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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5569
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Joseph’s men had not recovered from the shock and surprise. They couldn’t understand that the boss had been

planning for so many days just to find an opportunity to kill Gustavo, but when he was about to succeed, a so-called

uncle of the boss suddenly appeared. The key is that this uncle was much younger than the boss.

What’s even more outrageous is that the young uncle stood up and said a word, and the boss immediately

terminated all plans.

However, since they were chosen by Joseph to implement this plan, at least their loyalty was guaranteed, so even if

they were surprised, as long as the boss spoke, they could only obey unconditionally.

Charlie also knew that this matter was not over yet. There was a conflict between the two sides today and

Gustavo’s younger brothers were all beaten to the ground. Even if the Rothschild family didn’t come to ask, the

warden would definitely inquire about what happened today.

Gustavo is not dead and Joseph also has to give an explanation to Gustavo’s son. Therefore, how to stabilize these

two ends and prevent today’s events from having subsequent consequences is the top priority right now.

So, Charlie said to Joseph, “Eldest nephew, ask your brothers to step aside. I need to have a good chat with you and

Gustavo about something.”

There were only two things in Joseph’s mind at the moment Charlie is his uncle and he must obey his orders

unconditionally. Therefore, he said to Charlie without thinking, “Uncle, don’t worry, I will make arrangements right


After that, he called a few men, and after whispering for a while, the men immediately stepped back more than ten

meters away to prepare for the three of them. People leave room for conversation.

Charlie said at this time, “This matter has become a big deal today. All the prisoners have seen the conflict between

you two. Fortunately, they haven’t seen that Joseph was about to kill you, so now we have to discuss a unification.

Use the caliber to deal with these people in the prison, including the warden, to prevent the matter from continuing

to ferment.”

Joseph said respectfully, “Uncle Wade, you can decide everything, I will listen to you!”

Charlie was satisfied. He nodded and praised, “Good nephew.”

After saying that, he looked at Gustavo again and asked him, “What about you?”

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Gustavo quickly bowed and said, “Mr. Wade, I…I will obey your orders!”

Jagoan nodded and said seriously, “Since you let me make the decision, I will tell you my general solution. First of

all, for today’s matter, no matter who is in the prison, when people ask, they must say that Joseph is very

dissatisfied with the privileges Gustavo has enjoyed for a long time, so he wants to take the opportunity to teach

Gustavo a lesson and there is nothing else.”

The two immediately kept talking, nodding, fully recognizing what Jagoan said.

Jagoan continued, “Secondly, there might be an informant from Gustavo’s son here, so don’t wait for him to turn

around and question you about your success. You can give him a call when you are free. Tell him that today is to

test it out first to see if there is any action from the prison guards and then tell him that you will find opportunities

to implement this matter in the next two days.”

Joseph naturally agreed 100%, but Gustavo said with some worry, “Mr. Jagoan, what should I do if my son keeps

urging Joseph to take action? We can’t keep delaying otherwise, he will definitely become suspicious. Once he

becomes suspicious, he will find someone else to come and attack me…”

Jagoan nodded, “This is what I want to talk to you about next.”

After a pause, Jagoan continued, “First of all, I just said it this is just a delaying tactic, at most, it can delay for two or

three days, so I will find an opportunity to protect you in these two or three days.”

Gustavo asked nervously, “Mr. Jagoan… do you have any plans now? Can you protect me from being killed by my


Jagoan, who smiled, said, “If you want to avoid being killed by your son here, then you have to start with the

warden to provide you with additional protection. Then I believe that in this prison, there is absolutely no one who

can kill you.”

Gustavo said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, “Although the warden here does not seem to have a high

status, he is actually from the Rothschild family. He only takes orders from the Rothschild family and does look down

upon outsiders. When I asked him for help, not only would he not agree, but he would report the situation to the

Rothschild family as soon as possible. If The Rothschild family knows that my son wants to kill me, then they also

know that I have lost value to them and I will only be more dangerous by then…”

Jagoan asked him, “Can you take me to see him? Is this the warden?”

