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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 10
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Chapter 10 Come At Me With Your Grievances

Outside the emergency room at the hospital, Amanda waited by the bench on the side.

Suddenly, a series of rushed footsteps echoed in the hallway, prompting her to look up

and see Elias approaching her. He had a gloomy expression and barked, “What did you do

to her? She has a heart condition!” Huh. Such unconditional trust for Grace. He doesn’t

even know the whole truth, and he’s already accusing me of provoking her. “Why don’t

you ask why your girlfriend would come to my office and cause such a commotion during

working hours?!” She had had enough and was fed up with these two, but Grace just had

to show up at her doorstep! At that moment, the ER door opened, emerging a doctor who

asked, “Family of Grace Murphy?” Elias went forward. “How is she?” “She has congenital

heart disease and might’ve been triggered, causing her emotion to surge and eventually

faint. I’ll keep her for two nights and observe her situation. Remember, do not trigger her

again.” Once the doctor left, Elias furiously turned to glare at Amanda. “What else do you

have to say? What exactly did you put her through?” “You can ask your lover once she

wakes up.” She turned and was ready to leave. Moreover, how could she have known that

Grace had a heart condition? Why come to my law firm stirring up trouble if her heart

can’t take it? “Ahh—” Just as she turned around, she was tugged back and pressed onto

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the cold wall. The man’s long fingers pinched her chin while he screamed, “You can come

at me with your grievances, but don’t provoke Grace! Her condition can’t handle it!” When

her body slammed into the wall, she felt immense pain in her back. “Elias, how dare you

accuse me of provoking her when you don’t even know what happened? Let me reiterate

that she was the one who appeared at my office. I’m not the one harassing her!” “What

was she there for?” He stared into her eyes while questioning. “To shove money in my

face so that I’ll stay away from you! Do you think I was provoking her now? Be a man to

your woman so that she’ll stop interrupting my work!” She pushed him away and stormed

out of the hospital. The solemn man sent a heavy punch into the wall. … Inside the VIP

ward, when Grace opened her eyes, she saw Elias’ back while he stood before the French

window. Smiling, she called out to him weakly, “Elias…” When he heard that, he turned

around and approached the bed. “Amanda and I are divorced, so you have no reason to

confront her.” She was taken aback. “Elias… I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?” He seemed

displeased. “What do you think? Don’t you know about your condition better than

anyone?” “I just don’t want you to contact each other anymore, but Amanda said she

wants to get back with you and pester you. She wants to break us up. That’s why I was so

worked up…” “That’s impossible,” Elias denied. Grace was shocked because she

discovered that he had subconsciously believed in Amanda over her. She struggled to get

up and acted like she was looking for something but was too weak to do so. Pushing her

shoulders down, he asked, “What are you trying to do?” “Do you think I’m lying? I have a

recording as proof! Amanda said those words herself and vowed to use Old Mr. Winters to

accomplish her goal of getting back with you!” She grabbed her bag and took out her

phone before playing the recording. She had expected Amanda’s reluctance to take the

money and disappear, so she recorded their conversation in advance. With a skeptical

attitude, Elias watched as she played the recording of their conversation, especially the

part where Amanda said, “So what if I am? If I win his heart, I can still get the extremely

wealthy Winters Family. Why would I be interested in that 1.5 million you’re offering? Take

your card and scram! Elias can pamper you all he wants, but I have no obligation to spoil

you!” His expression altered slightly as he frowned in displeasure. Then, she embellished

the matter. “Did you hear that? That’s what Amanda said! I wasn’t telling lies!” Without

saying anything, the man frowned deeply, lost in thought. Did Amanda return to remarry

me and get back her place as Mrs. Winters? … Back at Lotus Waterfront, Amanda returned

home after a busy day but could not find her son anywhere in the room. When the nanny

saw her, she greeted Amanda. “Miss Bailey, I’ll get going since you’re home.” “Where’s

Aiden? Why don’t I see him anywhere?” “Aiden is in his room, making a call, and he

doesn’t want me to listen. Your child is so adorable. He’s like a little adult,” the nanny

commented happily. Amanda could not hold back her smile either because her son indeed

liked pretending to be a grownup. When she approached Aiden’s room, she heard his cute

voice saying, “Uncle Simon, I missed you!” Uncle Simon? Is that little brat on the phone

with my boss? Pushing the door open, Amanda saw Aiden, hiding in the corner with the

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phone, suddenly spring to his feet and quickly dash toward the balcony with his phone.

While running, he yelled, “Mommy, don’t take away my phone. I wanna talk to Uncle

Simon!” She was rendered speechless as she wanted to stop Aiden from disturbing

Simon’s time. It was already tiring for him to work the whole day and still have to make

time to chat with the little brat. Since the phone was on loudspeaker, they heard a man’s

gentle and low chuckle. “Aiden, be good and give your mommy the phone. I need to speak

with her.” The child pouted and muttered, “Alright. To let you and Mommy bond, I’ll put up

with it just this once.” Boy, what? Is it just me, or my baby knows a little too much? Aiden

proffered Amanda the phone. “Here, Mommy. Uncle Simon wants to talk to you.” She felt

resigned and placed the phone to her ear. “Mr. Nicholson.” “Your son calls me ‘Uncle

Simon,’ but you call me ‘Mr. Nicholson.’ Do we have to be so estranged?” The man’s voice

from the other end was attractively gentle. She smiled. “Aiden’s young and insensible.

Don’t mind him. He just dreams to have a father figure in his life.” Sometimes, she felt

sorry for her baby, always having to admire other children for having fathers. A low

chuckle came from the speaker. “I think Aiden’s quite sensible. He knows you’re having a

hard time caring for him, so he wants to get a father to help you.” When the man

described it that way, Amanda felt warm and inexplicably touched. That brat is indeed

obedient, but sometimes he’s a pain in the butt. “You’re right. My son is quite sensible.”

She chuckled. “How are you coping over there? I still have two months of work here. You

can ask me for anything.” Simon was the real boss behind Justice & Associates. Moreover,

she was content enough to be able to join the country’s top law firm right after returning,

so she could not ask for anything more.