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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5589
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Bruce hadn’t always possessed such bravery. However, Charlie’s psychological cues were remarkably effective and

Bruce harbored a deep-seated resentment toward the Rothschild family.

In the past, Bruce had managed to suppress his loathing for the Rothschilds out of sheer fear. But now, that fear

has dissipated. Consequently, even when Howard Rothschild personally called him, Bruce wouldn’t yield an inch.

In this moment, Howard found himself taken aback by Bruce’s audacity. The more he faced Bruce’s resolve, the

less inclined he was to provoke him further. So, he swallowed his anger and spoke patiently, “Bruce, I understand

you’ve been deeply hurt. It’s a grave insult, and no one can face such a situation calmly.”

With empathy, Howard added, “However, we’re all adults, and in the adult world, every issue can be resolved

through business. Moreover, as long as the price is right, there’s no business deal that can’t be negotiated. So, all

you need to do is name a price you find satisfactory to let go of your grudges and move on.”

Bruce responded with disdain, “Do you think my dignity as a man can be bought with money?”

Howard offered a faint smile and continued, “If dignity truly couldn’t be bought with money, why have you

remained silent for so long? Bruce, I don’t want to waste everyone’s time. Here’s my proposition, I’m willing to offer

you a fixed sum of $100 million. If you put an end to this, take down all the videos, and publicly acknowledge that

you instigated your wife to seduce Matt, as well as intentionally confined Peter Cole in that underground secret

room, I’ll provide you with $100 million. It’s more than enough for you to live comfortably anywhere in the world.”

In Howard’s perspective, no one could resist the allure of wealth over principles. If it was possible, the offer wasn’t

large enough. He believed that every principle in the world had a price, some were just cheaper than others.

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He continued persuading Bruce, “Bruce, I genuinely understand your current feelings, but you should also consider

what comes after your momentary satisfaction. Without the Rothschild family, if I don’t employ you, your million-

dollar annual income will plummet to zero! Plus, you’ve earned our ire, and no one in Europe or the United States

will dare to hire you. You’ll find yourself destitute, begging on the streets. Do you really wish to end up like that after

seeking revenge? I earnestly hope you can reconcile with us, take the money, leave the United States, and find a

new, better life with younger women, completely rid of these troubles. What do you say?”

A hundred million dollars was undoubtedly a substantial sum for a man like Bruce. It rendered him torn between his

principles and wealth.

But Bruce now resembled an idealistic warrior with unyielding beliefs. To him, dignity outweighed all else. Not even

a hundred million dollars, let alone ten billion, could sway him.

He asserted firmly and disdainfully, “Howard, your Rothschild family is accustomed to putting a price on everything

and believes everything can be bought. Yet, that doesn’t extend to my dignity! I can do without money, without a

woman, even without a brother, but I cannot live without my dignity. So, wait and watch, I will make you pay for

trampling on my dignity!”

Howard hastily proposed, “Bruce, do you find $100 million insufficient? That’s not an issue, we can discuss the

amount further. What about $500 million?”

“$500 million?” Bruce sneered, “Howard, your days are nearing an end. Instead of that $500 million, you might as

well save it and buy yourself a coffin!”

With that retort, he promptly hung up the phone and disconnected the line.

Only then did Bruce realize that his cellphone had been recording the conversation. This revelation elated him and

another revenge plot formed in his mind.


Meanwhile, Howard’s state of mind began to deteriorate. He muttered angrily to himself, “When did a lapdog that

only knew how to wag its tail and beg for scraps start valuing its dignity!”

At this juncture, the eldest son reminded him, “Father, the takeover team is nearly here, and that obstinate Bruce is

unwilling to reconcile. What should we do about Peter Cole?”

Howard sighed in exasperation, “Originally, I intended to bribe him with money and have him take control of the

team while the Bureau of Prisons and FBI were assuming authority. However, they haven’t arrived yet. Hurry and

find a way to make Peter Cole talk. Then, place him in an ordinary cell. It’s too late now.”

The eldest son expressed his helplessness, “Once the Bureau of Prisons and FBI take charge of Peter Cole, they’ll

surely bolster his personal safety. Yet, Peter Cole has never divulged any information about the Four Treasures of

the Study. If he’s well-protected, it’ll be even more challenging for us to ascertain the whereabouts of the Four

Treasures of the Study…”

Howard sighed with great frustration, remarking, “Incidents like these have been occurring frequently within the

family recently, and they’re likely connected to the loss of the Four Treasures. Our Rothschild family’s immense

fortune and ascent over the past two centuries have largely hinged on the Four Treasures of the Study! If we don’t

recover it, our family’s fortunes will be jeopardized. If our luck takes a turn for the worse, it will constitute the most

significant crisis we’ve faced in two centuries!”

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With a gradually darkening expression, he instructed his eldest son, “Alert customs offices across the United States,

notify both law enforcement and smuggling-related personnel at ports, and anyone else involved in shipping. As

soon as there’s any lead on the Four Treasures of the Study, we must be informed immediately. If anyone provides

accurate information leading us to recover the Treasure, I’ll reward them with $100 million! Remember, we cannot

allow the Treasure to leave the United States under any circumstances!”

The eldest son nodded and pledged, “Father, I’ll initiate this immediately.”

Howard added, “Furthermore, we must prepare for a crisis in public relations. Once the Bureau of Prisons and FBI

take control of Brooklyn Prison, their first act will likely be to search for secret passages, rescue Peter Cole, and

disclose the situation to the public. They’ll hold a press conference to explain the circumstances. We must

preemptively release Peter Cole’s records online, letting the public know that our imprisonment of him is due to his

theft of Rothschild family archives, an heirloom preserved for nearly two centuries. While our methods might be

extreme, we’re the true victims.”

The eldest son agreed, “Father, I’ll ensure that the records are made available online. Regarding the Four Treasures

of the Study, should we provide a detailed description?”

Howard responded hastily, “There’s no need for that. Revealing the origin of the Four Treasures to the public might

tarnish our reputation further.”

While they were discussing, during the video call, one of Howard’s grandchildren exclaimed, “Grandpa, this is bad!

Bruce Weinstein has posted the contents of your recent phone call online!”