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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 46
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Chapter Forty-Six
Caleb’s Point of View
Leaving Daphne this morning was so
difficult. I woke up earlier than usual so that I could watch her sleep a few more
moments. Today is the day that we will be
formally committed to each other, in front of our friends, pack members, and community. I have waited so long for this
day and I am so excited that it is here. I
know that Daphne thinks that I saved her, but in reality, she saved me. It is
because of her that the blackness inside
me, the anger, the rage has finally
subsided. I am more focused on my pack, on leading us, and protecting us. I will spend everyday that I can showing her how
grateful I am to her.
I decided that tonight will be the night I tell her how I feel. How much I love
watching her sleep, hearing her voice,
and feeling her touch. I will tell her how
she saved me from being feral. I will tell her how much I get lost in her eyes, in the scent of her. How her laugh sounds like
bells at Christmas. I will tell her how I
have fallen helplessly in love with her. 4
As much as I do not want to, I ease myself off the bed. I have everything planned
today so that she can relax. I know how hard she has worked to prepare for today. Not just the event planning with the.

catering and the dress, but with learning about the neighboring packs as well. With all the events of yesterday, I just want her to
be at peace today.
I head out of the room, and into the den. It is so early that I doubt anyone else is up and about except for the patrolling guard. I
ensure that I have everything I need for tonight, and then head downstairs. I am
in serious need of a cup of coffee.
To my surprise Theo is already in the
kitchen, nursing his own coffee cup. He
grunts hello to me as I wander in, and
gestures to the coffee pot still half full of
my favorite brew. I grab a cup and sit with
him at the island. 1
“What is on your mind, causing you to lose sleep?” I do not waste time trying to
figure out what is bothering my friend.
“I am sorry for the way I acted yesterday.
When I seen him on Hannah, I wanted to
rip his throat out. I know that she is not my daughter by blood, but we have raised her all the same. If you had not come in
when you did, I would have ended his life, and felt no remorse at all.” Theo’s voice
is cold, and I can tell that he is reliving
the events in his mind. 9
“You have nothing to apologize for. If I
had seen him on Hannah, I do not doubt that I would have killed him as well.

There is no excuse for his behavior. The fact that he is claiming to be an Alpha and behaving in this way is disgusting to me.” I
feel bad that Theo is second guessing his actions. 1
“It is not just that thought” Theo turns. and looks me in the eye “I find myself drawn to Scarlet. I remember all those photos of her

laughing and carefree on the walls at her parent’s house. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to meet that girl. To see that sparkle
shine in her eyes again.” Hearing Theo talk about Scarlet makes me wonder if his hatred for Dorian is fueled by something other
than Hannah. 8
“Theo, I need to ask you a very personal question. Have you had any lovers since Miranda has passed on?” I never say her
name out loud, not since she died. We do not talk about it. Theo took some time
after her death and dealt with it his way.
We had an unspoken agreement that she was an off-limit topic of conversation.
“I tried once, but she wanted more than I
could give her. She wanted a future, and I
had made it very clear from the beginning that we were just two people looking for physical release. Since that fiasco no, I
have not touched another woman. You
know that I do not believe the fairy tale
that there are second chance mates in
this world.” I must admit that I am
surprised that Theo opened up this much
about Miranda, and his love life.
“I truly wish that you would not give up on finding another mate. I would love to see you with some little pups climbing your leg.” I
laugh at the thought and clap
him on the back.

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“The nights get lonely sometimes, but I do not think that I could ever handle that pain again. I asked the Moon Goddess to take
my life that night. I did not want to continue without her. I simply can not go through with that again. I am happy here, training,
working, helping our people with special talents. That is what my life. is meant for.” Theo has turned somewhat solemn, and I can
not help but wonder if he truly feels that way or if fear is stopping him.
“If that is what you wish, then I will drop the matter. I do have to say though Scarlet is still a beauty.” Theo punches my shoulder
at that remark, which I expected.
“It is not that way with her, I simply hate seeing someone broken down like that. It is weird but, in a way, it is almost as if her and
Daphne have switched lives.” I mull
over Theo’s words for a moment, and I
agree with them. Daphne was broken down by her parents, made to feel like she
was nothing. Dorian is doing the same. thing to Scarlet, and it is a sad realization.
“Honestly, you are right. Unfortunately,
there is not much that we can do with out
starting a war. I do not know if they have powerful allies, although I have no fear of his pack warriors. I also wonder how it
would make Daphne feel. I mean her and
Scarlet have just reunited, and this could
push them apart.” 1
“I have been researching relentlessly
through the old scrolls, searching for
anything that could possibly help Scarlet in any way. She could leave him, but because of the mating bond she would
never find a second chance mate if it were
possible. From what I have read the

