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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 916-920
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 916

It’s like a few people rushing to pay after dinner.

Everyone is rushing to pay, but not everyone really wants to pay.

It is very possible that everyone just wants to be polite, because if you are not polite, it seems that you

are not sensible.

Therefore, there are often people at the hotel bar asking who pays the bill, and you come and go all the


Charlie Wade saw many such people, but he admired Paul’s witty, decisive, and straightforward people.

Since he has said something, he will absolutely stop talking nonsense, and send himself away directly.

This is the way of communication between smart people.

Afterwards, Paul took Charlie Wade all the way out of the company and came to the elevator door.

He took the initiative to press the elevator button for Charlie Wade, and then an elevator came up from

the first floor and stopped on this floor.

As soon as the elevator stopped, Paul hurriedly made a please gesture.

Just about to speak to Charlie Wade, at this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened, and a super

beauty with a glamorous and tall figure, wearing a small suit on the upper body and a skirt with a covered

hip suddenly appeared in the elevator.

The beauty is glamorous and moving, but at the same time there is no lack of glamorous and sexy. It can

be described as the best of the best, so that all men are excited.

Paul looked at each other in surprise and exclaimed: “Miss Moore, why are you here?”

The beauty was about to speak when she suddenly saw Charlie Wade next to Paul, her cold and pretty

face suddenly seemed to be bathed in the spring breeze, with a cheerful smile of the little girl, she said in

surprise: “Master Wade, why are you here?”

Charlie Wade looked up and found out that the person in the elevator turned out to be Jasmine, the

eldest of the Moore family. She was also accompanied by several bodyguards, each holding a beautiful

flower basket.

Jasmine didn’t expect to meet her sweetheart Charlie Wade here, and she was naturally very happy in

her heart.

Charlie Wade felt a little surprised to see her here, and said with a smile: “I will help my friend take a look

at his Feng Shui here.”

After all, he thought that Paul had recognized Jasmine just now, so he guessed that the two of them

must know each other.

Jasmine smiled and said, “It seems that Master Wade, you also know Mr. Paul. I came here because my

grandpa asked me to help him and gave Mr. Paul some flower baskets to congratulate him on the

opening of his company.”

After speaking, she realized that she hadn’t greeted Paul, so she said with some embarrassment: “Mr.

Paul, it’s been a long time.”

Paul is a smart man, and the most contacted suspects in his work as a lawyer, so he has a very strong

ability to interpret people’s eyes and expressions.

FBI in the United States once offered a course on interpreting facial expressions.

This is mainly to teach the case handlers how to use the subtle expressions and eye changes of the

suspect to guess whether the other party is lying.

This is a very high-end psychology category, but it is also a compulsory course for every judicial officer.

Paul studied law in the United States for many years, and also became a lawyer, coupled with his

childhood family edification, so that he has a unique talent in this area.

Therefore, from Jasmine’s look at Charlie Wade’s expression and eyes, he could tell that Jasmine liked

Charlie Wade.

While admiring Charlie Wade, he was able to attract such a stunning beauty as Jasmine, and he couldn’t

help but sigh. It seems that Charlie Wade is really extraordinary, and even the eldest lady of the Moore

family has a deep love for him.

More importantly, Charlie Wade is a married person. The Moore family’s eldest lady would actually like a

married man. This is simply explosive news!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 917

At this time, the graceful Jasmine walked out of the elevator.

Although she came to give Paul a flower basket, her eyes were always on Charlie Wade’s body.

Every time I saw Charlie Wade, Jasmine felt very happy, as if she had returned to the age when she was

18 years old.

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In fact, an eldest lady like her matured earlier than most people, got in touch with the human world

earlier, and learned to put on a mask earlier.

But after seeing Charlie Wade, after falling in love with Charlie Wade, Jasmine’s ability to put a mask on

herself failed in front of him.

She looked at Charlie Wade with admiration and admiration in her eyes, and she answered shyly:

“Master Wade, how did you and Mr. Paul know each other? Mr. Paul should have just arrived in China

not long ago?”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “My father-in-law and Mr. Paul’s mother are college classmates,

so they met each other.”

