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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5587
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At this juncture, Howard had no inclination to concern himself with Matt’s well-being or fate. His sole focus was on

the colossal disaster Matt had wrought. If Matt had truly caused irreparable harm to the family, Howard was

prepared to use him as a sacrificial lamb, allowing him to shoulder the entirety of the blame and letting the

American public exact their vengeance.

With Howard’s orders in mind, the bodyguard promptly banished any consideration of Matt’s dignity. The trio swiftly

approached the door with coordinated precision. Jack readied his mobile phone for a live broadcast, while the other

two braced themselves to breach the room.

The door swung open.

These three individuals were former elite special forces, veterans from the U.S. Navy’s Special Forces and Navy

SEALs. They had amassed years of experience and an innate understanding of teamwork during their service. Thus,

they executed a flawless entry into the room, reminiscent of the Navy SEALs’ textbook tactics for breaching indoor

spaces. Following the successful door kick, they surged towards the bedroom where their target awaited.

Inside, Matt was in the throes of a final amorous encounter with his cousin’s wife.

The abrupt sound of the door being kicked open jolted the hesitant couple, particularly the woman in Matt’s

embrace. They snapped out of their tryst in an instant, but Matt was already on the brink of climax.

In this critical moment, his body and mind had descended into a frenzy. Despite his mounting panic, he couldn’t halt

his actions.

Just as he neared his climax, the bedroom door crashed open with a resounding bang, and three bodyguards

stormed into the room.

Jack’s right hand held his phone steady, capturing the unfolding scene for a live audience. The footage was

simultaneously broadcast to the Rothschild family’s video conference.

Within the video conference, one man erupted in fury, bellowing, “Matt! You’re sleeping with my wife!”

This declaration plunged the entire conference into chaos.

None of the Rothschild family members in attendance had anticipated that Matt would be having an affair with his

cousin’s wife at that very moment. Even the usually well-informed Howard was left utterly stunned.

Matt, perceiving that something had gone awry, wrapped himself and his sister-in-law in a quilt as he gazed at Jack

with a mixture of anger and terror.

“Are you insane? Who let you in? And why are you filming with your phone?” he demanded.

Jack, left with no alternative, replied with a strained tone, “The patriarch instructed me to enter, and my phone is

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live-streaming to the core family members.”

“What did you say?” Matt was in a state of collapse, shifting his attention to the phone’s camera as he exclaimed in

panic, “Grandpa, please hear me out… She seduced me!”

Terrified, Matt’s cousin-in-law promptly rebuffed Matt’s attempt to shift the blame. Trembling, she retorted, “Mr.

Howard, I didn’t seduce Matt! He seduced me! He’s been pursuing me, manipulating me, and coercing me into

betraying Charles and engaging in this affair with him! Don’t believe his deceit!”

Within the video conference, the betrayed Charles Rothschild broke down emotionally, imploring, “Grandpa! You

must seek justice for me!”

Howard’s complexion turned livid as he gritted his teeth and admonished, “Matt, you are a disgrace to the

Rothschild family! I will offer you a chance for redemption, publicly admit that everything involving Bruce Weinstein

and Peter Cole was your personal conduct, unrelated to the Rothschild family. Surrender to the authorities

immediately. If you comply, your father can retain his place in the family, and when you are released from prison,

you may still enjoy familial privileges.”

His tone shifted to a stern one. “However, if you refuse, I will personally ensure your incarceration and exile your

father and entire family from the United States!”

A confused expression overtook Matt as he inquired, “Grandpa… What happened with Bruce Weinstein? He’s just a

pawn under my control. Why should I shoulder the blame for him?”

Howard erupted with anger, retorting, “You fool, check TikTok! The videos of Bruce Weinstein exposing you and

your entire family, as well as your affair with Bruce Weinstein’s wife, are among the top three trending topics in

North America!”

He added bitterly, “You three, take care of this matter. I’ll report it to the family in the morning, and I have other

appointments to attend to. I won’t bother with this loser any longer!”

Upon hearing Howard’s words, Jack and the other two bodyguards felt a surge of relief. Howard, however, didn’t

wait for their expressions of gratitude, immediately expelling Jack from the live broadcast room.

As Jack realized his video connection had been severed, he offered a somewhat embarrassed apology to Matt.

“Master, these are the patriarch’s orders, and we have no choice. I apologize.”

He then signaled to his two colleagues, and the trio exited the room.

For them, this night’s incident represented a significant leap within the Rothschild family hierarchy.

Among the family’s servants, those serving direct family members held a higher status than those serving collateral

members. The servant closest to Howard enjoyed the most elevated status. After all, Howard ruled the family like

an ancient emperor ruled a kingdom, with other direct family members serving as his vassals. Having earned

Howard’s favor, they no longer had any regard for Matt, who had fallen from grace.

