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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 871-875
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 871

Charlie Wade pretended to look for it all afternoon, and received a call from Jacob Wilson, saying that

Matilda was going home soon, so he drove home.

Claire Wilson Wilson also received a call from her father.

Although she was reluctant, he drove home.

Loreen heard that there was a visitor at home, and said tonight that she did not want to go home for


Claire Wilson Wilson wanted her to accompany her, so she wouldn’t be so embarrassed, but Loreen felt

embarrassed herself, so she used the excuse to work overtime and eat out by herself.

Claire Wilson Wilson couldn’t force it, so he said to Jacob Wilson, “Dad, after your classmates come

later, try not to talk about me. I am not in a good mood today, and I don’t want to talk too much.”

Jacob Wilson also knows that if his daughter is willing to go home at this time and eat this meal with

herself and her old classmates, even if it is a lot of face, he can’t force her.

So he said to Charlie Wade: “Good son-in-law, you have to talk more at the dinner table later, and be

more active and active.”

“Okay.” Charlie Wade nodded awkwardly.

At this time, the door bell in the villa rang, Jacob Wilson couldn’t wait to walk to the videophone, and

immediately said to Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson excitedly: “They are here, I’ll open the door.”

After speaking, he opened the door and went through the yard to open the door.

Claire Wilson Wilson looked at Jacob Wilson’s positive look, couldn’t help sighing, and asked Charlie

Wade: “You said my dad and that Matilda, is there something else?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “I haven’t seen each other for more than 20 years, what can I do? You

must be thinking too much.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said earnestly: “But when I see my dad like this, I seem to be a little too excited.”

Charlie Wade comforted: “You don’t know about this. After all, they have had a history.”

Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said: “But my dad has already married my mother, and he and my mother

are not divorced! He is responsible for and loyal to the marriage!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said: “It seems like Dad really had an extramarital affair. He just saw his first

love today. How could it be so serious as you said.”

Claire Wilson Wilson sighed and said, “I’m just worried, not that they already have something now.”

At this time, Matilda was outside the villa, marveling at this top-notch villa in Aurouss Hilll.

She has been away from China for a long time, so she doesn’t understand many domestic real estate

and other things, nor does she understand what the words Thompson First A05 mean in China.

When Jacob Wilson told her the address, he only talked about Thompson First Villa A05, and Matilda

didn’t think too much.

But after she came to Thompson First, she discovered that the villa in this place turned out to be so

luxurious and atmospheric.

Seeing that Jacob Wilson lives in such a luxurious villa area now, it made her faintly surprised.

Because she used to ask her classmates to inquire about Jacob Wilson’s recent developments over the

years, but the feedback she got was that he was not very happy, which made her a little confused.

While waiting for Jacob Wilson to open the door outside the gate of A05, Paul was bored, so he checked

the approximate selling price with his mobile phone, and said to his mother: “The house here needs

about 80 million to more than one hundred million. I read it online. It is said that Type A villas are the

largest in size, and they probably sell for tens to hundred million.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 872

Matilda nodded and said, “More than one hundred million is not expensive, but I don’t quite understand.

In your Uncle Wilson’s situation, how can he afford the villa here?”

Paul smiled slightly and said, “This requires you to ask him personally.”

Matilda also smiled and said, “Maybe it’s called hiding.”

Paul thought for a while, and said, “Well, let me be honest, I feel that Uncle Wilson should be a good

person, but not like a hidden person.”

Matilda asked curiously: “What do you mean by that?”

Paul said, “It’s nothing, it just feels a little strange.”

Matilda smiled and said: “Well, let’s not discuss this. I should be happy for the old classmate who can live

in such an expensive villa. As for the others, we don’t have to ask about it.”

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Paul nodded and said seriously: “Mom, you are right.”

At this time, Jacob Wilson had also opened the door of the villa. When he saw Matilda and Paul, he

immediately said excitedly: “Oh, Matilda and Paul, you are here, please come in, please come in quickly.”

Matilda smiled and said: “Oh, Jacob Wilson, your house is really beautiful. When I entered this

community just now, it felt very high-end and atmosphere.

