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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 87
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It’s been a few days since the dinner that Declan had for us, and since placing the tracker into Lila, but Declan has reported back
to us that she has not been leaving the pack house grounds since it’s been inserted. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad
thing, though. On one hand, I’d like to think that the Storm River Luna has been remaining faithful to her Alpha, but at the same
time, I wish. she would make the wrong move just so Declan can get her out of his life.
Dr. Sands left the day after the dinner informing us that he wanted. to get back and start packing up his things for his move here,
which until Declan can be rid of Dr. Langly, the good doctor will be residing in my pack.
It’s late evening and I’m beginning to shut down for the night, when I feel a pain through my lower back. At first, I pass it off ast
nothing, just sitting in the chair so long. Just as I lock my office door, though, another one hits me, this time stretching all the way
to the front.
“Not yet, little one! You can’t come for another few days. Dr. Sands isn’t here to help bring you into the world, so you need to
bake just a few more days, at least.” I chuckle and rub my belly. Hopefully, all it is are those Braxton Hicks contractions.
I start heading towards the stairs to head up to my room when another pain strikes, sending me to my knees. I cry out at the pain
that is flowing through my abdomen.
‘Tala, can you see if you can somehow contact Mace? I need Gavin!’
‘I can’t, Quinn. We are too far away from him and without being bonded yet, there is nothing I can do unless he’s within the
house, but I can try.’
“He went out to oversee the training with Spencer,’ I tell her, ‘I’ll just reach out to the Beta, it’s fine.”
Just as I’m about to do it, though, I’m attacked with another pain and warm liquid bursts from between my legs, soaking the
leggings that I’m wearing.
“Oh, Goddess!” Cici comes running as she tops the stairs and sees me on the floor, clutching my stomach.
“Gavin...” It’s all I can say through the pain.
“I already linked Spence when I heard you first cry out. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but it didn’t sound good.” She informs

me, and I can’t help but to be grateful for such a smart friend.

“Here, help me up to my room.” I state, but the moment I try to stand, I double over once more.
“Um, Quinn, I think we should call Dr. Langly.” My friend’s voice becomes panicked.
When I look at her, my eyes move to where her eyes are and I gasp at the blood-tinged liquid that came out of me, “That’s not
supposed to look like that, is it?” I ask, now panicking myself.
Cici shakes her head vigorously, “I don’t know! I’ve never been pregnant before, Quinn!”
“QUINN!” Gavin comes rushing over to me. He stares at the fluid on the floor, and I notice the worry lines that crease his face,
“I’ve got you baby!” He picks me up bridal-style and takes me to my room as he orders Cici and Spencer to grab lots of towels
and for
someone to get a hold of Declan to send the doctor.
As soon as we get to my room, he places me on the bed and then runs to the bathroom. I hear the water in the jacuzzi tub start
before Gavin comes back out, “I think it’s best that you are in the tub if the baby comes before the doctor gets here.”
It’s been known within werewolf packs that if the pup is born under water, it can survive a while without having to cut the cord.
There is no one here at the pack who can deliver a pup, not even Summer. Although the she-wolf has been excited since she
learned that she will be working alongside a real doctor for a while.
“Gavin, I’m scare! Why is there blood?” I clench his shirt tightly.
“I don’t know, baby, I don’t know. I’m sure everything will be fine.” He undresses me carefully, and then lifts me back up to carry
me into the ensuite.
Within thirty minutes, Declan is dragging Dr. Langly through the door. I stare in disbelief as Declan manhandles his pack doctor,
but I don’t dwell on it too long as another pain takes hold.
“You will tend to Alpha Quinn and deliver her son in a professional way, Langly, or I will tear you to shreds!” Declan snarls, “You
caused this, now you will see it through!”
“I told you, Alpha, I had no hand in this...”
“QUIET! I don’t know how you’re able to lie past my Alpha command, but there is no time right now to sit and figure it out. Now
take care of Quinn and her pup!”

Gavin is livid as he glares at his cousin, “Take it up with him later, Declan! Quinn doesn’t need this stress!”

Declan flings the doctor towards me, and Gavin barely catches him before he hits the side of the tub. Growling at his cousin,
orders Declan to get out of the bathroom but Declan doesn’t budge. Before Gavin can get up to go make Declan leave, I grab his
“Please, let him stay if he wants to stay. I don’t mind, as long as he behaves.” I plead with my soon-to-be-mate.
“But you’re naked Quinn!”
I chuckle, “He has seen me naked plenty of times when shifting and then...” I trail off, deciding it’s best if I don’t bring up our
night together.
There is a little hurt in his eyes, and I now feel like crap. He should have a say in it as well, “If you would rather him not be in
here, then I will honor your wishes, Gavin. This is your pup, and I will be your Luna soon, so I will leave it up to you, just please
don’t fight.... ARGH!” A pain hits me harder than the rest and more blood now tinges the water.
Everything else is forgotten as Gavin calls out to the doctor, “Do. something! What’s wrong?”
“Let’s move her to the bed, so I can hook the portable monitors up to her.” Dr. Langly orders and Gavin is quick to pick me up.
Declan is already out of the room and is laying towels down on the bed right where Gavin tends to lay me down at.
The doctor hooks me up to a heart monitor for the pup and then another one for the contractions, “Okay Quinn, I’m going to need
both Mr. Davis and Alpha Declan to hold your legs, so I can do a pelvic exam. I want to try and determine where the blood is
coming from.”
Both males get on each side of me and hold my legs open. Out of
respect for me or Gavin, or maybe even both, Declan keeps his
eyes on the doctor as he examines me. When he’s done, and looks up at me, I can see the concern on his face.
“What is it, Dr. Langly?” I’m panting from going through another spell of bad pain.

“I’m afraid you’ve had what we call a placental abruption. It’s when the placenta has partly detached from the uterine wall. You
are nowhere close to delivering yet, according to the size of your cervix. We are going to have to cut him out.”
Tears begin to fall as I take in the news. I barely hear what the doctor is saying as I begin to space out. I can faintly hear my
name being called before spots start to dance in front of my eyes, and I break out into a cold sweat; darkness takes over soon
Here is chapter 1 to start off your week. I hope you enjoy it! So many things will be taking place over the next week or so...make
sure you come back to see what all is revealed!.