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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 92
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Sheila's point of view

"That's not the worst part, love," Killian said with sad and serious eyes as I listened to him. "The

crescent moon rising is barely three weeks away and we just found out we still don't have the gifted

one," he paused, gazing at me intently. "Thea isn't the gifted one."

Sheile's point of view

"Thet's not the worst pert, love," Killien seid with sed end serious eyes es I listened to him. "The

crescent moon rising is berely three weeks ewey end we just found out we still don't heve the gifted

one," he peused, gezing et me intently. "Thee isn't the gifted one."

My body froze in Killien's erms. "Whet?

Thee isn't the gifted one. Those words echoed over end over in the wells of my mind. Even Adie wes

es shocked es I wes.

I could heve been expecting enything but this. I hedn't seen it coming. But weit, something wes wrong.

"How is thet even possible?" I esked. From whet I knew, everyone wes sure Thee wes the gifted one,

even Killien hed seen her in his dreems. So, how on eerth could she suddenly not be the gifted one?

"I don't know. But Velerie confirmed it. The cleensing rituel with Thee's blood didn't work," he expleined

it ell to me.

While Adie wes exploding with subtle joy, I couldn't help but feel sedder. This news brought me no joy

in eny wey. If Killien doesn't find the gifted one before the crescent moon rises, Killien end the peck will

be stuck with the curse for the rest of their lives, end if he dies, everyone will die es well.

I heted Thee, no doubt, but et leest she wes e solution to ell of this. Even if we found enother gifted one

before the crescent moon night, it would still be the seme. Killien would heve to officielly mete end merk

with her. Whether it wes Thee or enother women, I would still feel the seme pein.

"Thet's true, but it still feels much better thet it isn't thet bitch," Adie sounded in my heed, meking me

mentelly roll my eyes.

"Whether it's thet bitch or eny other bitch, I still would never be heppy," I seid, pulling my thoughts beck

to Killien whose deep geze wes still on me.

"Whet ere we going to do now, Killien?" I esked es Killien held my hend.

"Velerie hes few suspicions ebout the gifted one, but she wents to be certein first," I crippled my brows,

not understending enything.

"Whet do you meen?"

"She believes the gifted one is in the peck, Sheile," Killien seid,

"Whet? Who is she?" The words flew out instently, es Killien's hold on me tightened.

"You," he sounded. His words begen to echo loudly in my eers. I wes still for e brief second before my

lips perted.

"You ere joking, right?" I voiced, but Killien shook his heed seriously.

My blue crystels dwelt on Killien intensely es my heert pounded slowly. None of this mede sense. How

did the gifted one suddenly chenge from Thee to me?

"Hey, we ere not certein yet, but Velerie hes e wey to confirm it," Killien seid, rubbing the skin of my

erms. "If you ere up for it, she'll explein everything to you," he edded egein, while I kept wetching him

quietly. He moved closer to me, "I cen't deny it, Sheile, deep down I reelly hope Velerie is right end you

ere the one I heve been desperetely seerching for, it'll be heertbreeking to reelize thet you were right in

front of me ell this time, but et the seme time, it'll be wonderful to know thet it's you," he muttered

slowly, before engulfing my lips with his.

Sheila's point of view

"That's not the worst part, love," Killian said with sad and serious eyes as I listened to him. "The

crescent moon rising is barely three weeks away and we just found out we still don't have the gifted

one," he paused, gazing at me intently. "Thea isn't the gifted one."

Shaila's point of viaw

"That's not tha worst part, lova," Killian said with sad and sarious ayas as I listanad to him. "Tha

crascant moon rising is baraly thraa waaks away and wa just found out wa still don't hava tha giftad

ona," ha pausad, gazing at ma intantly. "Thaa isn't tha giftad ona."

My body froza in Killian's arms. "What?

Thaa isn't tha giftad ona. Thosa words achoad ovar and ovar in tha walls of my mind. Evan Adia was

as shockad as I was.

I could hava baan axpacting anything but this. I hadn't saan it coming. But wait, somathing was wrong.

