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The Alpha Who Saved Me

The Alpha Who Saved Me By Stacy Rush Chapter 192
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Chapter 42 –
“It took you long enough, Alpha!” I grab Asher and kiss him hard, not caring that our
parents are standing right here.
When I pull away, he licks his lips, “D*mn these Shikari f*ckers; they’re nothing but a
bunch of c*ck blockers!”
Throats clear but Asher doesn’t care as he smirks over at our parents, “Please, like you
weren’t like this with your mates.” I see the grin on my father in-laws face as he winks at
his son.
“Okay,” I say loudly, bringing everyone’s attention back to what matters at the moment,
“Can we please get this taken care of, so we can get back to our lives?” I start walking
Enter title...
to- wards the south border.
“Em, aren’t you going to let K*ki out?” Decker asks.
I crinkle my forehead and shake my head, “Something is telling me not to.”
“Seriously?” Holden asks, “Why am I not getting any kind of visions and yet you’re
getting these feelings; it makes no sense.”
“It’s as I said, the witch knows that you are a Seer and he’s got wards up, which makes
this a lot more dangerous, so be very careful.” My dad grips my mate’s shoulder and
Holden nods with understanding at his warning.

“Remember to use the cover of the forest, do not show yourself unless it’s necessary!”
Asher states before shifting back into Blaze. He looks back at me and then lays down
onto his stomach. Even with him laying down, I still need my other two mates to help me
climb onto his back. As soon as I’m on, everyone else shifts as one and as a group, we
head to the south border.
As we come upon the tree line, all our warriors line it with- out entering, “I told them not
to enter the woods until we get there.” Ghost informs us all, “I didn’t want to take any
chances in a fight starting if there is a possibility that we can stop this all before it comes
to that.”
“I’m afraid, that’s not going to be the case,” Achilles speaks up, “Not with what my vision
showed us.”

Asher’s warriors come thundering up behind us and I glance back to see Ayden’s wolf,
Cyrus, leading the charge. Klouse, my brother’s wolf comes sauntering over and joins us
as we wait for the others to join us as well.
“My warriors are two minutes out.” Achilles informs us.
“We will move onward, and they can be our back up, then.” Ghost states and the rest
Once Ghost orders our people to stay hidden in the trees, we slowly move forward, the
highest ranks leading the rest. I feel like I should shift but again something tells me not to
and I hate that I have to hold off. I’m strong in both forms but I’m stronger in wolf form, so

I’m not sure why I have this over- whelming feeling not to turn.
‘Emery, I’m not understanding why you’re not using me. I am not feeling what you are;
where is it coming from?’ K*ki
asks me but I can’t answer her because I don’t understand it myself.
We come as far as we are willing to go, and we can see them lined at the border. Thanks
to the wards that me and my father put up the day after the last attack, even rogues can’t
come through the border. The patrols were right, the Shikari are there too, which means
my father was also right and they were using wards to cover themselves.
Suddenly, a voice rings out in the quietness of the forest, “I can sense you all there!” the
man in the visions calls out, “Where are you dear brother, let us finally come face to face
with one another.”
I glance back at Ares, my father’s wolf, and I shake my head when he returns my look.
He nods in agreement and stands right where he is. K*ki is fighting to come out but I’m
keeping her at bay easily enough, for now.
“Where is that daughter of yours, brother? I would like to see my beautiful niece in
person.” The witch snickers, “She isn’ t afraid of her uncle, is she?”
“What is it that you want?” King Declan calls out to the
“I want my niece. Send her out and I will leave the rest of you in peace.”
“What do you want with my daughter-in-law?” It’s the Queen who calls out this time.

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The mad witch sounds amused as he responds, “Ah, the Queen of the werewolves and
the one who decimated most of my people! I wouldn’t mind you stepping out either.”
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My father-in-law growls, or I should say Duke growls vi- ciously, but it only makes my

uncle laugh, “You may keep your Queen as long as you send out Emery.”
‘Maybe I should go. I’m sure I can take him.’ I say through the link, and I think that every
single warrior out here joins in with my mates and family when they growl a big ‘NO’ at
me. As frustrating as it is, it also warms my heart that no one in our packs want me to
sacrifice myself.
A familiar scent filters past me on the breeze and I whip my head back towards the
enemy. There standing just behind a few rogues and Shikari, is a man, identical looking
to my fa- ther but that’s not what p*sses me off. It’s the woman beside him, trying to hide
herself from us.
‘F*cking Emily Foster is the mole!’ I growl through the link. Gasps are heard all around,
some out loud when those that are truly shocked aren’t able to keep it in.
My uncle chuckles, “I see you have finally figured it out,” he steps out of his hiding place
behind the others and Emily shrieks as he pulls her out as well, “One of your precious
pack members is a traitor.” He looks down at the she-bi*ch and then caresses her face. I
gag as she smiles up at him adoringly and the turns towards us and grins smugly. When
my uncle pulls her in so her back is to his chest, he continues, “Tell me, what do you.

animals do to traitors in your pack?”
I can see a little apprehension pass Emily’s face and just by the witch’s voice, I can tell
that he has something planned for the she-wolf. Even though I don’t like her, I really don’t
want her to die, even if she is a traitor, but still, his question goes unanswered.
He chuckles, “Well, my people do not tolerate traitors, you will do well to remember that
dear brother.” In a blink of an eye, the witch shoves Emily at a group of rogues, “Show
them what you do to female traitors.”
Emily screams as the rogues begin to shred her clothing not caring if they claw her skin
up. K*ki roars inside of my head at the sight of another she-wolf being abused in such a
way, and then I’m shifting, but something happens. One mo- ment I’m on Blaze’s back,
then I’m shifting, but now I’m on the other side of the border with a silver shackle around
my neck still in wolf form.
K*ki whimpers as she struggles to break free. I hear my mates roar and they begin to
charge but suddenly, they hit an invisible wall just past the border. The witch laughs as
he yanks on my chain, shoving me so I have to watch what the rogues are doing to
Emily. I try to spell her, so she doesn’t have to feel any pain, but nothing happens.
“Release our mate!” Ghost roars, stunning the witch hold- ing on to me.
I guess he hadn’t realized that the Dire wolves can talk out loud in wolf form. It’s my turn
to chuckle now, “You’ve f*cked with the wrong pack dear ‘uncle’.” I watch Ghost
disappear and know he’s trying to find a way out but the witch notices as well because

next thing I know, he’s teleporting us away from my pack.
Thank you so much for reading! =)