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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5564
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Charlie, who had been inquiring about the prison’s situation from Lucas, overheard all the conversations between

the bosses of the first and second prison districts. He had not anticipated the existence of such hidden tensions

within a prison in downtown New York, which didn’t even have an open-air playground.

Observing the unfolding dynamics, Joseph, the boss of the Second Ward, seemed to be plotting an opportunity to

strike a significant blow to Gustavo, the Mexican drug lord who led the First Ward. Gustavo might lead a luxurious

life in the prison, beyond the reach of other inmates, but he too had his concerns. Despite his family’s influence, the

murderous drug dealers couldn’t enter the United States, let alone the Brooklyn Prison to aid him. His safety and

the fate of his family rested in the hands of the US government and the Rothschild family.

Lucas, noticing Joseph’s unusual behavior, turned to Charlie and remarked, “Joseph’s actions today are peculiar. He

might be scheming something.”

Curious, Charlie inquired, “What makes you think so?”

Lucas explained, “Joseph doesn’t usually associate with Gustavo. He’s an old-school American gang member who

values direct confrontation and personal heroism. Gustavo, on the other hand, is cunning and ruthless, willing to

employ underhanded tactics, including violence against competitors, Mexican police, and even civilians. Gustavo is

like a venomous snake, preferring covert, deadly strikes. Joseph typically keeps to himself, but now he’s provoking

others, suggesting he intends to stir up trouble.”

Charlie nodded, surprised that Lucas’s analysis aligned closely with his own assessment of Gustavo’s character. It

was evident that Lucas possessed exceptional awareness of the prison’s environment and the ability to decipher

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people’s motives—an asset rarer than the strength of the other inmates.

Lucas noticed that the iron doors leading to the dining hall from both prison areas had been closed by the guards.

Turning to Charlie, he inquired, “All the prisoners are here now. By the way, is Peter Cole, the one you’re looking for,


Jagoan shook his head, having closely observed every prisoner entering the restaurant without spotting Peter Cole.

Lucas furrowed his brow and said, “If someone entered but isn’t in either of the two prison areas, it’s likely that the

Rothschild family is hiding them.”

Jagoan asked, “If the Rothschild family were hiding someone in this prison, where would they likely conceal them?”

Lucas hesitated briefly before responding, “I can’t say for certain. The prison has a unique situation. While the

Rothschild family controls the entire facility, very few staff members have access to certain areas. If they’re hiding

the person you’re looking for, my estimate is that no more than five guards in Brooklyn Prison would be aware of it.

Unfortunately, we have no way to contact those individuals. For instance, we rarely see the warden here, perhaps

only three times a year.”

Jagoan grew increasingly concerned. He had assumed Peter Cole would be detained in one of the prison areas,

making it possible to gather clues by finding Lucas. However, it seemed that even someone as well-informed as

Lucas knew nothing about Peter Cole’s whereabouts.

Finding a single person in such a vast prison was more challenging than he had imagined. If he couldn’t locate Peter

Cole in the prison area, his next resort would be to employ his reiki for a thorough search.

Spiritual energy was ideally suited for locating isolated targets within a wide expanse, much like discovering Zeba in

a valley where she was the sole living individual. However, the prison comprised numerous people densely

inhabiting it. Releasing reiki would promptly detect thousands of individuals, necessitating the arduous task of sifting

through each one to locate Peter Cole.

While aura detection allowed him to sense the general situation, it didn’t provide him with the ability to see every

detail. Everything could only be perceived through the aura.

Thankfully, the prison’s mealtime had brought all the inmates to the dining hall. Since Peter Cole wasn’t there,

Jagoan could employ his reiki to explore other areas and individuals outside the restaurant, making his task

somewhat more manageable.

With this in mind, he discreetly unleashed his reiki, bypassing the first and second prison areas, and commenced a

comprehensive scan of the entire prison.

Jagoan’s reiki skipped past the prison area and initially descended to the top floor, where all the prison staff were

located. At that moment, there were at least seventy to eighty people present, going about their duties or eating in

the staff canteen. None of them appeared to be imprisoned.

Jagoan then extended his exploration to the lower level. Approximately a hundred people were working there,

engrossed in their tasks or having their meals. There was no indication that anyone was held in confinement.

Jagoan couldn’t help but wonder, “Could they have relocated him elsewhere?” After all, Peter Cole had been at the

prison for a while without ever entering the prison area, suggesting that the Rothschild family might have discreetly

moved him.

However, Jagoan believed that the Rothschild family, while secretly controlling Peter Cole, wouldn’t want the outside

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world to know. Therefore, it made sense for them to minimize any transfers after initially settling him in, much like

the strategy they used at Don Albert’s dog farm.

The safest approach was to place a person directly in a secure location and never let them leave. If they moved the

person to another site, they risked exposure. Consequently, Jagoan suspected that Peter Cole might still be within

the prison’s hidden underground facility.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t determine the specifics of this underground facility. To reach it, his sole option was to

access the warden’s office and use the concealed elevator from there.

The fact that such a critical secret passage was situated within the warden’s office suggested a close relationship

between the warden and the Rothschild family.

Yet, Jagoan faced a dilemma. Infiltrating the prison, either from the inside or outside, would be challenging due to

the modern facility’s tight security and surveillance systems. Even if he secured the warden’s cooperation from the

outside, escorting him to the underground facility would be an intricate endeavor, likely exposing their intentions to

the Rothschild family.

Therefore, Jagoan contemplated finding a breakthrough from within the prison. Given the prison’s reputation as a

Rothschild family stronghold, their focus would likely be on external threats, potentially overlooking internal


At that moment, Gustavo, the notorious drug lord, instructed his subordinates, “Make the arrangements. I want to

meet the warden after dinner.”

[HOT]Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade