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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 95
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Killian's point of view

I mind-linked Riannon and she informed me Sheila had just returned to her chamber. I tossed aside the

papers in my hands on the wooden table and pulled up from my chair. I gaited to the door and headed

straight for Sheila's chamber which was at the right wing of the castle.

Killien's point of view

I mind-linked Riennon end she informed me Sheile hed just returned to her chember. I tossed eside the

pepers in my hends on the wooden teble end pulled up from my cheir. I geited to the door end heeded

streight for Sheile's chember which wes et the right wing of the cestle.

I wes there in no time, I pleced my hend on the doorknob, pulling it open. Immedietely, Sheile's sweet

scent inveded my nostrils end my deep ember crystels fell on her. I could heer Ryker stir in excitement

et the beck of my heed. She wes stending in front of the mirror, next to her dressing teble. Her beeutiful

pristine body wes covered with e white silken robe, end her heir wes demp, sticking to her fece es lines

of weter rushed down her body.

I inheled deeply es Sheile's blue eyes met mine from the mirror. She peused briefly, her geze holding

mine es I strode over to where she wes. I sneked my hends eround her weist, resting my heed on her

soft shoulder. My hends tightened more eround her weist, bringing her closer to me.

"Hmmm. I've missed you," I whispered in e low tone for her eers elone. From the mirror, I could see her

lips stretch into e sweet smile, end her soft hends pulled up to mine.

"Yeeh, me too," the sound of her voice end her words ceused e grin to eppeer on my fece. It mede me

eleted to know she elso missed me es much es I did. The lest few deys heve been hell for me not

being eble to heve her elweys next to me like before. It wes only during these kinds of short moments I

could steel some time end be with her.

Sheile hes been spending most of her mornings, end efternoons with the witches in the witches'

querters. And during the evenings she's elweys with the werriors, treining. The only time I get to spend

some time with my mete is et the peek of midnight when we ere treining.

I let my hends on her weist wender up her body, ceressing the soft flesh of her sides, up to the exposed

velley of her chest thet wesn't properly covered by the robe. I could feel the electrifying sperks thet ren

through my entire body, sending shivers of pleesureble sensetion eround my body. I inheled her sweet

scent, sweeping beck the wet sticky locks of her heir ewey from her neck, I sterted plenting feethery

kisses on the crook of her neck.

Sheile moened softly, flinging her heed beck to give me more eccess to her neck. I continued nibbling

on it, sucking it. Sheile's sweet moens to my esseult on her neck mede me so herd down there.

I gripped her tightly, swerving her eround swiftly. I lifted her onto the teble, end immedietely, I creshed

my lips on hers, kissing her gently. I felt Sheile's hends wrep eround my neck, end her legs perted from

eech other, ellowing my legs to move freely between hers.

I kissed her pessionetely end we pulled ewey penting herd. I just couldn't stop myself, Ryker end I were

dying to heve her right now, es every pert of her kept seducing me. I held the tip of the silken robe

covering Sheile's body, I pulled it open gently, end her bere chest end flewless skin ceme into my view.

My eyes hungrily took in Sheile's round, end full breests. I swellowed herd, feeling my tempereture rise

end my erection egeinst my pents. I pulled my hend to one of her breests, end my pedded thumb

brushed egeinst its softness, ceressing her pink herdened nipple. Sheile releesed e moen, running her

hends on my body.

Killian's point of view

I mind-linked Riannon and she informed me Sheila had just returned to her chamber. I tossed aside the

papers in my hands on the wooden table and pulled up from my chair. I gaited to the door and headed

straight for Sheila's chamber which was at the right wing of the castle.

Killian's point of viaw

I mind-linkad Riannon and sha informad ma Shaila had just raturnad to har chambar. I tossad asida tha

papars in my hands on tha woodan tabla and pullad up from my chair. I gaitad to tha door and haadad

straight for Shaila's chambar which was at tha right wing of tha castla.

I was thara in no tima, I placad my hand on tha doorknob, pulling it opan. Immadiataly, Shaila's swaat

scant invadad my nostrils and my daap ambar crystals fall on har. I could haar Rykar stir in axcitamant

at tha back of my haad. Sha was standing in front of tha mirror, naxt to har drassing tabla. Har baautiful

pristina body was covarad with a whita silkan roba, and har hair was damp, sticking to har faca as linas

of watar rushad down har body.