possibility of her being able to bear
children is slim without her mate.” Theo
hangs his head with his own revelations. Now I better understand the coffee, he has been researching all night.
“Why not go and try to get some rest. I
will speak with Scarlet and see where she

stands. If she wants to leave Dorian, she
will have our support. I will even offer her a place here.” Theo nods at my words and places his cup in the sink. I believe that
exhaustion has finally won out and I see him head for the stairs. Hopefully, he will
be able to rest.
I start making breakfast for two people. Mulling over the talk I had with Theo I have changed my plans a little. I will
make Scarlet some breakfast and leave Daphne’s in the oven. That will give me some time to speak with Scarlet and see where
she stands with everything. It is clear to everyone that she is no longer
happy in her mating but is she unhappy
enough to changer her own
circumstances. Plate in hand I head
upstairs to find out, knocking and
waiting for her reply before coming in. 1
“Hey Scarlet, I brought you breakfast and was hoping to speak to you a moment.” I can see that she has been up for a little.
while. She is already dressed, and it looks like she can use a friend right now.
“Yeah I was expecting that you would

want to talk. First let me say that I am so sorry that Dorian hurt that girl. He was very wrong, and I cannot fathom what he was
“No, you do not need to apologize for his
actions. He is a grown man; he will take responsibility for himself. It is regarding him that I wish to speak to you. Scarlet everyone
can see that you are unhappy, that Dorian does not treat you well.
Although I have not found a way outside. of ending his life to break the mating bond, you are free to leave him if you want to. You
will have mine and my pack’s support, and a position and home here if you choose.” I can see her thinking about my words for a
few minutes and I do not rush her. This is a serious matter, and she must choose for herself.
“Thank you for your kind offer, but I am the Luna of my pack. You are right, Dorian has changed and for so long I have been
unhappy. That is not all on him though, I should have stood up to him. long ago. My people need me, so it is with that thought
that I know that I must go back. I do want to thank you though, for Daphne and her happiness. She did not have a happy
childhood, but I am overjoyed to see her smile now. I also want you to know that should you ever
make her unhappy, I will find a way to
end you.” Scarlet looks me dead in the eye
to let me know that she is serious. I
respect her for her decision to protect her pack, even if I do not agree with it.
“I understand your decision and know that I love Daphne. It is no longer just the mating that pulls me to her. I need her more than
I need air to breath.” I hope
that Scarlet can see that I am sincere.
“I believe you. You do make her happy,
and that is all I can ask.”
“Know that you are welcome here
anytime. Also, if you need anything at all,

please do not hesitate to ask. You are
family now, anything I have is yours.”
Scarlet nods letting me know that she understands. Then I explain to her my
plan for Daphne today, and she is more
than happy to help me out. She heads
downstairs with me to grab the breakfast for Daphne. Then I check in with Hannah
and ensure that she is set to go for help with hair and makeup. 1
I spend the rest of the day greeting the guests that have arrived. The neighboring packs have all shown up in support of me
finding my mate. Marcus is here, Lola
stands proud beside him. I make sure that everything is set in place, the catering is all top notch, and that nothing can go wrong.
My patrolling guards are still working but are not as spread out. I allowed them to draw in closer to the ceremony so that they can
also be a part of it. After all it is not everyday that their Alpha meets his mate. As time draws closer, I find that I am getting
nervous. I cannot wait to see Daphne in her dress, but I am ready for this to be done with. I am ready for her to be mine.