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The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 126
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126 I will go after him

The other half of the tongue coiled around Zi Han’s ankle loosen before it fell to the ground. Zi Han raised his head to find who helped him but soon he heard his mother’s voice transmitting into his mech.

“You really think yourself a rebel now, ha! I told you to stay at home yet you appeared here and now you are even putting yourself in danger. Do you still see me as your mother?” said Zi Xingxi with a trace of anger in her voice.

Zi Han didn’t know what to say. Would his mother even accept his apology at this moment? He had serious doubts about that.

The sound of laser bullets tearing through flesh brought him out of his trance. His mother had grabbed hold of an automatic chaingun and emptied an entire magazine on the creature. Zi Han suddenly felt a little frightened. Somehow he was imagining himself being the beast having its body torn to shreds by those bullets.

As the beast came tumbling down like chopped timber Zi Han used his mental power to summon his sword from the beast’s back. Just as he grasped the hilt with his mech something small crawled out from within the beast. Zi Han couldn’t understand what it was but whatever it was it couldn’t be allowed to leave this perimeter.

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On impulse, he flew over in pursuit. As he blew by his mother he vaguely heard her reprimand him. Because he was afraid that thing would disappear and no one would be able to find it he carried on with his chase.

Zi Xingxi wanted to drop everything and go after her son but Chronos was suddenly restrained by several appendages pulling it back. It was as though they were trying to prevent her from going after Zi Han. Secretary K’s mech began to attack the tentacles restraining Chronos but Zi Xingxi wasn’t having it.

“Go after him!” she ordered her voice laced with worry. She was doing all of this for her son and if anything happened to him then there would be nothing else to live for. Secretary K hesitated and in his moment of reticence Yi Chen passed by and said,

“I will go after him,” before following after Zi Han.


Zi Xingxi clenched her jaw wanting to say something but before she could do that Yi Chen was gone. Secretary K’s mech froze before he forced himself to call out, “Ma’am should.....”

“No, get me out of this,” she said but the calmness in her voice terrified the poor secretary. It was the kind of serene calmness before a storm.

On the other hand, Zi Han pursued the creature to the edge of Capital star’s affluent neighborhood. The environment took a drastic change the moment he crossed through those boundaries. The buildings were more functional than artistic and the streets were narrow. Despite it being the middle of the day there was barely any sun due to the high-rise buildings stacked on top of each other like blocks. What he should have realized by now was that he was being isolated but he hadn’t thought of it because he had nothing this unintelligent being would want.

A few minutes later he finally realized that he was wrong on both fronts. Zi Han watched the creature disappear into a dark alley and because the space was too small for a mech he reduced his size and drew out a light machine gun.

With cautious steps, he entered the alley. The place was eerie dark with water puddles on the ground from the leaking pipes above. He tapped his light brain attempting to send his location to his mother but his screen suddenly glitched several times before turning dark.

Zi Han’s brow creased seeing this. A slight suspicion arose in his heart but before he could think it through a trash can ahead was suddenly knocked down and all its contents spilled to the ground.

Nervous he pointed his weapon at the area with his weapon-mounted lights shedding light into the alley. After scanning around Zi Han saw nothing. There weren’t even any signs of life. He took a few steps forward and kicked the trash with his mech but after searching around there was nothing.

He decided to leave first and regroup with his mother. Having made that decision ge heaved a deep sigh. As his warm breath escaped his lips it suddenly turned into a white fog like the weather had suddenly turned cold.

No matter how one looked at it it was impossible. Even if the high-rise buildings and clouds were blocking the sun it wouldn’t be this cold. Zi Han took a step back feeling a presence behind him.

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A sharp tingle ran down his spine as his muscles stiffened. With a light exhale he raised his eyes looking forward while calculating the probability of success.

Drip... drip... drip.

The light sound of drops of water leaking from the pipes onto the puddles on the ground became even more amplified as time froze in that instant.

Zi Han knew he had to act now. He couldn’t stay in the alley forever so after bolstering his courage he gripped the light machine gun with his fingers lightly pressing the trigger.

His forehead covered in a layer of cold sweat he exhaled deeply before spinning around and opening fire. Ten shots rang in the dark alley with several bright flashes but none of his bullets reached his target.

A humanoid-like creature with eyes as black as the inky darkness was stretching out its hand with the bullets striking a shield before freezing mid-air. A dark shadow was cast on half its face giving off an eerie feeling.

Zi Han’s chest tightened as he took a step back but he lost control of his mech meaning he could no longer fire his weapon. Slightly panicked he tried to disengage from his mech and fight hand to hand but he found that he couldn’t.

As the clanging sounds of bullets falling onto the ground filled the silent alley Zi Han hit the emergency disengage button on the screen several times but it was of no use.

He had to admit that at this moment he was a little frightened. The humanoid creature stretched out its hand and as its finger touch his mech it disengaged automatically leaving behind a vulnerable Zi Han frozen in place. He could no longer move his limbs.

The humanoid creature leaned forward as its cold breath brushed against Zi Han the youth suddenly had a terrible premonition. He watched on as the long fingernails reached into his clothes and take out his father’s pendant, the pendant his mother instructed him never to remove.

This was the only thing his father left for him and Zi Han would never let this filthy beast take it away so he began to fight back to regain control of his body.