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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5547
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Charlie believed that there were two strategies to cleanse the malevolence that had taken root in Europe and


The first was a heavy-handed approach, much like his previous actions against the Canadian human trafficking

syndicate or the Mexican underworld. This involved capturing, eliminating, or abducting these nefarious individuals.

The second approach was to attempt a more humane approach. He likened it to peeling and removing the thorns

from a durian fruit, leaving the delectable pulp to be savored in one satisfying bite.

Charlie may have looked down on the petty amount of money involved, but he couldn’t leave empty- handed after

arriving today. His intentions were to nurture and fortify Jordan for future growth, and Antonio’s family would be the

first sumptuous meal on this journey.

Antonio, at this point, was less concerned about the 75% profit he was forfeiting. Survival was his priority. He

harbored hopes of vengeance against Charlie in the future, but if that opportunity never materialized, he was

willing to settle for survival.

But when Charlie informed Antonio of his impending transfer to Syria, Antonio was shaken to his core.

He pleaded, “Mr. Wade, name your price. I’ll give you 75%, 85% of the profits, anything you want. Just don’t send

me away from New York!”

Charlie’s response was icy and unwavering, “You have only two choices, Syria or death…”

Tears welled up in Antonio’s eyes as he cried out, “If I leave, the Zano family will be leaderless, our profits promised

to you will vanish. If you spare me, I will work diligently to earn for you.”

Charlie shifted his gaze to Julia and remarked, “Once you leave, your daughter will take charge of your


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Julia protested vehemently, “I don’t want it! I refuse to be part of the mafia!”

Charlie, perplexed, inquired, “Isn’t your father the one who insisted Sicilian women should be acquainted with

blood? I thought he was grooming you to take over.”

Julia shook her head, clarifying, “No, he only wanted to marry me off to that Russian…”

Jagoan suddenly comprehended and nodded in acknowledgment.

He turned to Aman, inquiring with a grin, “Mr. Ramovich, have you come to the United States this time to find a


Aman, facing the abyss, awkwardly replied, “Yes, Antonio offered to marry his daughter to me…”

Jagoan smiled and mused, “It seems we’re destined to cross paths for the second time. Both times you were

engrossed with partners, but I disrupted your plans. Mr. Ramovich, aren’t you vexed?”

Aman was equally dispirited, having never anticipated such outcomes. In their previous encounter, he’d lost face

and suffered a mere dozen slaps. Today, however, had proven dire, he’d lost a leg. Looking at his surroundings, it

was clear that Jagoan intended to ship him off to Syria.

But he dared not defy Jagoan’s query. Instead, he quickly shook his head and uttered, “Mr. Jagoan, I could never

bear any ill will towards you. I would be grateful if you’d spare me.”

Jagoan nodded approvingly, saying, “Your understanding is ideal, it will make your future hardships easier to bear.”

He then shifted his attention to Antonio, questioning him, “How many children do you have?”

Antonio instinctively replied, “Three…”

Jagoan gestured towards Julia and inquired, “Where does she fall in the birth order?”

Antonio promptly responded, “Julia is my second child.”

Jagoan continued, “And the other two, are they boys or girls?”

Antonio candidly answered, “The other two are boys. The elder one is 25, the younger one is 19.”

Jagoan pressed further, “Who do you intend to groom as your successor?”

Antonio hastily replied, “I plan for my eldest son to assume that role…”

Jagoan nodded and declared, “Very well, from tomorrow, your eldest son will assume your position. I’ll have Wesley

Drake from the Dragon Temple come to support him, ensuring a smooth transition. If he ever disobeys, he’ll know

Wesley is watching. Understand?”

Antonio was horrified at the mention of the Dragon Temple and Wesley Drake. Its name was legendary in the

realms of mercenaries and crime. Antonio was aware of its illustrious history and Wesley’s exceptional skills. Yet, he

never imagined that Jagoan could call upon Wesley to join him in New York, implying that Wesley was part of his

inner circle.

Aman, meanwhile, began to reassess the dynamics between Jagoan and the Dragon Temple. Previously, he

assumed that the Dragon Temple had seized control of the Jagoan family, leading him to defend them. However,

Jagoan’s indomitable power and fierce personality suggested a different narrative. He pondered whether Jagoan

had conquered the Dragon Temple.

Aman felt even more apprehensive at this prospect. If Jagoan had indeed defeated the Dragon Temple, what did

that signify for him? Would he be utterly subservient to Jagoan?

Antonio, too, was gripped by fear. He realized that Jagoan intended for Wesley to supervise the Zano family. Any

disobedience would likely result in Wesley’s lethal intervention.

At this point, Jagoan abandoned any subtlety and threatened, “From tomorrow onward, any utterance of defiance

within the Zano family will result in immediate execution by Wesley. The punishment will escalate with each

insubordination. If Jordan is harmed or injured in any way, it will be considered your failure to protect him, whether

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you’re at fault or not. If he breaks a leg, two of you will lose a limb. If Jordan dies, all the male members of the

Zano family will perish alongside him. Do you understand?”

This concept of continuous escalating consequences was entirely to Antonio, and it moved him to tears. He

was overwhelmed, nearly collapsing, but he also recognized that Jagoan left no room for disobedience. The only

viable option was unwavering, unconditional obedience.

Reluctantly, Antonio nodded and pledged, “Rest assured, Mr. Jagoan, the Zano family will go to great lengths to

safeguard Jordan’s well-being…”

Jagoan nodded, then turned to Aman and declared, “You, too, are part of this system. I strongly recommend you

place all your associates and heirs under Jordan’s jurisdiction. Let them serve him while ensuring his safety. Should

anything befall him, the consequences will be dire. Do you understand? When you’re in Syria, don’t blame me for

failing to warn you.”

Aman, faced with the prospect of being sent to Syria, was terrified and disoriented. He had no idea what Jagoan

had in store, and the war-torn nature of the region made it a perilous destination.

He pleaded, “Mr. Jagoan, all my transgressions today stem from confusion. Please, don’t be like me. If you remain

dissatisfied, you may hit me or berate me and I will compensate you generously. Just name your price and I implore

you to act nobly and release me…”

Jagoan, however, was unequivocal, “I already released you once, back in Northern Europe. Otherwise, you wouldn’t

have had the opportunity to confront me here now.”

With a resigned sigh, Jagoan added, “I offered you a chance, and you squandered it.”

Aman wished to plead further, but Jagoan dismissed him with a curt statement, “Tell your men to withdraw. In ten

minutes, both of you will accompany me to Chinatown!”

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