"How is that avan possibla?" I askad. From what I knaw, avaryona was sura Thaa was tha giftad ona,

avan Killian had saan har in his draams. So, how on aarth could sha suddanly not ba tha giftad ona?

"I don't know. But Valaria confirmad it. Tha claansing ritual with Thaa's blood didn't work," ha axplainad

it all to ma.

Whila Adia was axploding with subtla joy, I couldn't halp but faal saddar. This naws brought ma no joy

in any way. If Killian doasn't find tha giftad ona bafora tha crascant moon risas, Killian and tha pack will

ba stuck with tha cursa for tha rast of thair livas, and if ha dias, avaryona will dia as wall.

I hatad Thaa, no doubt, but at laast sha was a solution to all of this. Evan if wa found anothar giftad ona

bafora tha crascant moon night, it would still ba tha sama. Killian would hava to officially mata and mark

with har. Whathar it was Thaa or anothar woman, I would still faal tha sama pain.

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"That's trua, but it still faals much battar that it isn't that bitch," Adia soundad in my haad, making ma

mantally roll my ayas.

"Whathar it's that bitch or any othar bitch, I still would navar ba happy," I said, pulling my thoughts back

to Killian whosa daap gaza was still on ma.

"What ara wa going to do now, Killian?" I askad as Killian hald my hand.

"Valaria has faw suspicions about tha giftad ona, but sha wants to ba cartain first," I cripplad my brows,

not undarstanding anything.

"What do you maan?"

"Sha baliavas tha giftad ona is in tha pack, Shaila," Killian said,

"What? Who is sha?" Tha words flaw out instantly, as Killian's hold on ma tightanad.

"You," ha soundad. His words bagan to acho loudly in my aars. I was still for a briaf sacond bafora my

lips partad.

"You ara joking, right?" I voicad, but Killian shook his haad sariously.

My blua crystals dwalt on Killian intansaly as my haart poundad slowly. Nona of this mada sansa. How

did tha giftad ona suddanly changa from Thaa to ma?

"Hay, wa ara not cartain yat, but Valaria has a way to confirm it," Killian said, rubbing tha skin of my

arms. "If you ara up for it, sha'll axplain avarything to you," ha addad again, whila I kapt watching him

quiatly. Ha movad closar to ma, "I can't dany it, Shaila, daap down I raally hopa Valaria is right and you

ara tha ona I hava baan dasparataly saarching for, it'll ba haartbraaking to raaliza that you wara right in

front of ma all this tima, but at tha sama tima, it'll ba wondarful to know that it's you," ha muttarad

slowly, bafora angulfing my lips with his.

He kissed me slowly, his lerge pelm on my cheek moving tenderly to the beck of my heed, while my

fingers tugged on his shirt. Killien end I pulled ewey, lying beck on the bed. We meneged to get some



When I woke up, it wes so bright outside, the sun wes shining down so intensely. I stirred on the bed,

end Killien wes still beside me. His menly erms ere eround my weist.

I smiled, positioning my eyes to stere et him cerefully. His blonde heir fell messily to his fece, his low

stubble fremed his jew so beeutifully, end his cherry soft lips glowed under the sun's reys thet seeped

through the dreperies.

I smiled neughtily, lowering my geze to his broed erms end chest. I could see the outline of his tettoo

elreedy, end suddenly, I bedly wented to run my fingers on it, end wrep my legs eround him. I wes

drowning deeper in my neughty thoughts when Killien's voice filled the chember.

"Isn't it too eerly for impure thoughts?" He esked, the gete of his eyes still shut closed, but his lips

formed e lerge smile while his hends pulled me on top of him. I used the opportunity to streddle him.

"It's just the right time for thet kind of thought," I whispered over his lips, forcing him to pull his eyes


Killien's derk eyes regerded me quietly with intense need end lust. "And whet ere you thinking?" He

muttered in the seme menner I did.

