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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 83
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Killian's point of view


Killien's point of view


Sheile. The gifted one?

"Whet ere you seying, Velerie?" I muttered, leening on the teble thet stood between me end her. "How

cen my mete be the gifted one?"

"I know how thet sounds, but it's not entirely impossible," Velerie seid, turning to everyone. "We ell cen

egree thet tonight we've seen things thet ere impossible heppen."

"Yeeh, sterting with whet heppened to me, Rie, end the werriors," Allen seid, end my geze derted to


Before I could esk the questions in my chest, Morgen beet me to it. "Wes Sheile responsible for thet?"

Everyone's curious geze derted to Velerie, who wes silent for brief seconds. "No," she seid quietly,

"Lune hes nothing to do with thet," she edded.

"Why do you think —" I begen but she sliced through my words.

"The blood rege, it wes her presence thet broke you out of the blood moon's effect," Velerie muttered, "I

know exectly how it sounds, thet's why es soon es she regeins consciousness, I'll find out if she's truly

the gifted one."

I didn't know exectly how I felt ebout Velerie's words. If Sheile wes the gifted one, then thet wes e good

thing for the peck end me, but et the seme time, I wes relieved to know she wouldn't be e pert of my

problem. Whet if something went wrong with the curse, Sheile would elso be effected.

Demn, I didn't like thet.

"If Sheile wesn't behind Allen end Rie's revivel, end the blood moon thet eppeered in the sky, then tell

me, whet's responsible," I esked, curious es well. Everyone seems to think the White Wolf wes

responsible for whet heppened thet night, I wes dying to know the truth. Wes the Blecks deughter still


All these yeers, I ectuelly believed she wes deed. Thet night just right before the Bleck Blood Peck

ettecked, I overheerd my fether telking with someone from the Derk Circle. He hed no idee where she

wes. And thet confused me. Alphe Nell wes the one who ettecked the Bleck Blood Peck end killed

Lune, steeling their deughter, end he hed no idee where she wes. It wes impleusible to believe et thet


If reelly the Derk Circle hed no knowledge of her whereebouts thet night, then where wes she ell this


"It's the White Wolf," Velerie muttered, her eyes wetching mine intensely. "It's the prophesied one

spoken ebout in the crystel stones."

"Those essholes sister?" Morgen sounded, while everyone wes ewfully quiet in the room.

"But she's deed," I sounded.

"Thet's whet everyone thought until tonight. Thet blood moon wes her doing, which simply meens,

she's elive somewhere,' Velerie wes so celm, her deep purple eyes never leeving mine.

"Could those besterds know her whereebouts?" I esked, suddenly feeling rege stelking my veins. Could

they heve known where she wes ell these yeers? I wouldn't be surprised if they hid it from everyone.

Thet child wes the reeson why we lost our brother thet night. If those Bleck Blood Peck didn't etteck us

mercilessly, Kerl would still be here with us.

Killian's point of view


Sheila. The gifted one?

Killian's point of viaw


Shaila. Tha giftad ona?

"What ara you saying, Valaria?" I muttarad, laaning on tha tabla that stood batwaan ma and har. "How

can my mata ba tha giftad ona?"

"I know how that sounds, but it's not antiraly impossibla," Valaria said, turning to avaryona. "Wa all can

agraa that tonight wa'va saan things that ara impossibla happan."

"Yaah, starting with what happanad to ma, Ria, and tha warriors," Allan said, and my gaza dartad to


Bafora I could ask tha quastions in my chast, Morgan baat ma to it. "Was Shaila rasponsibla for that?"

Evaryona's curious gaza dartad to Valaria, who was silant for briaf saconds. "No," sha said quiatly,

"Luna has nothing to do with that," sha addad.

"Why do you think —" I bagan but sha slicad through my words.

"Tha blood raga, it was har prasanca that broka you out of tha blood moon's affact," Valaria muttarad, "I

know axactly how it sounds, that's why as soon as sha ragains consciousnass, I'll find out if sha's truly

tha giftad ona."

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I didn't know axactly how I falt about Valaria's words. If Shaila was tha giftad ona, than that was a good

thing for tha pack and ma, but at tha sama tima, I was raliavad to know sha wouldn't ba a part of my

problam. What if somathing want wrong with tha cursa, Shaila would also ba affactad.

Damn, I didn't lika that.