Jasmine was surprised and said: “Oh, how could it be such a coincidence!”

Paul on the side smiled and said, “It’s such a coincidence. I didn’t expect that, Miss Moore, you also

know Master Wade.”

Jasmine took a deep look at Charlie Wade and said to Paul: “Master Wade can be regarded as my

savior. Do you remember one time when our export goods arrived in the United States, they were

immediately said to be unqualified, but Do you want to sue us and make us bear huge compensation?”

Paul immediately nodded and said: “Of course I remember that time you asked me to rush from the east

coast of the United States to the west coast of the United States to help you resolve this dispute, but the

problem has been resolved before I reach the west coast.”

Jasmine said with lingering fear: “I accidentally broke the Feng Shui at home that time. Not only did the

business suffer, but I also had many problems with it.

I even had frequent driving problems and accidents.” With that, Jasmine raised her wrist to reveal the

bracelet her mother had left her, and said with emotion: “At that time, this bracelet was already lost. If it

weren’t for Master Wade, I wouldn’t be able to find it back.”

Paul exclaimed: “It turns out that the great Feng Shui master you told me was Master Wade!” Jasmine

nodded and said, “Yes, it’s Master Wade.” Paul’s eyes looking at Charlie Wade are already full of worship

and admiration! He blurted out: “Master Wade, I really didn’t expect that you are the Feng Shui master

who has always been praised by Miss Moore!”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently, waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing more than a little bit of bugging

skills, not worth mentioning.” Paul hurriedly said: “Master Wade, you are really too modest. If you hadn’t

pointed it out just now, my Feng Shui bureau might have a big problem. I’m so grateful!”

Although Charlie Wade was very humble, Paul didn’t think so. He already had some respect for Charlie

Wade in his heart. Moreover, even the eldest lady of the Moore family praised Charlie Wade for being

more natural, not to mention Charlie Wade.

At this moment, Charlie Wade said, “I still have something to do, so let’s talk about it first, and I will leave

first.” Jasmine hurriedly asked: “Master Wade, where are you going? Have you driven yet? If you didn’t

drive, I will see you off!” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Don’t you need to retell the past with Paul?”

Jasmine hurriedly said: “Paul and I are old acquaintances. From now on, he will develop in Aurouss Hilll.

We have time to relive the past. If you don’t drive today, please let me see you off!” Seeing this, Paul

knew that Jasmine not only liked Charlie Wade, but also put Charlie Wade in a very, very important

position in her heart.

At this time, he said in a hurry, “Miss Moore, thank you for the flower baskets you gave, and thank you,

Lord Mooore, for helping me. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely come to visit you next time.

deal with.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 918

Jasmine glanced at Paul gratefully, and said to him, “That’s fine, since you have something to do, then I

won’t bother you much, let’s get together again!” Paul is indeed very high in EQ, and also very high in IQ.

He can see that Jasmine’s mind is all on Charlie Wade, so she proposed to send Charlie Wade to him. In

that case, why not push the boat along the way and help her. ?

So Jasmine said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, I’ll give it to you!” Charlie Wade nodded and said with a

smile: “Well then, I will trouble you.” Jasmine smiled shyly, and said seriously: “Master Wade, don’t be so

polite with me.”

…… Jasmine left her bodyguard to carry the flower baskets to Paul. She pressed the elevator, reached

out to block the elevator door, and said to Charlie Wade, “Master Wade, please!” Charlie Wade nodded

slightly, stepped into the elevator first, and Jasmine followed in.

The elevator door closed, and the faint and advanced fragrance of Jasmine’s body slowly penetrated

Charlie Wade’s nostrils. I have to say that Jasmine’s taste is very high, the perfume on her body is light

and long. Not only makes people feel very comfortable and refreshing, but it also smells not vulgar, and

even makes people obsessive and addictive.

Standing with her, Charlie Wade even had some contemplation in his heart. It is undeniable that Jasmine

is indeed very beautiful, with a very noble temperament, and more importantly, this woman is too gentle

when she is in front of her, and she can’t see the air of Missy.