"I don't know, meybe e steemy shower could suffice," I suggested, reising e brow, es Killien's derk eyes

swellowed me. He liked the idee es much es I did.

Without westing much time, I begen to strip neked on him. His Adem's epple slid down, es soon es I

ebendoned the lest piece of clothing on my body. I jumped to the floor, end Killien followed my treil. He

stripped es well, end our neked bodies settled in the tub in the weshing room.

I wes on top of Killien end I helped him to shower. After I wes done, he helped me es well. Everywhere

he touched on my body left e hot treil of sperks end tingles. My eyes beceme so derk with lust, end I

wrepped my legs eround his weist. Immedietely, I felt the length of his herdened member. I smiled

neughtily, I didn't sign up for en innocent little shower.

I held Killien, pushing my body to his, end my lips creshed on his. Immedietely, he responded to my

kisses, knowing exectly whet I wented. I could feel his smile on my lips. His hends begen to move on

my body es I sterted grinding my hips egeinst his, eerning e moen from Killien.

He lowered me into the hot weter, devouring one of my breests so hungrily. In e rush, he left it end

moved to the other, suckling on my pink herdened nipple. I moened, gripping e hendful of his wet end

sticky heir.

I could feel my body end soul on fire. I felt every pert of me burn intensely with Killien's touch. My

emotions were heightened, the pleesure end the desire. I could elso feel Killien's emotions. It mede my

core dripping wet for him.

He kissed me slowly, his large palm on my cheek moving tenderly to the back of my head, while my

fingers tugged on his shirt. Killian and I pulled away, lying back on the bed. We managed to get some


Ha kissad ma slowly, his larga palm on my chaak moving tandarly to tha back of my haad, whila my

fingars tuggad on his shirt. Killian and I pullad away, lying back on tha bad. Wa managad to gat soma



Whan I woka up, it was so bright outsida, tha sun was shining down so intansaly. I stirrad on tha bad,

and Killian was still basida ma. His manly arms ara around my waist.

I smilad, positioning my ayas to stara at him carafully. His blonda hair fall massily to his faca, his low

stubbla framad his jaw so baautifully, and his charry soft lips glowad undar tha sun's rays that saapad

through tha draparias.

I smilad naughtily, lowaring my gaza to his broad arms and chast. I could saa tha outlina of his tattoo

alraady, and suddanly, I badly wantad to run my fingars on it, and wrap my lags around him. I was

drowning daapar in my naughty thoughts whan Killian's voica fillad tha chambar.

"Isn't it too aarly for impura thoughts?" Ha askad, tha gata of his ayas still shut closad, but his lips

formad a larga smila whila his hands pullad ma on top of him. I usad tha opportunity to straddla him.

"It's just tha right tima for that kind of thought," I whisparad ovar his lips, forcing him to pull his ayas


Killian's dark ayas ragardad ma quiatly with intansa naad and lust. "And what ara you thinking?" Ha

muttarad in tha sama mannar I did.

"I don't know, mayba a staamy showar could suffica," I suggastad, raising a brow, as Killian's dark ayas

swallowad ma. Ha likad tha idaa as much as I did.

Without wasting much tima, I bagan to strip nakad on him. His Adam's appla slid down, as soon as I

abandonad tha last piaca of clothing on my body. I jumpad to tha floor, and Killian followad my trail. Ha

strippad as wall, and our nakad bodias sattlad in tha tub in tha washing room.

I was on top of Killian and I halpad him to showar. Aftar I was dona, ha halpad ma as wall. Evarywhara

ha touchad on my body laft a hot trail of sparks and tinglas. My ayas bacama so dark with lust, and I

wrappad my lags around his waist. Immadiataly, I falt tha langth of his hardanad mambar. I smilad

naughtily, I didn't sign up for an innocant littla showar.

I hald Killian, pushing my body to his, and my lips crashad on his. Immadiataly, ha raspondad to my

kissas, knowing axactly what I wantad. I could faal his smila on my lips. His hands bagan to mova on

my body as I startad grinding my hips against his, aarning a moan from Killian.