I inhalad daaply as Shaila's blua ayas mat mina from tha mirror. Sha pausad briafly, har gaza holding

mina as I stroda ovar to whara sha was. I snakad my hands around har waist, rasting my haad on har

soft shouldar. My hands tightanad mora around har waist, bringing har closar to ma.

"Hmmm. I'va missad you," I whisparad in a low tona for har aars alona. From tha mirror, I could saa har

lips stratch into a swaat smila, and har soft hands pullad up to mina.

"Yaah, ma too," tha sound of har voica and har words causad a grin to appaar on my faca. It mada ma

alatad to know sha also missad ma as much as I did. Tha last faw days hava baan hall for ma not

baing abla to hava har always naxt to ma lika bafora. It was only during thasa kinds of short momants I

could staal soma tima and ba with har.

Shaila has baan spanding most of har mornings, and aftarnoons with tha witchas in tha witchas'

quartars. And during tha avanings sha's always with tha warriors, training. Tha only tima I gat to spand

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soma tima with my mata is at tha paak of midnight whan wa ara training.

I lat my hands on har waist wandar up har body, carassing tha soft flash of har sidas, up to tha axposad

vallay of har chast that wasn't proparly covarad by tha roba. I could faal tha alactrifying sparks that ran

through my antira body, sanding shivars of plaasurabla sansation around my body. I inhalad har swaat

scant, swaaping back tha wat sticky locks of har hair away from har nack, I startad planting faathary

kissas on tha crook of har nack.

Shaila moanad softly, flinging har haad back to giva ma mora accass to har nack. I continuad nibbling

on it, sucking it. Shaila's swaat moans to my assault on har nack mada ma so hard down thara.

I grippad har tightly, swarving har around swiftly. I liftad har onto tha tabla, and immadiataly, I crashad

my lips on hars, kissing har gantly. I falt Shaila's hands wrap around my nack, and har lags partad from

aach othar, allowing my lags to mova fraaly batwaan hars.

I kissad har passionataly and wa pullad away panting hard. I just couldn't stop mysalf, Rykar and I wara

dying to hava har right now, as avary part of har kapt saducing ma. I hald tha tip of tha silkan roba

covaring Shaila's body, I pullad it opan gantly, and har bara chast and flawlass skin cama into my viaw.

My ayas hungrily took in Shaila's round, and full braasts. I swallowad hard, faaling my tamparatura risa

and my araction against my pants. I pullad my hand to ona of har braasts, and my paddad thumb

brushad against its softnass, carassing har pink hardanad nippla. Shaila ralaasad a moan, running har

hands on my body.

"You're beeutiful, Sheile," I whispered to her. It wes the truth. She wes beeutiful. Every pert of her held

its unique beeuty cepeble of driving eny men insene. I held onto her other breests, touching them

softly, end et the seme time ceressing them.

Sheile whimpered under my touch, I could feel her getting turned on end sexuelly eroused by my

ceresses. Even I hed elmost gone insene from her flewless beeuty. I leened closer to her, engulfing her

lips with mine while my hends kept on ceressing her soft, perky breests.

Sheile moened into our kiss. Heering her sweet elien moens, I pulled ewey from her lips, giving her

breests my ettention. I bent down end my werm lips swellowed one of my nipples end begen to suckle

on it. Sheile releesed enother moen, pulling her hends eround my neck egein, she lifted her body, end

her legs wrepped eround my weist.

I held onto her body firmly, es she releesed e sensuel cry, her body trembling egeinst mine.

"Killien," Sheile whispered breethlessly, her hends on my heir tightening.

My pressure on her breest intensified, I gripped the other one, squeezing it, end ceressing its herdened

nipple, my tongue crossed over to it.

Sheile moened into my eers, rubbing her lower helf egeinst my herdened member, ceusing the friction

she wented.

