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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 49
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Chapter Forty-Nine
Daphne’s Point of View
My mating ceremony was a few days ago, and although it was not the wonderful event we had originally planned, in the end I
was still bound to Caleb. I was also announced as the Luna of our pack. Life did not slow down from there. 1
The only living heirs to my father’s pack were my sister and I. My sister also happens to be the only living heir to her pack in
California. On top of all of this, Scarlet has also discovered that she and Theo are second chance mates. There has been so
much going on lately that Caleb and I have not been able to celebrate our
mating ceremony. 2
Right now, we are in talks with Beta Noah regarding the Silver Moon pack and the line of succession. Scarlet has already
stated that she has no desire to be the acting Luna of the pack. The next in line for the job is me. I have no desire to try to lead
people that could not even treat me like I was human; however, I do not want there to be any mistreatment of the people there.
There have been
suggestions back and forth about Noah taking over, or one of our warriors stepping forward as the new Alpha. There is also the
issue of Theo being Scarlet’s mate. By all rights even if Scarlet does not desire the position, Theo could step forward as the new
Alpha. Noah is not aware of that situation though.
“Noah if you do not mind, there is a lot of information for my family to discuss. If you could step outside, I will have Hannah take
you downstairs and get you fed some lunch while we discuss the
options.” Caleb’s voice is firm but
friendly. I marvel at how well he does
politically. Noah nods at him and leaves
the room. 2
Caleb turns to face Scarlet, Theo, and I. I can see the worry lines creasing his forehead already. “Scarlet, I know that you believe
that you have been away too long, to be an effective leader to the Silver Moon pack. Theo you as her mate have a choice, one

that I will back either way. You have always been an excellent Beta, and I believe with all my heart that you will make an amazing
Alpha. I know that the two of you have a lot of heavy
decisions on your shoulders right now so Daphne and I will leave you alone to discuss the options.” With Caleb’s words I stand. I
am ready to get out of this room. for a minute. We leave them alone to talk,
and retreat into our bedroom.
“Caleb, if Theo does decide to become the next Alpha who would be your Beta?” Out
of everything I heard in the den, this was
the one question that I was worried about
the most. I am aware that I have trust
issues, and I want to make sure that the next Beta is someone that both Caleb and
I can trust.
“No matter who I choose no one is going to be as good as Theo.” Caleb’s head is bowed, and I can tell that this is weighing
heavily on him. I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist giving him a tight hug so that he knows I am here for him. ” Theo
and I have grown up together. We trained together; we have fought
together. We have found love together; we have gone through everything in our lives together. I want what is best for him, but the
thought of him leaving is making me sad.” Caleb is resting his head on top of mine, and I rub his back simply trying to provide a
sense of comfort to

“Think about it this way love, if Theo
does decide to be the next Alpha then he
is still very close. It also means that you will have another allied pack close to us. Plus, it is an opportunity for Theo, as you said
he is a great Beta but would make an excellent Alpha.” I am hoping that my words will provide Caleb some comfort.
“Hmmm I have such a smart and beautiful mate. How did I get so lucky?” Caleb lets out a little laugh. I am glad that

I was able to ease the tension somewhat.
“Unfortunately, I think we need to get
back in there and see if they have reached
a decision. We still have other meetings to
get to today, and it is already past lunch.”
I did not want to let go of Caleb, and I definitely did not want to go back to
meetings. I knew that we had to finish.
them though, it was the only way that Caleb and I would be able to finally get some time together. Linking my hand
with Caleb’s hand I start to lead us out of the bedroom.
Caleb knocked before we went back into
the den. Looking at Scarlet and Theo I can see that their decisions have not been easy for them to make. My heart breaks a little
for them. They have had such a
tragic start to what will hopefully become.
a better future for them both.
“Caleb, Daphne we have a few things to discuss with you two before we get Noah back up here.” Theo’s voice is all
business. “Scarlet and I have tried to look at this from every angle, taking in every scenario. We need to settle things with the
Cedar Wood pack. Scarlet is their Luna, and we both feel that we have a responsibility to ensuring that what remains of the pack
is taken care of. Dorian caused a lot of damage, and we need to fix as much of it as we can.” Theo pauses to take a deep breath
and squeezes Scarlet’s hand in reassurance.
“Although Scarlet is also the rightful
accession to the Silver Moon pack, she does not feel like she has any strong ties there. We have a potential plan that we have
talked through and we need your input on it. Do you want to take it from here?” Theo asks Scarlet.