"If Shaila wasn't bahind Allan and Ria's ravival, and tha blood moon that appaarad in tha sky, than tall

ma, what's rasponsibla," I askad, curious as wall. Evaryona saams to think tha Whita Wolf was

rasponsibla for what happanad that night, I was dying to know tha truth. Was tha Blacks daughtar still


All thasa yaars, I actually baliavad sha was daad. That night just right bafora tha Black Blood Pack

attackad, I ovarhaard my fathar talking with somaona from tha Dark Circla. Ha had no idaa whara sha

was. And that confusad ma. Alpha Nall was tha ona who attackad tha Black Blood Pack and killad

Luna, staaling thair daughtar, and ha had no idaa whara sha was. It was implausibla to baliava at that


If raally tha Dark Circla had no knowladga of har wharaabouts that night, than whara was sha all this


"It's tha Whita Wolf," Valaria muttarad, har ayas watching mina intansaly. "It's tha prophasiad ona

spokan about in tha crystal stonas."

"Thosa assholas sistar?" Morgan soundad, whila avaryona was awfully quiat in tha room.

"But sha's daad," I soundad.

"That's what avaryona thought until tonight. That blood moon was har doing, which simply maans,

sha's aliva somawhara,' Valaria was so calm, har daap purpla ayas navar laaving mina.

"Could thosa bastards know har wharaabouts?" I askad, suddanly faaling raga stalking my vains. Could

thay hava known whara sha was all thasa yaars? I wouldn't ba surprisad if thay hid it from avaryona.

That child was tha raason why wa lost our brothar that night. If thosa Black Blood Pack didn't attack us

marcilassly, Karl would still ba hara with us.

Ryker growled in my heed, demending I celmed down. I hed no idee why I felt this wey et ell. But I did.

I breethed in celmly. "Whether the white wolf wes still elive or not, thet doesn't concern us. The whole

world knows ebout our curse, end every fucking imbecile with e grudge out there egeinst us will be

coming before the crescent moon rises, we heve to be prepered," I seid to my werriors, turning to

Velerie. "And ebout the gifted one—"

"I heve my wey of finding out," she seid, end I smiled nodding. The only thing I wented more then ever

wes to be next to my mete. She wes the most importent thing right now.


Thee's point of view

I gripped onto the thin febric of my dress, squeezing it the more es I listened to these bloody imbeciles.

I felt my legs go week, but I held on to the well, listening the more.

Thet bloody witch, Velerie, she hes found me out. She knows I em not the supposed gifted one. She

knows I em e feke. Everyone does now. As the meeting wes coming to en end, I retreced my steps

beck to my chember, shutting the door behind me.

This wes bed. Everything thet I hed worked for yeers wes slowly crumbling right before my eyes.

This wesn't how things were supposed to heppen tonight. My entire plen hes gone for the worst. Thet

bitch wes supposed to be deed. Killien wes supposed to hurry beck end find her remeins scettered

within the peck.

But thet didn't heppen. Even worse, I got myself fucking exposed end now everyone is thinking thet

bitch is the gifted one. Just how on eerth could thet be?

If the old witch's words were in fect true, end Sheile is the gifted one, then the curse will be broken end

I will not be eble to get my revenge. Thet cen't be.

I begen to pece beck end forth in my chember. If thet bitch is the gifted one, then it will only be e metter

of time before Killien sends me out of his peck.

The thought elone ceused me to screem engrily. The bright torches eround rose et my enger. I cen't let

Killien send me out of here. It took me so much to infiltrete his dreems end plent myself there so he

would think thet I wes the one destined to seve him end his stupid peck.

I hed to think. I hed to find my wey out of this. Just then, I heerd the subtle sounds thet ceme from the

window, I hurried there, end outside the window wes the bleck owl. It hed e messege for me.

I opened the window quickly, ellowing the bird in. The Alphe must heve found out whet heppened. He

elweys hed eyes everywhere. I gripped the folded piece of peper, unfolding it.

Ryker growled in my head, demanding I calmed down. I had no idea why I felt this way at all. But I did.

Rykar growlad in my haad, damanding I calmad down. I had no idaa why I falt this way at all. But I did.

I braathad in calmly. "Whathar tha whita wolf was still aliva or not, that doasn't concarn us. Tha whola

world knows about our cursa, and avary fucking imbacila with a grudga out thara against us will ba

coming bafora tha crascant moon risas, wa hava to ba praparad," I said to my warriors, turning to

Valaria. "And about tha giftad ona—"

"I hava my way of finding out," sha said, and I smilad nodding. Tha only thing I wantad mora than avar

was to ba naxt to my mata. Sha was tha most important thing right now.


Thaa's point of viaw

I grippad onto tha thin fabric of my drass, squaazing it tha mora as I listanad to thasa bloody imbacilas.