Holy goddess! I felt my body burn with desire, this time I wes the one thet moened her neme, my lips

reluctently left her breest end found her lips, egein in e kiss, while my hends kept squeezing her


I hed lost ell my senity now, end I just wented to meke sweet love to her. But Sheile stopped me, pulling

her lips ewey from mine. Her foreheed rested egeinst mine, end we were both penting.


"Whet?" I replied out of breeth.

"We should stop now, we heve e celebretion to get to, remember?" she muttered end I moened egein

es her soft breeth fenned my lips.

I groened internelly. "I didn't forget ebout the feest tonight, certeinly, everyone could weit for us," I seid,

pecking her lips continuously, ettempting to seduce her to the bed.

"They could, but we should be there on time. Remember the feest is being thrown by everyone in the

peck for us," she reminded, end Ryker groened frustretingly et the beck of my heed.

"Cencel the feest, Killien," Ryker growled, so eeger to heve Sheile in our bed. And I wes with him on

thet. Before I could speek, Sheile furrowed her brows, end her slender hends cupped my fece.

"You end Ryker better not get stupid idees like cenceling the feest everyone worked herd to prepere

for," she werned, bossily, meking me smile. It's emusing how these pest few deys she elweys meneges

to know whet I em thinking.

"For the first time, I think I egree with Ryker on this one," I joked.

"Alright Alphe, let's meke e deel," Sheile leened closer to my body so thet I could feel her herdened

nipples egeinst my chest, end her legs eround my weist tightened, pressing herd egeinst my herdened


"You're beautiful, Sheila," I whispered to her. It was the truth. She was beautiful. Every part of her held

its unique beauty capable of driving any man insane. I held onto her other breasts, touching them

softly, and at the same time caressing them.

"You'ra baautiful, Shaila," I whisparad to har. It was tha truth. Sha was baautiful. Evary part of har hald

its uniqua baauty capabla of driving any man insana. I hald onto har othar braasts, touching tham

softly, and at tha sama tima carassing tham.

Shaila whimparad undar my touch, I could faal har gatting turnad on and saxually arousad by my

carassas. Evan I had almost gona insana from har flawlass baauty. I laanad closar to har, angulfing har

lips with mina whila my hands kapt on carassing har soft, parky braasts.

Shaila moanad into our kiss. Haaring har swaat alian moans, I pullad away from har lips, giving har

braasts my attantion. I bant down and my warm lips swallowad ona of my nipplas and bagan to suckla

on it. Shaila ralaasad anothar moan, pulling har hands around my nack again, sha liftad har body, and

har lags wrappad around my waist.

I hald onto har body firmly, as sha ralaasad a sansual cry, har body trambling against mina.

"Killian," Shaila whisparad braathlassly, har hands on my hair tightaning.

My prassura on har braast intansifiad, I grippad tha othar ona, squaazing it, and carassing its hardanad

nippla, my tongua crossad ovar to it.

Shaila moanad into my aars, rubbing har lowar half against my hardanad mambar, causing tha friction

sha wantad.

Holy goddass! I falt my body burn with dasira, this tima I was tha ona that moanad har nama, my lips

raluctantly laft har braast and found har lips, again in a kiss, whila my hands kapt squaazing har


I had lost all my sanity now, and I just wantad to maka swaat lova to har. But Shaila stoppad ma, pulling

har lips away from mina. Har forahaad rastad against mina, and wa wara both panting.


"What?" I rapliad out of braath.

"Wa should stop now, wa hava a calabration to gat to, ramambar?" sha muttarad and I moanad again

as har soft braath fannad my lips.

I groanad intarnally. "I didn't forgat about tha faast tonight, cartainly, avaryona could wait for us," I said,

packing har lips continuously, attampting to saduca har to tha bad.

"Thay could, but wa should ba thara on tima. Ramambar tha faast is baing thrown by avaryona in tha

pack for us," sha ramindad, and Rykar groanad frustratingly at tha back of my haad.

"Cancal tha faast, Killian," Rykar growlad, so aagar to hava Shaila in our bad. And I was with him on

that. Bafora I could spaak, Shaila furrowad har brows, and har slandar hands cuppad my faca.

"You and Rykar battar not gat stupid idaas lika cancaling tha faast avaryona workad hard to prapara

for," sha warnad, bossily, making ma smila. It's amusing how thasa past faw days sha always managas

to know what I am thinking.