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“Yes, so um I want what is best for everyone involved. Dorian caused a lot of damage within the Cedar Wood pack. In
truth the pack is broke, I have no idea who or if we have any allies, and I do not even know if anyone would choose to stay under
my leadership. Theo is happy here, this is his home and I can see why he is happy. At one time this was also my home, and I
really want to stay and continue growing my bond with my
sister. There is no one left in the Cedar Wood pack that would be able to take over the Alpha position, Dorian’s warriors are
snakes in the grass. I would be worried that they would continue destroying what is left of the pack. After speaking with
Theo and seeing how great you two work together I would like to offer the rest of the pack the option to relocate here, and pledge
allegiance to your pack.” With this declaration, I can see that Scarlet is
starting to get nervous. “I was thinking and hoping to offer the territory to the Red Wood pack, which is the closest pack
to our territory. Now I would need to meet
with their Alpha, because ultimately, I
would love for the pack members that do
not want to relocate, to be able to join a neighboring pack.” Scarlet is definitely nervous and rushes through the ending of her
Caleb takes a moment to process everything that they just explained to us. I am new to politics so I can not really jump in with an
opinion on the whole subject. “I would openly accept anyone that wanted to be apart of our pack as long as their hearts are

aligned with our pack values.” Caleb I can tell is trying to
reassure my sister. “I think that you have
a great plan in mind for your pack, and I have to say that I think it is very mature and wise. It takes a lot of strength, and
courage to try to right the wrongs of other people.” Scarlet smiles at Caleb’s
“Theo, I love you as if you were my true blood brother. We have been through many things in this life together. I am proud of you
always.” Caleb gets

emotional as he addresses Theo.
“I feel the same brother, which is why Scarlet and I both think that Noah should take over the Silver Moon pack. I have
investigated his character, and I believe that he will be a strong, but fair Alpha. I do not care for his wife, nor his daughter but I
believe that he can keep their
attitudes in check. Scarlet and I wish to stay here, with you and Daphne. I have never had the desire to be an Alpha, and I
would like the opportunity to get to know my mate better before trying to lead an entire pack.” Theo is also getting
emotional. 6
“You will always have a home here with us. I will help arrange everything that you and Scarlet will need to travel to her pack. We
will also cover the expenses of anyone that would like to relocate here as well. I
will send you with some of the pack warriors to help in negotiations with the neighboring pack. I would feel better if I knew you
had our men at your back.” Caleb and Theo go on to discuss more of the logistics, but I am worried about
Scarlet. 2
“Scarlet, are you sure this is what you want?” I cannot help but ask her. She was nervous through her speech and I do not want
her to feel pressured to give her pack up.
“Actually, I was the one that talked Theo
into all of this. Daphne, I think that I would make a good Luna, but I was Dorian’s mate. No matter how great I am, there will
always be some anger at the past. That is not good for any pack. This plan was the best that I could come up with that may help
heal some of the pain that they have had to deal with.” Scarlet looks down at her hands, and I can tell that she is reliving some of
the worst of Dorian’s behaviors.
“Besides, I think that Theo and I could have something great. We have both experienced tragedy, love, misery, and pain. Those
kinds of things change how a person views life, and love.” Scarlet looks. over at Theo and there is a slight
shimmer in her eyes. “I did not truly believe in second chance mates, and
neither did Theo. Perhaps this was the Moon Goddess’s way of blessing me for finally coming to my senses.”
The boys finish up their preplanning of the trip and we ask Noah to rejoin us all in the den. Caleb and Theo explain to

Noah that Scarlet and I do not wish to
lead the pack. Caleb, Theo and Noah
hammer out the finer details of allies,
future trades, and whatever else they could think of. Since night was falling Noah decided to stay one more night with our pack
before going home tomorrow. Theo and Scarlet also planned to leave for
California tomorrow.
Finally, all the negotiations were done, and Caleb and I were getting ready for bed. The long talks and the stress of the last few
days have left me exhausted. I
can only imagine the toll it has taken on
Caleb as well.
“Are you excited that Scarlet is going to be so close now?” Caleb asks me as he is changing.
“Yes, I am very happy about it. I am worried and sad for her and Theo though. Those two have been through so much, and they
deserve some happiness.” I am already yawning as I slip under the covers.
“I agree love. Hopefully, they can find some of that happiness together.” Caleb is also yawning as he slides into bed, wrapping
his arm around my waist and spooning me close to him. Even with all the hectic drama we have been dealing with I am grateful
that I am in his arms every night. Soon we are both fast asleep.