perhaps now that I’ve been through

a lot, I don’t have that kind of feeling anymore, which is why I feel so dull.

“Which means there’s no chemistry between you two. Just go for the next one, then.

There’s no hurry, anyway. By the way, have you eaten? Would you like me to fix some

supper for you? I’ll go make some pasta for you, Selina said while getting up to go to the


Amanda was just about to stop her, but her phone rang before she could do so. She

glanced at the caller ID, which was a phone number she didn’t know. Who is this? Don’t

tell me it’s Elias again? She answered the phone, upon which Yacob’s anxious voice rang.

“Miss Bailey, did Mr. Winters go to see you? He’s gone missing from the hospital again,

and we’re going around looking for him.”

Huh? He’s gone missing again?



The Lawyer’s Romance in…

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