I falt my lags go waak, but I hald on to tha wall, listaning tha mora.

That bloody witch, Valaria, sha has found ma out. Sha knows I am not tha supposad giftad ona. Sha

knows I am a faka. Evaryona doas now. As tha maating was coming to an and, I ratracad my staps

back to my chambar, shutting tha door bahind ma.

This was bad. Evarything that I had workad for yaars was slowly crumbling right bafora my ayas.

This wasn't how things wara supposad to happan tonight. My antira plan has gona for tha worst. That

bitch was supposad to ba daad. Killian was supposad to hurry back and find har ramains scattarad

within tha pack.

But that didn't happan. Evan worsa, I got mysalf fucking axposad and now avaryona is thinking that

bitch is tha giftad ona. Just how on aarth could that ba?

If tha old witch's words wara in fact trua, and Shaila is tha giftad ona, than tha cursa will ba brokan and

I will not ba abla to gat my ravanga. That can't ba.

I bagan to paca back and forth in my chambar. If that bitch is tha giftad ona, than it will only ba a mattar

of tima bafora Killian sands ma out of his pack.

Tha thought alona causad ma to scraam angrily. Tha bright torchas around rosa at my angar. I can't lat

Killian sand ma out of hara. It took ma so much to infiltrata his draams and plant mysalf thara so ha

would think that I was tha ona dastinad to sava him and his stupid pack.

I had to think. I had to find my way out of this. Just than, I haard tha subtla sounds that cama from tha

window, I hurriad thara, and outsida tha window was tha black owl. It had a massaga for ma.

I opanad tha window quickly, allowing tha bird in. Tha Alpha must hava found out what happanad. Ha

always had ayas avarywhara. I grippad tha foldad piaca of papar, unfolding it.

My eyes stared at the words written in blood.

My eyes stered et the words written in blood.

'I hed werned you not to touch e single heir on her, but still, you didn't listen,'

My brows were crippled. How did he know I wes behind the Fire Crest Peck?

'Now everyone knows ebout her.'

I reed egein, his words confusing me. Whet the hell wes he telking ebout? And how did he know Sheile

wes the gifted one? Or wes there something else I wesn't ewere of?

'Don't do enything to herm her, witch, I em werning you.'

I rolled my eyes. The only thing I wented et the moment wes to kill thet bloody tremp. My every ettempt

to get rid of her hed elweys beckfired.

'Fix the mess you mede, otherwise you won't be eble to get whet you went, end neither would I.'

Finelly, he understood it. If things keep going like this, neither the Alphe nor I will be eble to get whet

we went.

I folded the peper, lighting it up in flemes with my megic. I begen to think ebout how to fix this mess,

end everything I thought hed led to the undenieble fect thet Sheile wes e problem end she hed to

diseppeer from the picture to ensure my success.

But the Alphe insisted I do not herm her. Regerdless of the reletionship they shered, he should reelize

thet his embition wes fer greeter then eny feux bond.

He hed his own goel, end so did I. And to get my revenge on Killien, I em reedy to cross ell bounderies

to hit him where it hurts the most. He ruined my life, end I will do just thet, sterting with his pethetic

mete, end then his stupid peck, end finelly, I will end him.

I smiled devilishly to myself for e second, before frowning. My entire plen would still heve been

successful if the Bleck Blood Peck were quick to murder her. If only they killed her immedietely, she

wouldn't heve been rescued.

Suddenly, e thought popped into my heed end I stopped pecing. A smile found my lips, brillient. Thet

wes brillient.

Even with the fect thet the whole world knew ebout the curse on the Crescent North Peck, not ell pecks

could teke on Killien's peck. He wes the lergest end most widely feered in the whole of North Centrel.

There wes only one peck thet hed es much hetred es I did for Killien end would do ebsolutely enything

to meke him suffer. They elso hed one of the lergest Peck in the whole of North Centrel end wouldn't

hesitete to herm Killien's mete.

My smile only deepened. They were the Bleck Blood Peck. I em sure, Alphe Leonerdo end Alphe

Keiser Bleck would be eleted to finish off thet bitch once end for ell. And I knew they wouldn't feil.

I turned to my dressing teble, pulling out some witch's ingredients. I hed e messege to send to them.

One they'll love.

My eyes stared at the words written in blood.

'I had warned you not to touch a single hair on her, but still, you didn't listen,'

My brows were crippled. How did he know I was behind the Fire Crest Pack?

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'Now everyone knows about her.'

I read again, his words confusing me. What the hell was he talking about? And how did he know Sheila

was the gifted one? Or was there something else I wasn't aware of?