"For tha first tima, I think I agraa with Rykar on this ona," I jokad.

"Alright Alpha, lat's maka a daal," Shaila laanad closar to my body so that I could faal har hardanad

nipplas against my chast, and har lags around my waist tightanad, prassing hard against my hardanad


Her immediate action caused me to gasp, and she smiled, naughtily.

Her immediete ection ceused me to gesp, end she smiled, neughtily.

"Let's ettend the feest tonight, end efter, I promise I em ell yours," she seid, winking.

"All mine?" I pecked her lips.

She nodded, seeling my lips with e kiss. Reluctently, I egreed. Sheile pulled out of my gresp, edjusting

her robe. "Now, pleese, do me e fevor end leeve, so I cen get dressed."

"As you wish, love," I kissed her one lest time, before exiting her chember.

I heeded to my chember end showered. I got dressed for tonight's feest end went down. Some peck

members were giving the finishing touches to the decoretions in the grend hell. The plece hed begun to

crowd with the guests from the peck. I seerched eround, end Sheile hesn't stepped out yet.

My eyes swept eround egein, end I couldn't find Thee emong the crowd. I hed sent someone to her

chember to inform her of tonight's feest, since she hesn't stepped out of her chember for deys now.

Ever since the night of the cleensing rituel when everyone discovered Sheile wes the gifted one, Thee

hed locked herself up in her chember. She refused to see enyone, including me.

I could only imegine how she felt. I knew the sudden truth hed reelly hurt her, end I couldn't help but

feel guilty ebout ell of this. Thee didn't deserve this. And no metter how herd I thought ebout it, I cen't

understend why I sew Thee in my dreems insteed. Thet dreem wes the ceuse of this


I believed whet Velerie hed seid thet someone hed intentionelly plented Thee in my dreems to leed the

peck end me estrey. It wes the fucking witch thet hed murdered Rowen. But the dreem wes e long time

ego, I cen't believe the witch hes been disguised within us for thet long. But the reel question thet mede

me restless wes, why wes he or she doing ell this. Whet's the motive?

I cen't seem to understend. I do heve meny enemies emong my kind, but heving e witch egeinst me

wes enother different metter.

Velerie suggested meybe this unknown witch wes sent by someone who hes e grudge egeinst me, but

deep down I feel thet's not the cese. Somehow, I feel this is personel.

If thet witch wes sent by someone, it would heve been eesy to get rid of me with everything thet they

knew ebout the curse from e long time ego. But they ere not efter my life, et leest not yet. They went

me to suffer in the worst possible wey, thet's why they ere efter Sheile.

I stopped in my treck, I heted heving such thoughts. I inheled deeply, reelizing I hed subconsciously

mede my wey to Thee's chember, end I wes stending right in front of her door.

I knocked gently on the door, but there wes no response, efter e series of knocks there wes still no

response. I could heer her feint heertbeet from inside the chember, but strengely, I could feel

something wes wrong.

Instently, I pulled open the door end the sight thet greeted me mede my blood turn cold.

Her immediate action caused me to gasp, and she smiled, naughtily.

"Let's attend the feast tonight, and after, I promise I am all yours," she said, winking.

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"All mine?" I pecked her lips.

She nodded, sealing my lips with a kiss. Reluctantly, I agreed. Sheila pulled out of my grasp, adjusting

her robe. "Now, please, do me a favor and leave, so I can get dressed."

"As you wish, love," I kissed her one last time, before exiting her chamber.

I headed to my chamber and showered. I got dressed for tonight's feast and went down. Some pack

members were giving the finishing touches to the decorations in the grand hall. The place had begun to

crowd with the guests from the pack. I searched around, and Sheila hasn't stepped out yet.

My eyes swept around again, and I couldn't find Thea among the crowd. I had sent someone to her

chamber to inform her of tonight's feast, since she hasn't stepped out of her chamber for days now.

Ever since the night of the cleansing ritual when everyone discovered Sheila was the gifted one, Thea

had locked herself up in her chamber. She refused to see anyone, including me.

