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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5549
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Antonio, the clandestine ruler of all New York’s underworld, wielded an unquestionable influence. When he

beckoned the gang leaders to his summons, they all responded with a prompt and eager enthusiasm.

The messages conveyed by Charlie, on the other hand, were shrouded in mystique. Following Charlie’s directives,

he informed the gang leaders that a momentous and highly confidential business awaited discussion. Each leader

was tasked with bringing a trusted confidant to a hidden meeting spot in Chinatown – a modest roast goose shop.

Moreover, Charlie stressed the utmost secrecy and exclusivity of this gathering, explaining that the choice of

Chinatown was intended to keep prying eyes at bay. Antonio cautioned them never to breathe a word to anyone

outside their inner circle, lest they risk permanent expulsion from the Zano family.

These gang leaders relied on Antonio for their livelihoods, their territorial sovereignty in New York, and his

unwavering support. Without his backing, rival gangs under Antonio’s jurisdiction would undoubtedly encroach on

their territories. This instilled a profound loyalty in the gangs, a fear that even the slightest dissatisfaction would

result in their removal.

In essence, these New York gangs loyal to the Zano family were akin to a pack of fierce guard dogs, each with their

own territory. The size and quality of their “food bowls” varied, but owing allegiance to the same master prevented

any of them from coveting another’s resources.

Yet, should a dog be abandoned by its owner, the others would swiftly seize its provisions and eliminate the outcast,

ensuring their own dominance.

An intriguing twist emerged as Daniel, the leader of the Burning Angels, arrived first at the rendezvous point in

Chinatown, accompanied by his trusted confidant, Mike. During their journey, the two pondered Antonio’s enigmatic

intentions, as he had revealed no specifics over the phone. They presumed their summons was in recognition of

their recent successes in Chinatown, where they had unexpectedly triumphed over the Chinese Gang, conquering

territories and the entire neighborhood.

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To them, this was a remarkable feat, a sure sign that rewards and promotions awaited them in the ever-

brightening future of the Burning Angels.

Upon parking outside the roast goose shop, they noticed the motorcycles belonging to some of their men. Mike

found it somewhat surprising and commented, “Boss, those motorcycles seem to belong to Will and his associates.”

Daniel, undeterred, responded, “Will has been in Chinatown for days, dealing with the Chinese gang members and

uncooperative Chinese vendors. He must have impressed the boss with his progress.”

Mike offered a discreet warning, “Boss, while I acknowledge that Will is your mistress’s brother, I can’t help but

caution you to be cautious of him. He’s ambitious and might not be content with a subordinate role. His aspirations

might surpass your current achievements. This favor he’s earned from the boss might pave the way for even

greater prosperity in his future. Beware.”

Mike’s words perturbed Daniel. While he wasn’t known for his intelligence, his fierce determination had rallied a

loyal following among street-level gangsters. Coming from a modest background, he remained unacquainted with

strategic thinking and believed in rewarding hard work and loyalty from his brothers. If he had a piece of bread,

they all had a share of the soup. However, Mike’s intellect surpassed his own.

Despite hailing from a neighborhood rife with crime and divorce, Mike’s intellectual prowess allowed him to secure

admission to a reputable public university as the sole top student from his community. In such an environment,

Mike’s success was a testament to his extraordinary intellect.

Yet, his financial struggles during college led him down a wayward path, resorting to theft to make ends meet. He

pilfered fellow students’ belongings, including cell phones, laptops, and bicycles, for quick cash. Ultimately, he was

expelled from college in his second year.

Desperate, he joined the gang he’d encountered while drowning in debt, the precursor to the Burning Angels. His

intellect propelled him to become the second-in-command of the Burning Angels, earning

Daniel’s respect.

However, Mike harbored a constant unease about his tenuous position and viewed Will as his greatest threat. He

seized this opportunity to sow doubt about Will, urging Daniel to be vigilant.

Unbeknownst to them, Will’s fate hung by a thread, and their current circumstances were poised for a seismic shift.

They soon entered the roast goose shop, finding Antonio, who had lost two ears and a leg, seated at a table in the

farthest corner. He donned a woolen hat, his appearance unassuming.

As they entered, both greeted Antonio with deference. Antonio cast a complex gaze upon them and, with a heavy

heart, mentioned, “Daniel, don’t blame me when we end up in Syria.”

Puzzled, Daniel inquired, “What do you mean, boss? Who’s going to Syria? Are we going to Syria?”

Antonio let out a deep sigh. Jagoan had laid out his plans without reservation. Tonight, he would use Antonio as bait

to lure the leaders of all the organizations under his control and the second-in-command figures. The following

morning, Wesley would transport these gang leaders to Syria. When Wesley arrived, he would take them away

before the second-in-commands, promoting them to leadership positions within their respective gangs. The intent

was to make the entire New York gang scene Jagoan’s puppets in a single night.

Once these surviving second-in-commands returned, fully under Jagoan’s influence and aware of the powerful

Dragon Temple backing him, they would have no choice but to obey his every order. The decades of work put in by

the Zano family would be undone overnight.

Resigned to his fate, Antonio could only lament to Daniel, “Daniel, it’s not just us. Once the other leaders arrive one

by one, we’ll all head to Syria. Our new bosses will take over, and we’ll be expected to pay

75% of our profits to the Chinese Gang every month. If anyone disobeys, they’ll join us in Syria until a compliant

boss is found.”

Daniel was taken aback, “Boss, we’re not mercenaries. What’s our role in Syria? We can’t just invade and seize

territory there. Those people are much more formidable than us, armed with RPGs while we wield nine-millimeter


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Antonio replied, “Mr. Jagoan will provide the details.”

Confused, Daniel asked, “Mr. Jagoan? Which Mr. Jagoan?”

At this moment, an East Asian man emerged from the kitchen. He calmly addressed them, “Starting tomorrow, all

gang leaders under the Zano family, including the Burning Angels, will be dispatched to Syria. The second-in-

commands will assume control, while the new leaders will remit 75% of their gang’s profits to the Chinese Gang

every month. Any defiance will result in a one-way trip to Syria until an obedient leader is found.”

The shock of the demand rippled through Daniel and Mike. To them, the idea of paying tribute to the Chinese Gang,

despite their recent victory in Chinatown, was absurd.

In an impulsive moment, Daniel drew his pistol, aiming it at Jagoan, and uttered, “Who are you? You’re quite

audacious! Are you part of the Chinese Gang?”

With lightning speed, Jagoan snatched a chopstick from a container before Antonio and, in one swift motion, sent it

hurtling towards the side of Daniel’s pistol. A sharp “chu” echoed as the chopstick pierced the pistol’s side, lodging

it firmly into the wall. Daniel’s astonishment was palpable, how could a mere bamboo chopstick penetrate a steel

firearm, let alone the sleeve and barrel constructed from robust materials?

Terrified, Daniel’s legs quivered as he contemplated a hasty retreat. At that moment, two East Asian men, Jordan

and Casey Vigo, entered and trained pistols at their heads.

Soon, they were bound, silenced, and escorted to the second floor, joining Will Johnson and five others who had

met a similar fate. Bound tightly, their mouths gagged with a greasy-smelling rag, the group found themselves in a

precarious situation.

Jordan activated an electric kettle, threatening, “Remember, as more gang members arrive, not a sound from any

of you. Once this kettle boils, I’ll pour it down his throat!”

Read the hottest The Charismatic Charlie Wade story of 2020.