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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5520
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Maria’s question sent a shockwave through Jagoan, leaving him deep in thought. Her words resonated with him,

how could such a meticulously planned scheme spanning over two decades hinge on someone as unreliable as


Jagoan knew Jacob better than anyone else. Though he was his father-in-law, Jagoan could attest to his

irresponsible nature. Entrusting the success or failure of such a significant plan to Jacob was a recipe for disaster.

Without wasting any time, Jagoan dialed Jacob’s number. At that moment, Jacob lounged in Thompson First’s room,

engrossed in his mobile phone. His life had lost its spark ever since Matilda and Mr. Riley had gotten together. Plus,

the presence of Elaine at home was nothing but an irritant. His preferred escape was to seclude himself in his

room, spending his days scrolling through his phone.

So when Jagoan’s call came in, Jacob felt a tinge of surprise. After all, Jagoan had been out, working with clients, as

he had mentioned earlier. They hadn’t spoken in days. Why the sudden call now? He answered the phone, curiosity

lacing his voice. “Hello there, dear son-in-law. What’s the occasion for calling me this late?”

Jagoan quickly replied, “Dad, I’ve been out of town for a while now and I might be away for a bit longer. I may not

be able to come home, so I thought I’d check on how you and Mom are holding up at home.”

Jacob grumbled, “What’s there to say? She and I have little in common, so we mostly ignore each other’s quirks.”

Jagoan then asked, “By the way, Dad, do you remember Felix from Vintage Deluxe?”

“Felix?” Jacob’s surprise was evident. “I do. Why do you suddenly bring him up? Is he coming?”

Jagoan explained, “I’m currently working with a client who’s interested in antiques. During our conversation,

Vintage Deluxe came up and it turns out he knows Felix as well. I wanted to hear from you how you met him.”

Jacob responded with irritation, “I met him at Vintage Deluxe back when I was interested in antique calligraphy and

paintings. I frequented Vintage Deluxe during my free time, hoping to find some treasures on Antique Street. You

know, you find a lot of knowledge there. When Felix first started as the manager at Vintage Deluxe, he was polite

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and attentive to me. Every time I went there, he’d personally assist me and even added me on WeChat. But soon

enough, that guy turned against me quicker than flipping a page. It happened when I accidentally broke the jade

spring vase and he had his men rough me up. A real about-face.”

Jagoan seized upon this mention of the jade spring vase and delved deeper, asking, “Dad, about that day when the

jade spring vase broke, I never really asked for details. You mentioned it just slipped from your hand, but you’re not

the type to be careless. You’ve always been cautious, especially with antiques. So, what happened that day?”

Jacob grumbled, “You know our financial situation, Jagoan. Elaine manages all the money in the household, so I

have to be careful. Even eight thousand dollars is a lot for me. I handle it all. So, whether I’m looking at antiques or

not, I’m very cautious. I’m afraid of dropping, touching, or damaging anything. But that day, it was as if the jade

spring vase had a mind of its own. As soon as I touched it, it slipped from my grasp like it had been oiled. It fell to

the ground with a crash. Maybe that Felix had put oil on it, deliberately, even.”

Jagoan pressed on, “Dad, I remember fixing the jade spring vase with egg whites afterward. It didn’t seem oily to

me and its surface wasn’t particularly smooth. Given that it’s a Tang Dynasty artifact, the glaze should have been a

bit rough, with a matte texture when touched. It has good shock absorption properties. How could it slip from your


Jacob hesitated on the other end of the line, unable to offer an explanation.

Jagoan guided him gently, saying, “Dad, don’t worry. The matter was resolved and you don’t need to feel burdened

by it. We’re just having a chat. I’m curious, that’s all. Tell me what happened that day.”

Jacob sighed, “Jagoan, to be honest, I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me if I told you the truth. I thought you’d

think I was making up stories.”

Jagoan assured him, “Dad, we’re just chatting here. Even if you tell me the bottle sprouted wings and flew away, I’d

believe you.”

Jacob grumbled, “Well, I suppose… I’ll tell you, Jagoan and you probably won’t believe me. At the time, it was

entirely different from what I said before. That damn bottle, it felt like someone had installed a vibration motor

inside it. The moment I picked it up, my hands were jolted and they went numb. I couldn’t hold onto it anymore and

it fell. I tried to reason with Felix, saying there must be something wrong with it, that it had given me a shock. But

he accused me of being reckless, making up excuses. At that point, I didn’t have much of an argument left, so I

thought I’d better get out of there and ask for your help.”

Jacob hastened to clarify, “Jagoan, please don’t misunderstand me. Back then, I didn’t want you to take the blame

for me. I wanted you to help me out initially and then I’d find a way to repay you later. But you turned out to be so

capable that you repaired the jade spring vase.”

Jagoan didn’t take offense and kept the conversation flowing. “Dad, you mentioned that the jade spring vase

vibrated in your hand. Can you tell me more about it? Did Felix personally hand you the jade pot and spring vase?”

Jacob replied, “No, it was that guy named Crator who opened the package containing the jade spring vase. He gave

me a pair of white gloves and asked me to take it out and have a look myself. I didn’t

think much of it at the time, so I reached in and took it out. I was about to snap a photo for WeChat, but then he

suddenly touched it in my hand. That’s when it vibrated and slipped.”

As he spoke, Jacob added, “Now that I think about it, it was most likely a trap set by that Crator guy. Perhaps the

vibration was his doing too.”

Jagoan registered this information and said with a smile, “Alright, Dad, it’s been a while and we have nothing to lose

by talking about this now. By the way, Dad, I have some other business to attend to right now, so I won’t keep you

on the phone.”

Jacob eagerly asked, “When are you coming back, good son-in-law? I’m getting bored to death without you


Jagoan reassured him, “I’ll be back soon, just a day or two.”

“Great,” Jacob said. “When you’re back, let’s go out for a drink.”

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Jagoan agreed and after some more pleasantries, they ended the call.

Turning to Maria, Jagoan asked for her thoughts. Maria responded, “I don’t think your father-in-law is lying, Young

Master. His account aligns with our suspicions. I believe that your father may have been preparing for you to obtain

the ‘Apocalyptic Book’ more than 20 years ago. Your father-in-law’s account of the jade spring vase breaking on its

own is highly suggestive. It’s possible that the vibrations he mentioned were coming from the ‘Apocalyptic Book’


Maria continued, “So, our speculation is that it’s not just anyone who can obtain the ‘Apocalyptic Book’ by

possessing the jade spring vase. Instead, that person must meet certain criteria defined by the ‘Apocalyptic Book.’

Only when those criteria are met can the ‘Apocalyptic Book’ be activated.”

Jagoan sighed, “Your analysis makes sense. It seems like my father might have paved the way for me, but it doesn’t

entirely boil down to fate. It’s possible that only I can trigger the ‘Apocalyptic Book.’ Even without my father’s

intervention, I might have encountered a jade spring vase at the right moment.”

Maria nodded and remarked, “Precisely, Young Master. Perhaps you are the only one in the world who can awaken

the ‘Apocalyptic Book’. Your father’s arrangements might have been to ensure you were in the right place at the

right time.”

Jagoan acknowledged her words and said resolutely, “We must find Felix. I plan to do so shortly, starting with a visit

to that antique shop in the United States.”

Maria suggested, “Before you go to the United States, should we have a thorough conversation with Butler

Thompson First? Since he was arranged by your father, he might also know Felix.”

Jagoan considered her advice and said, “You’re right. I should talk to Jagoan before heading to the United States.

They might have crossed paths.”

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