This should be the best villa area in Aurouss Hilll?” Jacob Wilson said modestly: “I don’t know if it’s the

best. Actually, I just moved in just two days ago.” Matilda and Paul walked into the villa with Jacob


Seeing the exquisite decoration in the yard, Matilda couldn’t help sighing: “It seems that the decoration of

your villa is also a lot of thought. It should be designed for you by a high-end designer?” Jacob Wilson

said: “In fact, this villa was not decorated by us. In fact, this villa was also given to him by my son-in-law’s


Paul’s expression was very surprised, and he blurted out: “Uncle Wilson, this villa is worth more than one

hundred million, right? Mr. Wade’s friend was willing to give him such an expensive villa?” Jacob Wilson

nodded and said, “Not only the villa was given away, but even the decoration was paid for by his friends.

We just bought some furniture by ourselves and didn’t spend much money.” Paul couldn’t help asking: “Is

this villa also earned by Mr. Wade showing Feng Shui for others?” Jacob Wilson happily said, “You really

guessed right. This villa is his reward for showing others Feng Shui. Let me tell you, don’t look at my


It seems that there is nothing serious about doing things, and there is nothing to do. , But his ability to

look at Feng Shui is truly unique in the upper class of Aurouss Hilll!” Paul felt a little strange in his heart.

Normally speaking, no matter how expensive Feng Shui masters are, there will be more than one or two

hundred million price tags once, right?

Charlie Wade showed others Feng Shui, and others gave him such a good villa, coupled with exquisite

decoration, this should not only be for the villa, there must be other reasons. It seems that Charlie Wade

is definitely not an ordinary person!

Thinking of this, Paul couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Actually, I also believe in Feng Shui. But I have never

met a very good and very capable Feng Shui master. Since Mr. Wade is so capable, then my new

company must Ask him to help me take a look at Feng Shui.”

Jacob Wilson smiled and said: “Then you can go back and talk to him, Charlie Wade is very interesting, I

believe he will not refuse you!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 873

At this time, Jacob Wilson had taken Matilda and her son Paul and walked in through the yard. When

they met, Claire Wilson Wilson was shocked by Matilda. She heard Charlie Wade say that Matilda’s

temperament and appearance were very good, but she didn’t expect it to be so good. Being a woman,

Claire Wilson Wilson even envied Matilda a little.

After all, it is really amazing that a woman can maintain such a good level at the age of about 50. Matilda

was also a little surprised when she saw Claire Wilson Wilson. She really didn’t expect that the

daughters of Jacob Wilson and Elaine Ma were so beautiful and outstanding.

The Paul next to him, at the moment he saw Claire Wilson Wilson, couldn’t help being a little stunned.

He was also shocked by Claire Wilson Wilson’s beauty and temperament. Jacob Wilson introduced at

this time: “Matilda, let me introduce to you, this is my daughter Claire Wilson Wilson.”

After that, he looked at Claire Wilson Wilson again, and said with a smile: “Claire Wilson Wilson, this is

my father’s old classmate, Matilda, you want to be called Matilda.” Claire Wilson Wilson was shocked by

Matilda’s beauty and temperament, and at the same time was even more worried about the relationship

between her father and her.

Because compared with Matilda, my mother really seems to be a thousand miles away. In addition, the

relationship between the two of them is not stable. Now that there is such a strong competitor, I am afraid

it will become More fragile.

However, out of politeness, she shook hands with Matilda very warmly, and said with some respect:

“Hello, Matilda.” Matilda smiled, and sighed sincerely: “Claire Wilson Wilson, you really look so beautiful!”

Claire Wilson Wilson said modestly: “Auntie Matilda, I really appreciate it. Compared to you, I am far


“No, no,” Matilda said seriously: “When I was your age, I was not as beautiful as you.”

After that, she looked at Charlie Wade and said with a smile: “Charlie Wade Wade is really blessed to

marry such a good wife.”

Charlie Wade smiled and nodded and said, “Matilda, you are right. This is my blessing.”

Matilda smiled and introduced her son again, and said: “Claire Wilson Wilson, this is my son. He is called

Paul. He should be one year younger than you. It stands to reason that he should call you sister.” Paul

on the side hurriedly stretched out his hand to Claire Wilson Wilson and said seriously: “Hello Miss

Wilson, I am Paul, my full name is Paul Smith, and I am glad to meet you.”

Claire Wilson Wilson was hesitating whether to shake hands with Paul, and Matilda hurriedly said: “Son,

Claire Wilson Wilson is a married person. It is necessary to avoid suspicion when contacting the opposite

sex.” Only then did Paul come back to his senses, hurriedly withdrew his hand, and smiled awkwardly:

“I’m really embarrassed, it’s because I was rash.”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded slightly and smiled as a response. Charlie Wade couldn’t help being

surprised, Matilda’s tutor was really extraordinary. Jacob Wilson couldn’t wait to say at this time: “Matilda,

I have already bought all the ingredients and seasonings related to those dishes, and I’m in the kitchen

now. I’ll go in and beat you, what do you think?”

Matilda naturally nodded and smiled: “No problem, let’s cook a meal for the children today.” After all, she

said to Paul: “Son, you have a good chat with Charlie Wade and his wife. In the future, you have to

develop as much as possible for a long time. Everyone knows and understands more. It is good for

everyone’s future development. Young people should Communicate more and make more friends to

expand your network.”

Paul nodded hurriedly and said, “Mom, don’t worry, I know.” Jacob Wilson took Matilda to the kitchen and

turned around to explain to Charlie Wade, saying, “My son-in-law, there is my good tea on the coffee

table. You can make a cup and give Paul a taste.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 874

Charlie Wade nodded: “Okay Dad, I see. Jacob Wilson hurriedly said, “Also, don’t forget the thing I

reminded you!” Charlie Wade knew what he was talking about. He wanted to pay more attention to

himself. If the mother-in-law came back, she would not be allowed to enter the door and break Matilda’s

affairs in her own house.

So he smiled and said: “Dad, don’t worry, I will give you a military order for this matter, and there will be

no mistakes.” Jacob Wilson gave him a thumbs up and exclaimed, “Really my good son-in-law, I will not

treat you badly in the future!”

After speaking, Jacob Wilson took Matilda and plunged into the kitchen. Claire Wilson Wilson asked

Charlie Wade curiously: “What did Dad tell you? The two of you are mysterious and seem to be engaged

in a shameful conspiracy.”

Charlie Wade said, I definitely can’t tell you, did your dad let me be here to guard you? If your mother

comes back, I will carry her away. If I can’t carry it, I will knock her out and carry her away. So he smiled

and said, “It’s okay. Dad just asked me to entertain Paul. Don’t let him think that our family has no


“Really?” Claire Wilson Wilson was full of disbelief. Charlie Wade said seriously: “Of course it’s true.

Didn’t you hear that he asked me to make tea for Paul just now?” As he said, he hurriedly greeted Paul

and said, “Come here to Paul, and I will give you a taste of the high-end tea my father-in-law bought from

the WeChat tea seller.”

Charlie Wade feels that Paul is an American, even if he is half of Chinese ancestry, he probably doesn’t

know much about tea when he lives in the United States.

Therefore, the ordinary tea that his father-in-law bought by the deceit, should still be able to fool him.

Unexpectedly, Paul immediately smiled and said, “Oh, what I like most is drinking tea. Since Uncle

Wilson has good tea here, I must try it.”

Charlie Wade was taken aback for a while, and said with a smile: “Since you understand tea, then I think

you might be disappointed.”

With that, he took Paul to sit down on the sofa, ready to make tea.

Claire Wilson Wilson didn’t really want to chat with his father’s first lover’s son, so he said to the two of

them: “You two men talk, I don’t like tea too much, and I have a headache. I’ll go back to the house and

rest for a while, sorry. I’m lost.”

Paul hurriedly stood up and said politely: “Okay Miss Wilson, take a rest first.”

Claire Wilson Wilson went upstairs, and Charlie Wade said to Paul: “Sit down, don’t stand and talk.”

After Paul sat down, he looked at the Fujian yellow rosewood sofa sitting under him, and said in surprise:

“The material of this sofa is really good!

