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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5584
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To alleviate Peter’s troubles and transform passivity into initiative, Charlie devised a plan to make Bruce Weinstein

betray him. However, before allowing Bruce to rebel, it was essential to ascertain his loyalty to the Rothschild

family. If Bruce Weinstein was fervently loyal and abruptly betrayed them, it would only bewilder and surprise

everyone, creating an atmosphere of impending disaster. It was precisely for this reason that Charlie inquired about

Bruce Weinstein’s inner allegiance to the Rothschild family.

Unexpectedly, this query unearthed a significant revelation. Bruce Weinstein had been cuckolded by a direct

member of the Rothschild family, providing a plausible motive for his betrayal. Even the Teenage Mutant Ninja

Turtles had their breaking point, a moment when they could no longer tolerate the situation.

Imagine enduring such humiliation, whose dignity wouldn’t be wounded? Charlie continued to provide Bruce with

psychological hints, emphasizing that a few dollars were insignificant in the face of a man’s honor.

In this moment, Bruce Weinstein was absolutely furious. Charlie had no doubt that if Matt Rothschild were before

him, Bruce would tear him to pieces without hesitation.

So, he said to Bruce Weinstein, “Bruce, your top priority right now is to seek retribution against the Rothschild

family through your actions!”

Bruce Weinstein didn’t hesitate and blurted out, “I understand! I will make them pay for what they’ve done. They

need to learn that crossing Bruce Weinstein has consequences!”

Charlie nodded and asked again, “What do you believe is the most effective way to retaliate right now?”

“Exposure!” Bruce Weinstein cursed angrily. “I want to expose everything, post those videos online, and shame

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After expressing his intentions, his eyes clouded momentarily, and he mumbled despondently, “But… if this comes

out, I’ll become a laughingstock nationwide…”

Observing his hesitation, Jagoan patted him on the shoulder and said, “In China, we have a saying, ‘Sacrifice oneself

for righteousness and justice.’ You’ve been wronged by others, and as a man, you might be willing to give up your

life, but you still care about your reputation. Consider this, there are no secrets that can be kept forever. If you

expose this now, in others’ eyes, you’ll be seen as a warrior seeking justice. If it comes out later through someone

else, you’ll appear weak, giving your wife away to your boss and losing your self-respect. Are you so afraid that you

won’t even stand up for yourself?”

Jagoan then looked into Bruce’s teary eyes and asked, “The choice is yours. Do you want to be a warrior, or do you

want to remain passive?”

Bruce Weinstein’s heart was ignited by Jagoan’s words, and he roared with determination, “I want to be a warrior!”

Charlie responded sternly, “Louder!”

Bruce Weinstein shouted at the top of his lungs, “I want to be a warrior!!!”

Jagoan nodded in satisfaction and praised, “Good! With this resolve, even the Rothschild family will have to yield to


With that, he issued his instructions, “Remember to use your phone to document this basement’s conditions and

reveal it as a secret stronghold where the Rothschild family misuses public resources, subverting justice and

imprisoning victims. After releasing this video, immediately share the footage of Matt Rothschild’s affair with your

wife. Then, record another video in your office, explaining why you’re taking action against the Rothschild family.

Let them know that you’re reclaiming your dignity as a man and making those who wronged you pay the price. Be

fearless from this point on, if you want to use your sharpest teeth to bite their throats out, don’t spare them!”

Bruce Weinstein trembled with determination and declared fanatically, “You can count on me, sir. I’ll fight them to

the end!”

Jagoan nodded with satisfaction and asked, “When you record the first video, be sure to include Mr. Peter Cole in it.

Explain in the video why the Rothschild family kept him locked up here.”

Bruce Weinstein nodded without hesitation, saying, “Of course, sir, I understand.”

Jagoan added, “But don’t rush it. Take me back upstairs and wait for my return. After I’m in the cell, you can handle

these matters.”

Turning to Peter, he reassured him, “Uncle Cole, once the video is exposed, it will undoubtedly generate significant

public backlash against the Rothschild family. They will release you from here as soon as possible, relocating you to

a regular cell. I’ll be waiting for you up there.”

“Thank you for everything, Young Master,” Peter expressed his gratitude, fully aware that Jagoan’s choice of Bruce

Weinstein as the catalyst would bring swift public pressure to bear on the Rothschild family without implicating


Jagoan offered a small smile. “I’ll see you upstairs.”


After bidding farewell to Peter, Jagoan returned to his office with Bruce Weinstein. Inside the office, Jagoan

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instructed him, “Summon your associates to replace me and wait. Ten minutes after my departure, begin following

my instructions and release those three videos consecutively. Forget that you met with me tonight, and that I’ve

never been to your office. If anyone asks why you suddenly decided to expose all this tonight, tell them the truth,

your younger brother is in dire straits, you were pushed to the brink, and finally decided to expose the Rothschild

family to vent your anger.”

Bruce Weinstein nodded respectfully and affirmed, “Rest assured, sir. I’ve got it all.”

Jagoan continued, “Ask your associates to come and escort me back to the infirmary.”

“Very well,” Bruce Weinstein promptly retrieved his phone and made the call to his trusted confidant.

Dressed as a prison guard, Jagoan returned to the infirmary with Bruce, subtly implanting a psychological

suggestion in both prison guards’ minds. They were now convinced that Jagoan had sought medical attention due to

physical discomfort tonight, and since the doctor wasn’t present, they had allowed him to rest in the infirmary. In

their minds, Jagoan had never left the infirmary from the beginning to the end.

With this psychological suggestion, Jagoan effectively severed any connection between himself and the unfolding

events. He believed that once Bruce Weinstein launched his offensive, the Rothschild family would find themselves

in an inescapable quagmire of public scrutiny.

Subsequently, the two prison guards escorted Jagoan back to his cell. By this time, Bruce Weinstein had already

picked up his phone, ready to embark on his journey of revenge.

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade