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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 60
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Book 2 Chapter 8
Caleb’s Point of View
The next morning Daphne is out of our bed before the sun rises. This has been a
habit of hers lately and it is beyond
frustrating. I miss holding my mate in my arms. Just thinking of her toned body pressed against my skin, has my member
jumping to life. Growling in frustration, I decide to hop in the shower hoping that the water will cool the slow burning of my
Basking in the warmth of the water I recall the vivid dream that I was having of Daphne that led to me waking up craving her
body. In the dream we were back in
the kitchen except this time she did not stop me, instead she purred into my ear, as she nipped at my neck. I had pushed
Ir shirt over her head and took my time
teasing her perky nipples through her
bra, while slightly rocking my hips against hers allowing her to feel the full length of my erection against her
sensitive nub. She had bite my neck and
was happily rubbing herself against me
as well.
Thinking about the dream has me harder than I have been in a while. I casually
move my hand down to my cock and begin stroking it while closing my eyes and continue thinking about the dream. I had
stepped back from Daphne and slightly lifted her ass to pull her pants down. There was my beautiful mate, slightly blushing laid
out on the counter as if she were a buffet. With a slight growl I laid her slightly backwards, as I bent over and begin feasting upon
her creamy smooth thighs, before licking her already moist mound. I love the way my mate tastes. I can hear her purring with
satisfaction as my tongue flicks over her

clitoris, and she opens her legs wider for me. In the dream I begin plunging my
tongue around her sensitive crevice, while her hands grip my hair pulling me closer into her, while in reality hearing the pleasure
of her dream moans has me
sliding my hand along my cock faster. As Daphne found her release in my dream, I
happily licked it up, while I found my
release against the tile in the shower.
I let the warm water continue to pour over me, refusing to open my eyes and face my current reality. The dream was better than
my current situation, but with a frustrated growl I finally open my eyes and finish my shower. As I step out and dry off, I am
resolved that I will speak with Daphne today about the issues I am having.

It is not about sex, although I can not
deny the dream was a relief. The facts are that I miss spending time with my mate, and I feel like our bond is suffering because
of it. I pull out my phone and set an alarm to go off before dinner time. Theo helped me devise a plan of packing a picnic style
dinner and asking Daphne to go with me. I wanted to ensure that I was early enough that she would not have already of eaten. I
send a quick text to Scarlett asking if the food was set, and she replied yes. I thanked her profusely and then got ready to head
out to training.
Perhaps some training with my elite squad will help ease some of this
madness I feel coursing through me. Once I reach the training grounds Theo
welcomes me with a we need to talk look. Once we get the squad warmed up, we team them off for hand-to-hand combat, that
will move into them going through scenarios that will cause them to use both
their human and wolf forms.
“Ok lay it on my straight, what is on your mind?” I waste no time as Theo, and I begin to spar.
“I received a call this morning from Alpha Noah, he is upset that he was not invited to the meeting that you are having here next
week.” I grunt as Theo lands a jab to my rib cage.
“Great just what I needed right now.” I know that my reply is sarcastic.

“He has held up his end of the deal when he took over the pack. From what I can understand they no longer have any slaves,
and the reports I am getting are positive.” Theo says as I quickly sweep his feet effectively putting him on his buttocks.
“That is good news but having him here is another reminder to Daphne of her
past. I am not sure that it would be the best situation for her.” I quickly get to the root of the issue that I have with Alpha
Noah. Noah was originally the Beta of his
pack; Alpha Jason had been Daphne’s
father. With his death we had decided as a
pack to allow Noah to take over as Alpha. Although the reports say that he is leading his pack fairly, I know that at one
time he had hurt my mate. The situation to this day does not sit well with me.
Are you still planning on having dinner with her tonight?”
“Yes, Scarlett has been a considerable
help with the food. I have already set an alarm on my phone so that I get to her a little before dinner time.” My stomach drops as
I realize where Theo was heading with his questioning.
“Then perhaps this is another subject
that you need to approach with her.
Daphne is stronger than you think, and
maybe she will not have a problem with
it.” I know that Theo’s assessment of the

situation is probably the best, but I
wanted tonight to be more about me and
her as a couple. This is more along theFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

lines of Alpha and pack business.
“This is all assuming that she will even agree to have dinner with me tonight.” I did not mean to let the words slip, but they
tumbled out before I could stop them. Theo completely stopped in the middle of us sparring and glared at me.
“Enough of the pity party, you are the freaking Alpha of this pack. Daphne is YOUR mate. That means you both are fated to be
together. She will definitely have dinner with you.” It is not very often that Theo talks to me like this. In truth I needed the
confidence booster. Although
Daphne is my fated mate, our
relationship has not been easy.
Our conversation gets cut short as we move into the next training phase which involves shifting quickly between our
wolves and human forms. I know that my warriors are well trained, but it is
important to have them run through different training scenarios as often a s possible. I want them to be ready for anything that
life can throw at them.
My warriors are one of my biggest accomplishments as an Alpha. Every member of my pack starts training when they are
younger. I felt that it was important for everyone to have at least basic combat knowledge in case of a
rogue attack, or if there is a pack war. Theo and I have worked tirelessly to develop multistage training courses for our pack. We
train them to fight in both their human and wolf forms.
Our newest addition to the training has been escape and evade training. Scarlett helped with some of the scenarios, and
our pack practices different events. We
even have a few old cars to use with
scenario training in case of a kidnapping

It is probable that I am overly cautious. Both Theo and I lost our parents to unforeseen attacks, so I try to be ready for anything. It
is true that I have a few packs that I consider allies, but I have also made a few enemies along the way. I do not like Alpha’s that
own slaves or hurt and abuse their pack members. I also try diplomacy first, and when that does not work, I tend to come off as
harsh and angry.
Theo blowing his whistle catapults me out of my own thoughts. This training session has ended, and I feel a small pang of guilt
because I did not monitor them,
and I was pretty distracted during the last half of training. I tell a few of the warriors that they did a great job as we are walking off
the training grounds.
Training did help ease some of the frustration I was feeling earlier. Now I am getting more excited about having time with Daphne
tonight. I send Theo a quick text letting him know that I am going to head into town and pick up some flowers. There are no
pressing issues at the moment that require my presence and I
would like tonight to be special. It has
been some time since I got Daphne
flowers, and I know that she enjoys them. Finally donning a smile, I am confident that tonight will go well.