“No…” Gustavo said truthfully, “This guy is very strange. He rarely has contact with prisoners. He only comes to

inspect a few times a year. At other times, prisoners are not allowed to at all. Even if I want to see him, I have to

say hello and check his time in advance. If he wants to see me, he will meet me in the separate reception room in

the prison area.”

Jagoan asked in surprise, “Every time you meet, in the reception room? Have you ever been to his office?”


Jagoan asked again, “Then can you go to his office to meet him?”

“No.” Gustavo shook his head and said, “The management here is still very strict and I still don’t know what their

internal office area looks like.”

Jagoan asked curiously, “I heard others say that you have a lot of freedom here, and you can even sneak out often.

Staying overnight, you have such a high degree of freedom, haven’t you even been to their internal office area?”

Gustavo said, “Although I can occasionally leave the prison area quietly to relax, he also made an agreement with

me, every time I go out, I have to lie about being sick and then the doctor will issue me a certificate of stay for

observation. After the lights go out at night, my people will send a temporary replacement for me and he will

replace me in the infirmary. We stayed overnight and I was taken out masked by the prison guards arranged by the

warden, who were very cautious the whole time.”

Jagoan smacked his lips and continued to ask him, “Can you introduce me to the warden’s situation, his last name,

background, age, hobbies, etc.”

Gustavo nodded and said, “The warden here is named Bruce Weinstein. He is forty-three years old.”

Jagoan frowned, “Weinstein? This surname seems to be rare.”

Gustavo said, “It’s really not that common. It’s a Jewish surname. Bruce Weinstein is not very famous, but you

should have heard of his distant uncle, who is the famous villain in Hollywood.”

Jagoan suddenly realized, “Oh… I know, he is the Hollywood villain who violated hundreds of female stars.”

“Yes!” Gustavo nodded and said, “Bruce is similar to his distant uncle. They are both keen on playing with women.

Besides making money, his biggest hobby is women.”

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Jagoan nodded slightly and said with a smile, “If you like to play with women, then there is an entry point.”

As he said that, Jagoan asked him again, “Is there any benefit transfer between you and this Bruce?”

Gustavo said, “On the surface, there is no benefit transfer. After all, he is a member of the Rothschild family and he

does not dare to be too arrogant. But secretly, I did have people arrange some beauties for him outside, he never

refuses once.”

Jagoan nodded and said, “In that case, then you should find a way to make an appointment with him, the sooner

the better and you must take me to see him.”

Gustavo asked, “Mr. Jagoan, how should I introduce you to him?”

Jagoan said, “This is simple, you just say that you had a relationship with me in Mexico before, but you didn’t expect

that I was arrested for illegal immigration, so you want to let him take care of me in prison.”

After saying that, Jagoan added, “Don’t let his favor go to waste, quickly arrange some beauties for him, the

prettier, the better. They will serve him well tonight.”

Gustavo nodded, “Okay, I’ll make the arrangements.”

As he said that, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

When Joseph saw that he actually had a mobile phone, he immediately said subconsciously, “Damn it, where did

you get a cell phone? Get me one too!”

Jagoan rolled his eyes at him and scolded, “Shut up! We are busy with business, don’t interrupt!”

Joseph immediately closed his mouth knowingly.

Gustavo found a number and dialed it. After giving instructions to the other party on the phone, he said to Jagoan,

“Mr. Jagoan, I have made arrangements. Two Miss Universe finalists happened to be attending an event in New York

tonight. I was originally just wanting to go out and enjoy myself, so it’s for Bruce now.”

Jagoan nodded, “It’s not too early now, you should quickly find a way to contact him and make an appointment with


Gustavo said without thinking, “Okay Mr. Jagoan, I’ll contact him right now!”

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