At first glance, it is made of sea yellow material, and it is old. As soon as the pulp comes out, the texture

of this wood is particularly beautiful, a good thing!”

Charlie Wade was a bit stunned. He really didn’t expect that although Paul was a mixed race, his mother

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was completely a Chinese.

He speaks good Chinese, knows tea, knows wood, and even knows patina. The other half of this guy’s

American ancestry is not fake, right?

And why is his hobby so similar to his dad?

Had it not been for his blond hair and a standard white skin color, he would even doubt if he had been

left behind by the old man.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 875

So Charlie Wade looked at Paul and asked curiously: “Paul, did you often come to China before?”

Paul shook his head and said with a smile: “I just come here on business occasionally, but every time it

doesn’t take more than a week.”

Charlie Wade asked with a puzzled look: “Then how do you know so much about tea, Chinese furniture

and wood?”

Paul smiled and said: “It’s mainly because my mother likes these. I only came into contact with these

when I was a child.”

As he said, Paul said again: “Don’t look at me as if I look like a mixed race, and I seem to be more of a

white race, but in fact I am a downright China person in my bones.

I have been very influenced by my mother since I was a child. I like Chinese culture and Chinese food,

Chinese habits and everything in China.”

“That’s it.”

Charlie Wade nodded, boiled water in the sea of tea, and started to prepare tea, while letting people be

fooled into buying tea on WeChat.

After brewing the tea, Charlie Wade poured a cup for Paul and himself, and smiled and said to Paul:

“Come, taste my old man’s tea.”

Paul nodded and thanked him, then took his teacup to his lips and took a sip.

Immediately afterwards, his expression became a little weird.

After tasting it for a long time, he said embarrassedly: “Uncle Wilson’s taste in drinking tea is very

strange. To be honest, I can’t taste the goodness of this tea. Why does Uncle Wilson treat it as a good

treasure? Where’s the tea?”

Charlie Wade thought to himself that this Paul was really acquainted, much better than his own dad.

I am a silly old man who has been drinking this kind of tea. Not only did he fail to drink it, but the more he

drank, the better it tasted.

If he hadn’t stopped him, he would definitely find the WeChat girl who sells tea to buy some more.

So he smiled and said to Paul: “My old dad bought this tea from a liar on WeChat. It cost a lot of money,

but it’s really not a good thing.”

Paul also understood what was going on. He nodded slightly and said to Charlie Wade: “I have the

superb Jin Jun eyebrows that I entrusted to others and bought from the south. I have a chance to give

some to Mr. Wade next day. Uncle Wilson tasted it. The tea was really good. It was a tea that was picked

and fried by the top master.”

Charlie Wade politely thanked him and said, “My old man doesn’t know much about tea, but he just likes

it very much, so if you give him good tea, it will be a violent thing. Just keep drinking this tea and

entertain yourself.”

In fact, Charlie Wade’s psychological activity is that my son-in-law hasn’t given him any good tea. Does it

seem inappropriate for you, an outsider?

Paul didn’t realize Charlie Wade’s mentality. He thought of what Jacob Wilson told him before entering

the villa, and looked at Charlie Wade curiously: “Mr. Wade, I heard Uncle Wilson say that this villa is for

others to see. Is it true that you earned it from Feng Shui?”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “That’s right. Actually, it’s not just looking at Feng Shui, but by

looking at Feng Shui, it solves some of the more important problems for others.”

Paul said very sincerely: “Mr. Wade will tell you that, I am a person who has studied the Book of

Changes and gossip and other things, but I have never had a very good master to get started, and my

spare time is also relatively limited. , So my research is relatively superficial.”

After speaking, Paul said again: “By the way, Mr. Wade, my new company will be officially opened in

Aurouss Hilll soon. Could you please help me take a look at Feng Shui?”

Charlie Wade saw that this Paul was very friendly to himself, and his EQ and quality were relatively high.

In line with the principle of reaching out and not hitting the smiley person, he smiled and said, “When will

your company open? I can take time to take a look.”

Paul was very excited and said, “Thank you so much. My company will open the day after tomorrow. If

you have time, can it be tomorrow?”

“it is good.”