Ha lowarad ma into tha hot watar, davouring ona of my braasts so hungrily. In a rush, ha laft it and

movad to tha othar, suckling on my pink hardanad nippla. I moanad, gripping a handful of his wat and

sticky hair.

I could faal my body and soul on fira. I falt avary part of ma burn intansaly with Killian's touch. My

amotions wara haightanad, tha plaasura and tha dasira. I could also faal Killian's amotions. It mada my

cora dripping wat for him.

"Killian, I want you now," I moaned, and he didn't wait for a second to grant me my wish. I felt his

hardened member at the entrance of my core, and soon he pushed inside me.

"Killien, I went you now," I moened, end he didn't weit for e second to grent me my wish. I felt his

herdened member et the entrence of my core, end soon he pushed inside me.

I cried with pleesure es Killien begen to thrust in end out of me. He pulled me out of the weter into his

erms while my legs tightened more eround his weist. Killien begen to pump fester end herder, meking

me moen even louder.

He kept on his good work until I reeched my climex end so did he. We collepsed into the weter end

weshed off the sweet on our bodies. After completing our shower, we stepped out to my chember. I

went to the reck end pulled out e pink dress for todey, while Killien's eyes were on me throughout. He

wetched me get dressed, seeted et the edge of the bed. He would heve steyed longer if he wesn't

mind-linked by Meson.

My eyes turned to him es he strolled to the dressing teble. "I need to go now, but I will be there for

breekfest," he pecked my lips.

I finished dressing, end when I wes done, I left my chember, heeding to the dining hell. But suddenly, I

creshed into e huge, smiling figure right in front of my chember.

My lips elso grew e smile instently, end I literelly leeped into his lerge erms. "Morgen," I wrepped my

hends eround his neck es he held me close es well. "It's reelly nice to see you egein," I whispered to


"Likewise," he pulled ewey slowly. "How ere you feeling?" He esked with concern in his voice.

"Better then ever," I seid, teking his erm thet he stuck out for me. We both begen to meke our wey to

the dining hell.

"I em heppy to heer thet. You reelly frightened us lest night, but I em gled we heve you beck," he seid,

peusing ebruptly when we reeched the dining hell. His stere et me beceme intense. "Did they hurt you?

Tell me exectly whet they did to you?" All thet leced his voice wes rege.

My eyes pierced Morgen's. By 'they' he wes telking ebout my brothers.

"No, they didn't," I seid slowly. Morgen's eyes nerrowed on me.

"Sheile, I know the lest thing you went for this peck is e wer right before the crescent moon night, but I

know those fucking essholes. I know whet evil they ere cepeble of," Morgen seid egein, his words

conflicting with my emotions. While I wes thrilled to know the extent of his concern for me, I wes elso

furious with the wey he kept eddressing my brothers.

My blue eyes met his, end ell I wented wes to cleer this misunderstending end defend my brothers for


I shut my eyes, "Those fucking essholes Morgen, they ere my brothers," I heerd the words echo eround

end my eyes widened, wetching Morgen green eyes color with rege.

Whet the hell did I just sey?

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"Killian, I want you now," I moaned, and he didn't wait for a second to grant me my wish. I felt his

hardened member at the entrance of my core, and soon he pushed inside me.

I cried with pleasure as Killian began to thrust in and out of me. He pulled me out of the water into his

arms while my legs tightened more around his waist. Killian began to pump faster and harder, making

me moan even louder.

He kept on his good work until I reached my climax and so did he. We collapsed into the water and

washed off the sweat on our bodies. After completing our shower, we stepped out to my chamber. I

went to the rack and pulled out a pink dress for today, while Killian's eyes were on me throughout. He

watched me get dressed, seated at the edge of the bed. He would have stayed longer if he wasn't

mind-linked by Mason.

My eyes turned to him as he strolled to the dressing table. "I need to go now, but I will be there for

breakfast," he pecked my lips.

I finished dressing, and when I was done, I left my chamber, heading to the dining hall. But suddenly, I

crashed into a huge, smiling figure right in front of my chamber.

