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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 42
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Chapter Forty-Two
Caleb’s Point of View
I want more than anything to be the white knight for my mate. I would love to tell her that I have all the answers to her problems. I
would love to be able to magically wave my hands and make the world perfect for her. Unfortunately, I find myself questioning
everything, not knowing what if anything I can do.
The excitement of today has worn Daphne out, and she is sleeping in my arms. My mind will not shut down, sleep eludes me. I
wonder if I could find out any more information on the previous Alpha’s death. I know that if I start a big investigation that it will
draw attention and could potentially start a war. I also know that if the suspicions surrounding Dorian’s rise to power are correct,
then he should be punished.
I am also worried about the information that Daphne has revealed to me. Scarlet is his fated mate, knowing that he willingly
breaks that sacred bond makes me lose all respect for him. I need to talk to Theo and find out more information. Theo had
indicated that many former members had turned rogue. 1 am not comfortable with this man in my home. I also can not ask him
to leave, because he is my mate’s brother in law.
With all these thoughts in my head I know that there is no way that I will be able to sleep any time soon. I must get some of the
questions in my head answered before I will ever be able to get any rest. I gently ease Daphne off my arm, ensuring that she is
tucked in snugly. I mind link Theo and confirm that he is awake. We quickly decide to meet outside. I grab my sneakers, and
head out in search of some answers.

Theo is already outside when I reach the front steps. I can see that he has not changed clothes and judging by the dark circles
under his eyes he has not gotten any rest yet either. “I can see that you have not rested yet.”
“Hannah was excited that I was back, so I took her to dinner. Then she insisted on showing me her outfit for the mating
ceremony and was catching me up on all of the preparations her and Daphne have completed for the ceremony.” I cannot help
but chuckle, Theo will always put Hannah’s interests’ first. I wish he and his mate would have had biological children; he is an
amazing father figure.

“Yes, Imade sure that they stayed very busy while you were gone. Things have gone very well here, although I cannot express
how happy I am to have you back home. Things run smoother when you are here.” I want to make sure that Theo knows how
much I appreciate everything he does for this pack.
“I know Hannah was full of dress store shopping stories, and catering company information, and shoes, and everything else that
a young woman could want. It made me a little sad hearing how excited she is for the ceremony. I know that eventually she is
going to find her mate and may move away. It breaks my heart a little.” Theo does not normally get emotional when talking, so I
do not disrupt him. “I know that Hannah is not my child, but in a lot of ways she is. It is hard to believe how fast she has grown,
soon she will be grown. I know this much though if her mate turns out anything like Dorian, I will rip him to shreds with my own
bare hands.”
“Daphne told me that Dorian has affairs, and that Scarlet is aware of them. That is one of the various reasons that I sought you
out tonight, with all that I have learned I cannot sleep. I need you to tell me everything that you know, and everything that you
suspect please.” I hate probing Theo for information, but this is not just business, this is now family.
“The pack itself is in a sorry state all the way around. Financially they appear to be broke, the manor house itself looks run down,
and in need of basic repairs. Most of the remain pack members are skinny, and I only seen one pup while I was there. .

The size of the pack has been decreased significantly. There are perhaps thirty pack members and about a dozen slaves.” Theo
has done a great job assessing the situation from a war standpoint.
“What did you learn about the previous Alpha?” I am curious as to what truly happened to him.
“Most of the remaining pack will not speak about the previous Alpha, it is almost as if Dorian has forbidden it. What information I
was able to gain was from a rogue I met, and from a slave.” I understand that Theo is informing me that the information may not
be trustworthy. I nod in understanding prompting him to continue.
“What I could gather is that the previous Alpha was loved. He did own slaves but treated them fairly. He had been mated, but like
me his mate had passed away. He was searching for another mate when he passed away. To everyone's knowledge he had no
heirs.Dorian was his Beta, and with his passing he took the Alpha position.”
“Yes, but how did the previous Alpha actually die? Were you able to gather any information on that?”
“Apparently the pack was attacked by a large group of rogues. The Alpha had sustained some deep wounds. I was told that

originally the pack thought that he would recover; however, after three days in the hospital he suddenly took a turn for the worse.
Officially he died from infections that spread through his blood stream and stopped his heart. I have heard whispers though that
many believed that he was poisoned in the hospital.” Theo has gained some important knowledge, but it still leaves me with
“Rogues are not known to attack packs, especially wolves that are in their home territory. This whole thing seems very
suspect to me, and I do not like having him in my home.” I do not have to hide my true feelings from Theo.
“I feel the same way. There are too many coincidences surrounding the death of the Alpha for it not to seem like it was specially
orchestrated. We heal abnormally faster than humans, there are very few things that would hinder the progress of healing. TheFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

fact that he succumbed to infection is very suspect.” Theo also does not hide how he really feels from me.
“How did Dorian treat you while you were there?”
“He was suspicious but welcoming at first. It was a forced welcome though. He did brighten up after learning that you were
financing the trip up here. From observing his behavior, I can tell you that he is highly egotistical, and acts like a tyrant. I know
that his behavior has led to the pack losing money, and many of its members turning rogue. I also know that he abuses his
slaves, and Omegas. Worse than what Hannah or Daphne went through.” Theo’s voice is soft at the end, and! know that he is
wishing that he could have done something to help them.
“I want him closely observed while he is here. I have a bad feeling about him. I feel that he may try something underhanded
while he is here.” While most of what I have learned about Dorian is second hand, it is enough to confirm my suspicions. “Also, I
have a question, if a marked mate that has already gone through the ceremony were being abused by their mate, would it be
possible for them to leave?” I have never investigated this, soI am hoping that Theo may have some insight.
“To my knowledge even if they are mated if someone wants to leave, they can leave. The bad thing is that after the ceremony it
is not a simple rejection. So even if they encounter their second chance mate, they will not know it. The only way that I have
heard that wolves are able to possibly find a second chance mate, is if their mate dies.”
“Thank you, Theo for everything. I will continue to observe Dorian while he is here. I hope that your message made it out to the
rogues and that they know that they are welcome to come here. I am going to go upstairs and try to find some sleep.” I clap Theo
on the back and turn back towards the house. I jog up the stairs and for a moment] just stare at my sleeping mate. |
She is beautiful both inside and out. I could not imagine ever betraying our vows and sleeping with another woman. She will
always be enough for me. I will spend every day proving that to her. Perhaps I should have a man to man talk with Dorian, try to

find out why he feels the need to cheat on his mate. Finally my brain starts to quiet and as a nestle in next to Daphne sniffing her
sweet scent, I drift off to sleep.