Once the trio departed, Matt, still shocked and frightened, swiftly retrieved his phone from airplane mode and

opened TikTok.

To his surprise, as his IP address was in the United States, the algorithm had already pushed two videos related to

him onto his homepage.

Cautiously, Matt selected one of the videos and watched with growing dread. The more he watched, the more

terrified he became. His initial instinct was to exact vengeance upon Bruce Weinstein, but a second thought

quashed that impulse. He was acutely aware of his precarious predicament.

With the exposure of these two videos, Bruce Weinstein had become someone Matt could never confront.

Worse yet, Grandpa Howard had tasked him with managing everything related to Peter in the upcoming week.

Cheating may not be illegal in the United States, but manipulating federal prisons, obstructing justice, and engaging

in lynching were all criminal offenses. Assuming these charges meant he’d spend several years behind bars,

transforming him into a pariah that all of America would scorn.

Sex scandals held little weight in America, but political scandals were devastating.

Just as Matt grappled with his uncertain future, the Rothschild family video conference continued.

Betrayed and cuckolded, Charles was in emotional turmoil, demanding answers from Matt’s father.

Charles’s father, equally embroiled in this scandal, pressed Howard for an explanation, his indignation palpable.

“Father! Whatever you decide, Matt and his family must provide an explanation. Otherwise, I won’t stand for it!”

Matt’s father, Robert Rothschild, was equally panicked. He understood that his son had initiated a colossal

catastrophe, but he couldn’t fathom the implications for Matt, himself, and Matt’s siblings. In the

Rothschild family, they valued prolificacy, and one of their guiding principles was to produce numerous

offspring.Hence, Robert had not only fathered Matt but had also sired three sons and four daughters.

Within the Rothschild family, the patriarch Howard held the unique title of Ninth Five-Year Planner. In addition to

him, the family was divided into various interest groups, each consisting of several of Howard’s sons. These groups

adhered to a pyramid structure, led by a father and comprising multiple offspring. Howard governed the family

much like an ancient emperor ruled a nation, prioritizing interests over familial ties. If any of the subordinate

pyramids encountered problems, Howard was fully prepared to dismantle the entire structure.

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In a state of panic and humility, Robert offered, “I apologize profusely. It is my fault for not raising my son properly. I

am willing to provide $100 million in compensation to Charles…”

Charles’s father exploded in anger, retorting, “A mere gift for my son? Are you suggesting $100 million as payment

for him to sleep with your daughter-in-law?”

Unable to refuse, Robert could only nod with frustration and declare, “Yes, I…I am willing…”

Charles’s father seethed with anger, cursing vehemently, “Fine! Transfer the money to him immediately, and you

can pick one of your daughters-in-law to offer to my son!”

“Enough!” Howard’s voice thundered with rage as he intervened. “Cease this discussion immediately! I assure you

that I will provide Charles with an explanation. However, our paramount concern right now is how to manage this

crisis and find a resolution.”

Robert hastened to explain, “Father, I’ve already contacted numerous parties in the United States. The online

platform removed both videos and imposed a ban on their dissemination through all U.S. media outlets. No online

platform or media group in the United States would dare to defy us, with the exception of China’s TikTok. TikTok has

witnessed rapid growth in the United States over the past year and has

become one of the most widely used apps. Its influence is considerable and should not be underestimated.”

Expanding on this, Robert added, “I also reached out to the North American representative of TikTok, hoping they

would delete the two videos in consideration of the Rothschild family’s interests. Unfortunately, their response was

resolute. They claimed that the user-uploaded videos did not violate any relevant laws or regulations. Out of

respect for content and users, they could not remove the videos without proper authorization. It is evident they

intend to showcase our predicament on their platform.”

With a gloomy countenance, Howard interjected, “TikTok is an investment of China’s Jagoan Family. We currently

have unresolved disputes with them, making it impossible to seek their assistance.”

Robert inquired urgently, “Is it feasible for us to exert pressure on Congress to pass legislation restricting TikTok’s

development in the United States? Failing that, could Congress enact a law mandating the deletion of this software

by all Americans?”

Howard remained silent for a moment, his tone solemn. “This proposal is not unworkable. However, the primary

obstacle is the time and process required for Congress to draft and enact legislation, a minimum of one to two

months. By that time, the fervor surrounding this matter may have subsided, and we would have lost the reputation

we rightfully deserve. Blocking the software then could result in public backlash once again.”

With a cold gaze fixed on Robert, Howard concluded, “I implore you to find a way to arrange a meeting with the

individual overseeing TikTok in North America. I intend to meet with them in person and explore the possibility of

reaching a settlement.”