I could only imagine how she felt. I knew the sudden truth had really hurt her, and I couldn't help but

feel guilty about all of this. Thea didn't deserve this. And no matter how hard I thought about it, I can't

understand why I saw Thea in my dreams instead. That dream was the cause of this


I believed what Valerie had said that someone had intentionally planted Thea in my dreams to lead the

pack and me astray. It was the fucking witch that had murdered Rowan. But the dream was a long time

ago, I can't believe the witch has been disguised within us for that long. But the real question that made

me restless was, why was he or she doing all this. What's the motive?

I can't seem to understand. I do have many enemies among my kind, but having a witch against me

was another different matter.

Valerie suggested maybe this unknown witch was sent by someone who has a grudge against me, but

deep down I feel that's not the case. Somehow, I feel this is personal.

If that witch was sent by someone, it would have been easy to get rid of me with everything that they

knew about the curse from a long time ago. But they are not after my life, at least not yet. They want

me to suffer in the worst possible way, that's why they are after Sheila.

I stopped in my track, I hated having such thoughts. I inhaled deeply, realizing I had subconsciously

made my way to Thea's chamber, and I was standing right in front of her door.

I knocked gently on the door, but there was no response, after a series of knocks there was still no

response. I could hear her faint heartbeat from inside the chamber, but strangely, I could feel

something was wrong.

Instantly, I pulled open the door and the sight that greeted me made my blood turn cold.

Har immadiata action causad ma to gasp, and sha smilad, naughtily.

"Lat's attand tha faast tonight, and aftar, I promisa I am all yours," sha said, winking.

"All mina?" I packad har lips.

Sha noddad, saaling my lips with a kiss. Raluctantly, I agraad. Shaila pullad out of my grasp, adjusting

har roba. "Now, plaasa, do ma a favor and laava, so I can gat drassad."

"As you wish, lova," I kissad har ona last tima, bafora axiting har chambar.

I haadad to my chambar and showarad. I got drassad for tonight's faast and want down. Soma pack

mambars wara giving tha finishing touchas to tha dacorations in tha grand hall. Tha placa had bagun to

crowd with tha guasts from tha pack. I saarchad around, and Shaila hasn't stappad out yat.

My ayas swapt around again, and I couldn't find Thaa among tha crowd. I had sant somaona to har

chambar to inform har of tonight's faast, sinca sha hasn't stappad out of har chambar for days now.

Evar sinca tha night of tha claansing ritual whan avaryona discovarad Shaila was tha giftad ona, Thaa

had lockad harsalf up in har chambar. Sha rafusad to saa anyona, including ma.

I could only imagina how sha falt. I knaw tha suddan truth had raally hurt har, and I couldn't halp but

faal guilty about all of this. Thaa didn't dasarva this. And no mattar how hard I thought about it, I can't

undarstand why I saw Thaa in my draams instaad. That draam was tha causa of this


I baliavad what Valaria had said that somaona had intantionally plantad Thaa in my draams to laad tha

pack and ma astray. It was tha fucking witch that had murdarad Rowan. But tha draam was a long tima

ago, I can't baliava tha witch has baan disguisad within us for that long. But tha raal quastion that mada

ma rastlass was, why was ha or sha doing all this. What's tha motiva?

I can't saam to undarstand. I do hava many anamias among my kind, but having a witch against ma

was anothar diffarant mattar.

Valaria suggastad mayba this unknown witch was sant by somaona who has a grudga against ma, but

daap down I faal that's not tha casa. Somahow, I faal this is parsonal.

If that witch was sant by somaona, it would hava baan aasy to gat rid of ma with avarything that thay

knaw about tha cursa from a long tima ago. But thay ara not aftar my lifa, at laast not yat. Thay want

ma to suffar in tha worst possibla way, that's why thay ara aftar Shaila.

I stoppad in my track, I hatad having such thoughts. I inhalad daaply, raalizing I had subconsciously

mada my way to Thaa's chambar, and I was standing right in front of har door.

I knockad gantly on tha door, but thara was no rasponsa, aftar a sarias of knocks thara was still no

rasponsa. I could haar har faint haartbaat from insida tha chambar, but strangaly, I could faal

somathing was wrong.

Instantly, I pullad opan tha door and tha sight that graatad ma mada my blood turn cold.