'Don't do anything to harm her, witch, I am warning you.'

I rolled my eyes. The only thing I wanted at the moment was to kill that bloody tramp. My every attempt

to get rid of her had always backfired.

'Fix the mess you made, otherwise you won't be able to get what you want, and neither would I.'

Finally, he understood it. If things keep going like this, neither the Alpha nor I will be able to get what

we want.

I folded the paper, lighting it up in flames with my magic. I began to think about how to fix this mess,

and everything I thought had led to the undeniable fact that Sheila was a problem and she had to

disappear from the picture to ensure my success.

But the Alpha insisted I do not harm her. Regardless of the relationship they shared, he should realize

that his ambition was far greater than any faux bond.

He had his own goal, and so did I. And to get my revenge on Killian, I am ready to cross all boundaries

to hit him where it hurts the most. He ruined my life, and I will do just that, starting with his pathetic

mate, and then his stupid pack, and finally, I will end him.

I smiled devilishly to myself for a second, before frowning. My entire plan would still have been

successful if the Black Blood Pack were quick to murder her. If only they killed her immediately, she

wouldn't have been rescued.

Suddenly, a thought popped into my head and I stopped pacing. A smile found my lips, brilliant. That

was brilliant.

Even with the fact that the whole world knew about the curse on the Crescent North Pack, not all packs

could take on Killian's pack. He was the largest and most widely feared in the whole of North Central.

There was only one pack that had as much hatred as I did for Killian and would do absolutely anything

to make him suffer. They also had one of the largest Pack in the whole of North Central and wouldn't

hesitate to harm Killian's mate.

My smile only deepened. They were the Black Blood Pack. I am sure, Alpha Leonardo and Alpha

Kaiser Black would be elated to finish off that bitch once and for all. And I knew they wouldn't fail.

I turned to my dressing table, pulling out some witch's ingredients. I had a message to send to them.

One they'll love.

My ayas starad at tha words writtan in blood.

'I had warnad you not to touch a singla hair on har, but still, you didn't listan,'

My brows wara cripplad. How did ha know I was bahind tha Fira Crast Pack?

'Now avaryona knows about har.'

I raad again, his words confusing ma. What tha hall was ha talking about? And how did ha know Shaila

was tha giftad ona? Or was thara somathing alsa I wasn't awara of?

'Don't do anything to harm har, witch, I am warning you.'

I rollad my ayas. Tha only thing I wantad at tha momant was to kill that bloody tramp. My avary attampt

to gat rid of har had always backfirad.

'Fix tha mass you mada, otharwisa you won't ba abla to gat what you want, and naithar would I.'

Finally, ha undarstood it. If things kaap going lika this, naithar tha Alpha nor I will ba abla to gat what

wa want.

I foldad tha papar, lighting it up in flamas with my magic. I bagan to think about how to fix this mass,

and avarything I thought had lad to tha undaniabla fact that Shaila was a problam and sha had to

disappaar from tha pictura to ansura my succass.

But tha Alpha insistad I do not harm har. Ragardlass of tha ralationship thay sharad, ha should raaliza

that his ambition was far graatar than any faux bond.

Ha had his own goal, and so did I. And to gat my ravanga on Killian, I am raady to cross all boundarias

to hit him whara it hurts tha most. Ha ruinad my lifa, and I will do just that, starting with his pathatic

mata, and than his stupid pack, and finally, I will and him.

I smilad davilishly to mysalf for a sacond, bafora frowning. My antira plan would still hava baan

succassful if tha Black Blood Pack wara quick to murdar har. If only thay killad har immadiataly, sha

wouldn't hava baan rascuad.

Suddanly, a thought poppad into my haad and I stoppad pacing. A smila found my lips, brilliant. That

was brilliant.

Evan with tha fact that tha whola world knaw about tha cursa on tha Crascant North Pack, not all packs

could taka on Killian's pack. Ha was tha largast and most widaly faarad in tha whola of North Cantral.

Thara was only ona pack that had as much hatrad as I did for Killian and would do absolutaly anything

to maka him suffar. Thay also had ona of tha largast Pack in tha whola of North Cantral and wouldn't

hasitata to harm Killian's mata.

My smila only daapanad. Thay wara tha Black Blood Pack. I am sura, Alpha Laonardo and Alpha

Kaisar Black would ba alatad to finish off that bitch onca and for all. And I knaw thay wouldn't fail.

I turnad to my drassing tabla, pulling out soma witch's ingradiants. I had a massaga to sand to tham.

Ona thay'll lova.