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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 64
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Book 2 Chapter 12
Caleb’s Point of View
Of all of the ways that today could have
turned out this was the one scenario that
I had never considered. How could she hit
me? I never seen my parents raise a hand
to each other. I have never been so upset with Daphne. To be honest I am barely
containing my anger right now. I had to
leave the house before I said or did
something that we would both end up
Currently I am storming off towards the woods. I am hoping that a nice long run with my wolf will help clear my head. I cannot
believe that amount of rage that is coursing through me right now. Not only did she strike me, but she thought that I would cheat
on her. Daphne has that little trust in me. I know that she had a difficult
past, but I have never done anything that
would make her jump to that kind of
conclusion. I do not even look at other
Finally entering the woods, I quickly strip down before shifting. I love allowing my wolf out, but tonight he is as angry and hurt as I
am. Like a rocket I take off at breakneck speed, running towards my favorite spot in the world. I easily jump over fallen trees, and
limbs in my path. with the single determination of finding some peace. I slow my speed as I leap over the last bit of rock in my
way. Panting I finally come to a stop, and lap at the

water in the lake. It is a small lake that is fed through an underground spring that has a small waterfall.
My wolf paces lazily around the waters edge, until I come to the spot that I had brought Daphne. It seems like a lifetime ago that I
brought her up here. She was
the only woman that has ever seen this
spot with me. It is where I came as a boy
after my parents passed to think, and

center myself. For some reason, this spot is calming and soothing to my soul, and exactly what I need right now. 1
After pacing for a moment, I lay down
staring at the waterfall. My mind briefly
transports back to when I brought
Daphne here. She was amazed by the
water and loved being here. I miss
hearing her laughter. My anger has
finally dissipated, and I whimper as the hurt finally settles into my soul.
Unable to stop myself I howl out in
frustration. I have done everything I can
think of to make Daphne both love and
trust me. I took her away from her abusive parents. I reunited her with her
sister. Hell, I even accepted her sister’s
pack as my own. There is literally nothing that I would not do for her, and yet she
still doubts me. I lay there for awhile longer, wallowing in my own self pity and

As the moon is now high, I know that I should be getting back. Even though I am still hurt by her actions I do not want Daphne to
worry about me not coming home. As I near my discarded clothing I can already hear my phone ringing. I shift quickly assuming
that it is Daphne, or perhaps Theo attempting to call me. I was shocked when the number finally
registered in my brain.
Heaving a sigh of annoyance at my phone I know that I can no longer put off speaking to them. “I hope there is a good reason for
you calling my personal cell this late.” I do not even attempt to stop the snarl that is in my voice.
“Oh, Alpha Caleb I thought that I had
called your office number. I was
intending on leaving you a message.” I
can hear the surprise in Alpha Noah’s voice and I mentally facepalm myself as I recall that I had forwarded my office number to
my cell phone.
“It is ok Noah. Sorry for snapping, it’s been a long day.” Although I may not personally like the man, I do need to start treating him
as somewhat equal. “What is it that you wished to talk to me about?”
“Well, I noticed that I lacked an invitation. to your next meeting. Seeing as we are allies, I assume that it was simply an oversight

of a secretary but wanted to call you to ensure that my assumptions were right.” I must give the man credit for his ability to twist
words. If he came straight out and asked why he was not invited he would sound like a whining child. This way he can displace
blame on someone else, and at the same time save himself some pride.
“Unfortunately, your assumptions are
not right Alpha Noah. I did not invite you because this was not a meeting for all my allies, rather a gathering of my friends.
Although yes, we are tentative allies while you get your pack together, I would hardly call us friends.” I do not see a
reason to beat around the bush. I do not.
like him, and if he did not know that fact
before he does now.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Alpha Caleb, I do believe it would be in
everyone’s best interest if we did become
friends. After all I am your closest neighbor, and we have many unmated
wolves in each pack. There is also the
issue of this years Mabon Ball which I do
believe either you or Alpha Jerome is
hosting this year. I know that we have not
had a peaceful past, but I would like to
rectify that, and I would hope that we
would move to become friends as well.”
His voice sound sincere and after fighting with Daphne I have no will to fight with anyone else.
“You know what Alpha Noah you are right. Seeing as there may be possible mates between our two packs we should be friendly.
I will expect to see you here next week as my guest. I will personally
see to it that you receive the invitation shortly.” After I caved into his request, we finished our conversation and hung
It was not until I was fully dressed and
walking back to the house that I realized that I know needed to tell Daphne that he would be here. Regardless of our fight
earlier I never want her to feel
uncomfortable in her own home. Sighing I creep quietly into the house in case she is already sleeping.
Creeping open our bedroom door I can.

see that Daphne is already in bed. I inch. closer to her and through the bright moonlight I can see the tear stains upon her
cheeks. My heart aches that she cried,
but I am still feeling the sharp knife of betrayal at her lack of trust. None the less
I quickly disrobe and climb into bed next to her. Perhaps tomorrow we can have a
better day.