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The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 529 - 529
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529 “Then you would be single for life.”

“You can’t make up for two decades in one day you know?” said Zi Xingxi and Yeoh Jun sat the plate down while kissing his wife’s cheek.

“I know but he will get married soon and won’t have time for this old man,” he said and Zi Feiji interjected saying,

“Now you know how I felt. You even abducted her without my knowledge. At least Yi Chen didn’t get him pregnant. How about you?”

“It’s not that he didn’t get him pregnant it’s that he can’t get him pregnant. If he could have kids he would have two by now,” said Zi Xingxi and the sounds of falling cutlery filled the room.

The two men looked at her and she froze with the rim of her mug at the tip of her lips. “What? I am just saying,” said Zi Xingxi waving them off.

Yeoh Jun ruffled his hair a little flustered. It was fine when not mentioned but now that it was, he couldn’t help but feel slight annoyance. Don’t get him wrong, he was very happy with his in law but his protective instincts would kick in unexpectedly.

He didn’t want his baby boy to be wronged that’s why he was pushing for marriage. Put them under lock and key and Yi Chen won’t be able to nibble and run.

“Old Zi, how many times should I apologise till you forgive me?” asked Yeoh Jun and Zi Feiji snorted.

It was then the door slid open and the two people they had been waiting for rushed in holding hands.

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Yeoh Jun beckoned Yi Chen over, “Come sit by me.”

Zi Han, “...”

Yi Chen looked at Zi Han and Zi Han could only lead him there. Why did he feel like these three were going to monopolise his man like they did his little nimsel?

“Where is my baby?” asked Zi Han as they sat in between Zi Feiji and Yeoh Jun.

Zi Feiji who was feeding the little Nimsel fruit said, “Here. He doesn’t even recognise you anymore. He prefers grandpa. Don’t you little cutie, don’t you?” The little Nimsel made subsequent wee sounds like it was happy having its chin scratched.

Zi Han, “...”

“Now that you have a husband, you even forgot you have a mother,” said Zi Xingxi before taking a sip of her black coffee.

Zi Han felt bad thus he got up and hugged his mother who was refusing. “No, I don’t want it anymore,” she said with a teasing smile and Zi Han hugged her tightly clinging to her like a tick.

“Don’t be mad ma. You know I love you,” he said and Zi Xingxi ruffled his hair before letting him go.

Zi Han sat back down with his eyes fixed on the food. He was so hungry, especially after what they were up to last night that he didn’t notice his father glancing at the somewhat visible hickey on Yi Chen’s neck.

He tilted his head to take a closer look at his son and sure enough, there was a bright hickey on his neck too.

He wanted to say something but he found that this place wasn’t appropriate to talk about this. He wasn’t certain if his wife had had this conversation with his son. It was his responsibility to talk to him as a father.

In fact, he was right. The only conversation on the birds and the bees Zi Han had had was basically Zi Xingxi telling him to stay away from girls and not get anyone pregnant. The conversation was vague and her son did listen. He did stay away from girls and got a boyfriend instead.

“Here have some of this,” said Yeoh Jun as he placed a steamed bun in front of Yi Chen.

Yi Chen thanked him politely looking like a well-behaved son in law but his hands were the opposite of well-behaved. Underneath the table, he was rubbing Zi Han’s thigh making Zi Han a little flustered though he acted natural on the surface.

Zi Han glanced at him and found Yi Chen placing a half eaten steam bun in his bowl. He suppressed a smile as he happily ate it.

Yeoh Jun, “...”

Who would have thought that one day he would be blinded by these two showing affection so openly? He also forgot that he was the one blinding everyone and even planned to blind the entire federation very soon that is in a couple of hours or so.

“When are you going back to take on your duties as the Marshal?” asked Zi Feiji and Yi Chen who hadn’t even thought about it was slightly at a loss.

“Grandpa, I just got him back so, of course, he won’t be going back anytime soon,” replied Zi Han while placing his leg over Yi Chen’s. Because he was wearing shorts Yi Chen had access to his skin and could touch it to his heart’s content.

“I am just asking. He needs to bring his house in order and show his face in public. People are still accusing Han Han maliciously,” said Zi Feiji and Yi Chen’s brows furrowed.

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When he regained his memories all he thought of was being with Zi Han so he didn’t know that something big was happening.

“I will take care of it,” he suddenly said and Zi Feiji nodded his head seeming satisfied with this response.

“I will be addressing the federation later today. You don’t have to be present. Your father will stand in for you,” said Yeoh Jun and Yi Chen nodded his head.

Yeoh Jun’s brow twitched studying the two. His son was naturally talkative but his son in law was how can he say? A bit introverted. He barely said a word ever since he sat down and when he met him he gave him the impression that he spoke a lot that is until he realised he only spoke a lot when talking to Zi Han. How interesting.

“Mm... that reminds me of something I have to do,” said Zi Han before taking a big bite of the steamed bun.

Yi Chen turned to look at him but Zi Han picked up a plum from the big fruit bowl at the centre of the table and got up.

“Where are you going?” asked Zi Xingxi and Zi Han looked at Yi Chen with an all-telling smile.

“Keep him company and play nice,” he said before turning to leave.

“Weeeee weeee,” cried the little nim nim calling to papa to wait for it but Zi Han turned around and scolded,

“Stay. Now that you are full you remember you have a dad. Stay with your father over there,” before leaving.

Everyone, “...”

“Where is he going?” asked Zi Feiji while handing the child to the father.

“He is going to hide my ring,” answered Yi Chen.

The room fell into silence for a while with the three elders wondering what sort of games these young people were playing. It was Yeoh Jun who laughed first while saying, “Why didn’t I think of that? I should have hidden yours.”

Zi Xingxi shoved the omelette in his mouth and said, “Then you would be single for life.”