The two left the Gemdale Building together, and Jasmine personally opened the door of her Rolls-Royce

and asked Charlie Wade to sit in. After getting in the car, Jasmine respectfully asked Charlie Wade next

to him: “Master Wade, where are you going, I will see you off!”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Then please send me back to Thompson First A05.”

Jasmine asked in amazement: “Mr. Wade, are you going to do errands? Why are you going home

suddenly?” Charlie Wade said with a smile: “The time to do something hasn’t arrived yet, I’ll go home

and wait.” Although Jasmine was a little surprised, she nodded slightly and said, “Then I will send you


As she said that, she plucked up courage again and asked expectantly: “Master Wade, when will you

have time? I want to treat you to dinner…” Charlie Wade thought for a while and said, “Let’s take two

days. There have been a lot of things recently, especially today.”

He has already explained to Cameron Isaac very clearly that once he is ready to release Elaine Ma, the

detention center will specifically ask her to call him. At that time, I will go and pick Elaine Ma back.

The reason why he had to pick up Elaine Ma himself was mainly because he wanted to see how

miserable Elaine Ma was now. This woman, who dared to steal 21.9 billion, would never be able to learn

a lesson if she didn’t suffer from it.

21.9 billion. If you don’t show mercy to her and you are not afraid of revealing your identity, and you call

the police directly, Elaine Ma will be sentenced to at least a suspended death sentence even if you don’t

shoot her for such a large amount of money involved. Let her go in and suffer for a few days and then let

her out. It’s already very cheap for her!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 919

After Elaine Ma returned to the detention center from the police station for questioning, she has been

waiting for the result with anxiety. She didn’t know if the police would let herself go, so she could only

pray in her heart. In the two days since entering the detention center, Elaine Ma has suffered. She has

never suffered the painful torture in her life.

Now she feels that she is on the verge of collapse. If she does not let herself go out, she will really have

to die here. It. Lady Wilson knew that Elaine Ma was called to the police station for questioning in the

morning, and she felt a little worried in her heart.

She was afraid that Elaine Ma would tell the police officers that she and Gena tortured and beat Elaine

Ma. Moreover, she was also worried that Elaine Ma would apply for a cell change with the police officer.

If the police officer replaced her, wouldn’t she lose the greatest pleasure?

For so long, the Wilson family has suffered so many misfortunes and tribulations, that Lady Wilson’s

mood has been very low. It was not until Elaine Ma and her were locked up in the same cell that she

regained the joy and joy of life. Beautiful. The thought that Elaine Ma might have been in prison for more

than ten or twenty years, and that she would be able to go out after waiting for more than 10 days, Lady

Wilson felt excited. Seeing Elaine Ma curled up in the corner of the cell, Lady Wilson was very playful.

She stepped up to Elaine Ma and asked with a smile: “Oh, I heard you were called to the police station

for questioning?” Elaine Ma looked at her, shivering: “Yes, mother, I was called to ask about the


Lady. Wilson asked coldly: “Then did you talk nonsense with the police? Did you not complain to them?”

Elaine Ma hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Don’t worry, mom, I didn’t tell the police what happened in

the cell. They came to me to ask about the case.”

Lady. Wilson relaxed, snorted and asked her: “I said Elaine Ma, have you consulted with a lawyer? How

many years are you going to be sentenced to in this situation? Is 10 years and 15 years enough?”

Elaine Ma shook his head repeatedly and muttered: “I haven’t found a lawyer yet, so I don’t know how

long I will be sentenced.”

After killing Elaine Ma, Elaine Ma did not dare to say that he might be released soon.

Because once they knew they were going to be let go, they would definitely do everything possible to

torture themselves severely before they left.

So Elaine Ma decided to forbear, until the moment the police came to let him go.

The Lady Wilson sneered and said proudly: “I have heard others say that in your case, at least 15 years

will be sentenced!”

The Lady said with a long sigh, but she said with excitement: “Oh, 15 years, Elaine Ma, 15 days, my

Lady can’t stand it for 15 years, how will you take it then? I will worry about you when I think about it. .”