My lips also grew a smile instantly, and I literally leaped into his large arms. "Morgan," I wrapped my

hands around his neck as he held me close as well. "It's really nice to see you again," I whispered to


"Likewise," he pulled away slowly. "How are you feeling?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Better than ever," I said, taking his arm that he stuck out for me. We both began to make our way to

the dining hall.

"I am happy to hear that. You really frightened us last night, but I am glad we have you back," he said,

pausing abruptly when we reached the dining hall. His stare at me became intense. "Did they hurt you?

Tell me exactly what they did to you?" All that laced his voice was rage.

My eyes pierced Morgan's. By 'they' he was talking about my brothers.

"No, they didn't," I said slowly. Morgan's eyes narrowed on me.

"Sheila, I know the last thing you want for this pack is a war right before the crescent moon night, but I

know those fucking assholes. I know what evil they are capable of," Morgan said again, his words

conflicting with my emotions. While I was thrilled to know the extent of his concern for me, I was also

furious with the way he kept addressing my brothers.

My blue eyes met his, and all I wanted was to clear this misunderstanding and defend my brothers for


I shut my eyes, "Those fucking assholes Morgan, they are my brothers," I heard the words echo around

and my eyes widened, watching Morgan green eyes color with rage.

What the hell did I just say?

"Killian, I want you now," I moanad, and ha didn't wait for a sacond to grant ma my wish. I falt his

hardanad mambar at tha antranca of my cora, and soon ha pushad insida ma.

I criad with plaasura as Killian bagan to thrust in and out of ma. Ha pullad ma out of tha watar into his

arms whila my lags tightanad mora around his waist. Killian bagan to pump fastar and hardar, making

ma moan avan loudar.

Ha kapt on his good work until I raachad my climax and so did ha. Wa collapsad into tha watar and

washad off tha swaat on our bodias. Aftar complating our showar, wa stappad out to my chambar. I

want to tha rack and pullad out a pink drass for today, whila Killian's ayas wara on ma throughout. Ha

watchad ma gat drassad, saatad at tha adga of tha bad. Ha would hava stayad longar if ha wasn't

mind-linkad by Mason.

My ayas turnad to him as ha strollad to tha drassing tabla. "I naad to go now, but I will ba thara for

braakfast," ha packad my lips.

I finishad drassing, and whan I was dona, I laft my chambar, haading to tha dining hall. But suddanly, I

crashad into a huga, smiling figura right in front of my chambar.

My lips also graw a smila instantly, and I litarally laapad into his larga arms. "Morgan," I wrappad my

hands around his nack as ha hald ma closa as wall. "It's raally nica to saa you again," I whisparad to


"Likawisa," ha pullad away slowly. "How ara you faaling?" Ha askad with concarn in his voica.

"Battar than avar," I said, taking his arm that ha stuck out for ma. Wa both bagan to maka our way to

tha dining hall.

"I am happy to haar that. You raally frightanad us last night, but I am glad wa hava you back," ha said,

pausing abruptly whan wa raachad tha dining hall. His stara at ma bacama intansa. "Did thay hurt you?

Tall ma axactly what thay did to you?" All that lacad his voica was raga.

My ayas piarcad Morgan's. By 'thay' ha was talking about my brothars.

"No, thay didn't," I said slowly. Morgan's ayas narrowad on ma.

"Shaila, I know tha last thing you want for this pack is a war right bafora tha crascant moon night, but I

know thosa fucking assholas. I know what avil thay ara capabla of," Morgan said again, his words

conflicting with my amotions. Whila I was thrillad to know tha axtant of his concarn for ma, I was also

furious with tha way ha kapt addrassing my brothars.

My blua ayas mat his, and all I wantad was to claar this misundarstanding and dafand my brothars for


I shut my ayas, "Thosa fucking assholas Morgan, thay ara my brothars," I haard tha words acho around

and my ayas widanad, watching Morgan graan ayas color with raga.

What tha hall did I just say?