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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5595
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In Howard’s eyes, the Four Treasures of the Study held the key to the Rothschild family’s prosperity.

With it, the family could thrive in any investment venture, even in times of turmoil, always seizing fleeting


Without the Four Treasures of the Study, the Rothschild family would struggle to maintain its esteemed status,

despite the abilities and courage of its members.

Therefore, Howard believed it was imperative to bring the Four Treasures of the Study back, regardless of the cost.

However, he knew that most of his descendants dismissed the Eastern concept of Feng Shui as mere superstition,

lacking any motivation to retrieve the banner. They saw it as Howard’s personal affair, unrelated to them.

As Howard witnessed the exposure of Peter’s imprisonment and the abuse he endured, he grew even more

determined to recover the Four Treasures of the Study. Once it left the United States, it would be nearly impossible

to find again.

If the fortune of the Rothschild family started to decline, it wouldn’t take long for the family to lose its prestigious


To prevent this outcome, Howard had to use his ultimate weapon, the irresistible temptation of becoming the family

heir, to rally the entire Rothschild family. They needed to unite and devote themselves wholeheartedly to finding the

Four Treasures of the Study.

Suddenly, the descendants who had previously shown little interest in the artifact seemed to be injected with

adrenaline. Almost everyone began eagerly preparing and showing their enthusiasm.

They didn’t care about the mystical qualities of the Four Treasures of the Study; all they knew was that it was their

only ticket to becoming the family heir.

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As a result, the entire Rothschild family sprang into action, setting aside their previous endeavors to focus solely on

the task of locating the Four Treasures of the Study.

After everyone had left, Howard sat alone at his desk and picked up his phone to make a call.

Once the call connected, he asked in a cold tone, “Any leads yet?”

The other person respectfully replied, “Not yet, Mr. Rothschild. The entire Cole family has relocated to London.

Besides the mailman delivering letters, no one else has come or gone.”

Howard inquired further, “Did you question the mailman? Did you notice anything suspicious?”

The other person quickly responded, “We’ve installed numerous infrared and thermal imaging devices around the

Cole family’s residence. We can capture any movement or action. The mailman only delivered a batch of letters

and took nothing else.”

Howard sneered and said, “My gut tells me that the Four Treasures of the Study must still be in Peter Cole’s house.

Peter couldn’t have removed it so quickly, right under our noses! Maintain close surveillance on the Cole family, be

on high alert 24/7. Not even a fly should escape from there!”

The other person assured him, “Rest assured, Mr. Rothschild. We’ve increased our manpower, and the Cole family

is under constant watch, with no blind spots. We’ve also deployed multiple unmanned drones nearby, ready to track

any movement.”

Then, the other person added, “By the way, Mr. Rothschild, there’s something I need to report.”

Howard asked, “What is it?”

In a hushed voice, the other person said, “The FBI paid us a visit today. They didn’t enter the Cole family’s

residence, but they came directly to us, reminding us not to overstep our boundaries. The situation with Peter Cole

is sensitive, and the public is watching closely.”

Howard angrily cursed, “The FBI is a bunch of imbeciles! Get in touch with the person in charge of the FBI in New

York and inform them that I want them to stay away from the Cole family. I don’t want any interference or negative

impact on this matter. If I see anyone from the FBI within a mile of the Cole family again, they’re fired!”

Without waiting for a response, he ended the call.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. His eldest son, Steve Rothschild, respectfully asked from

outside, “Father, may I come in?”

Howard raised an eyebrow, closed his eyes, and let out a silent sigh before saying, “Enter.”

Steve walked into the room and carefully closed the door behind him. He looked at Howard, hesitating before

speaking, “Father…”

Howard glanced at him and prompted, “What’s the matter? Speak.”

Steve hesitated for a moment before finally saying, “Father, during the meeting earlier, you mentioned that

whoever retrieves the Four Treasures of the Study will become the family heir…”

Howard nodded silently and said, “Yes, I did. What about it?”

Steve, with a heart filled with grievances, said, “For all these years, the Rothschild family has followed the tradition

of the eldest son inheriting the position. We’ve maintained a clear order of succession. Your sudden announcement

today seems to disregard our family’s rules…”

Howard snorted, “Rules? If we lose the Four Treasures of the Study, the name Rothschild will lose its illustrious glory!

This is a matter of life and death for the family. In the face of that, rules mean nothing!”

He continued, “Whoever brings back the Four Treasures of the Study will ensure the continued prosperity of the

Rothschild family! They will be the greatest contributors to the family! It’s only fair and justified for them to become

the family heir!”

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Steve pleaded, “Father, ever since you took over, I have been the first in line to inherit the Rothschild family. My

eldest son, Royce, is the second in line. We’ve dedicated years to training and education as heirs. All our efforts will

be in vain if some lucky person stumbles upon the Four Treasures of the Study. It’s… it’s just not fair…”

Howard looked at Steve’s pained and aggrieved expression, remained silent for a moment, and then said, “Steve, in

the face of a grave family crisis, we must reward those who show bravery. Besides, I’ve already made my decision,

and there’s no going back.”

Steve anxiously said, “Father… you…”

Howard raised his hand to silence Steve and calmly looked at him, saying, “You are my eldest son, and I want to

give you a chance. So, let me share some inside information with you. I believe there’s a high possibility that the

Four Treasures of the Study is still in Peter Cole’s house. While others search elsewhere, if you focus your energy on

the Cole family’s residence, you may have a better chance.”

He continued, “I’ve already sent a team to discreetly monitor the Cole family. You can join them and keep an eye on

things. If they find the Four Treasures of the Study in Peter Coles’s house, the credit will be yours. In that case, you

will remain the first in line to inherit.”

Steve’s heart, previously filled with despair, suddenly sparked a glimmer of hope.

He asked with excitement, “Father, is everything you’ve said really true?”

Howard nodded with a hint of satisfaction and replied, “Steve, you’re my firstborn and hold a special place in my

heart. I truly wish for you to seize this opportunity and rightfully inherit my position.”

While saying this, Howard narrowed his eyes and offered a reminder, “Times like these are when it’s most crucial

for you to take the lead, charge into the fray, achieve feats that no one can surpass, prove yourself to others, and

leave them with nothing to criticize. My dear son, the chance to make a significant contribution has arrived!”

Steve felt a surge of determination, clenched his fists, and declared firmly, “Don’t worry, Father, I will give it my