Elaine Ma said nonchalantly: “I don’t know ah! Mom! When I thought that I might be locked up in it for

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more than ten years, my heart was so cool…”

Gena stepped to Elaine Ma at this time, and slapped her right and left, and then looked down at her:

“Like you, a pornographic woman who snatches someone else’s husband, don’t say you have been

detained for more than ten years, even if you are detained for a lifetime. I don’t understand the hate.

Think about that Matilda who was forced to the United States by you.

Although I don’t know him or her, I haven’t even met her, but when I think of what you do to her, I want to

do it for her. Bad breath!”

After that, he stretched out his hand to grab Elaine Ma’s hair, crackling her face several times.

Elaine Ma’s mouth soon shed blood, and at the moment Gena stopped, she did not expect that the Lady

Wilson on the side was also waiting to teach her.

Just as Gena stopped, Lady Wilson suddenly stretched out her hand, tightly grabbing Elaine Ma’s ear,

and pulling desperately, making Elaine Ma cry out in pain.

Elaine Ma grinned and asked, “Mom, why are you pulling my ears? Did I do something wrong, mom?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 920

Lady Wilson coldly snorted: “You still have the face to ask me, what did you do wrong? I tell you, as long

as you are alive, as long as you can breathe, it is wrong. Your only correct choice is to die quickly. , Don’t

waste air in this world!”

Elaine Ma felt that her ears were about to be pulled off, and the pain was so painful, but she didn’t dare

to have the slightest sense of disobedience, so she could only swallow the bitterness into her stomach,

thinking that if she persisted, she could just persist. out!

After I go out, this bad Lady will also be released in less than ten days. At that time, this bad Lady has no

place to live, no place to eat, no place to drink, or she will go to death on the street. There is a chance to

find her revenge!

Doesn’t this bad Lady feel that she is going to be locked up in it for more than ten years?

She also wanted to take the letter written by herself and go to live in her Thompson First Villa, which is

simply a dream!

She must have never imagined that it would be impossible for her to be detained here for more than ten

years, and she will be released soon!

When the prison guards came to let him go, I believe this bad wife will be dumbfounded, dumbfounded,

and even very painful, very depressed, and very angry!

Maybe it’s possible to die here on the spot.

Lady Wilson did not expect that Elaine Ma might be released. She only felt that Elaine Ma might stay in

jail for the rest of her life.

That’s why she has always regarded the letter written by Elaine Ma as a treasure, because with this letter

in her hand, she can go to live in the big mansion of Thompson First after only waiting for more than ten

days after it is released.

OMG, Thompson First, how dare I think about it before!

After staying in the Thompson First villa this time, he said nothing would be possible to move away, and

he would die in a mansion like Thompson First A05.

She is more feudal and superstitious. She feels that only by dying in this kind of mansion can she devote

herself to a wealthier family and enjoy a lifetime of prosperity.

At this time, the guards in the detention center stepped over.

Only then did Mrs. Wilson reluctantly let go of Elaine Ma’s ears. Just now, with all her strength, she

pulled Elaine Ma’s ears so red and swollen, and there was even some tearing and bleeding at the base

of the ears.

Elaine Ma’s painful tears burst, but when she saw the prison guard, she was almost crazy with


The prison guard is here, the prison guard is here to let himself go!

I am finally going to be free again!

I can finally return to the big mansion of Thompson First, have a full meal, and sleep peacefully!

For more than two days, I didn’t eat anything except licking two mouthfuls of porridge on the ground, I

didn’t sleep well, and I also had a fever.

This feeling was simply too painful.

So Elaine Ma can’t wait to leave here quickly, leave here forever.

The prison guard strode to the cell, opened the door, and said, “It’s time to let the wind out, everyone

lined up to the playground!”

“Out of the air?!”

Elaine Ma’s heart was extremely excited, and instantly fell to the bottom.

Are the prison guards here to take everyone out? Isn’t she ready to let herself out? Haven’t the police

officers discussed whether they want to let themselves out?