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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 205
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Chapter 55
To say that Mom and Cici were mad would be putting it mildly. I felt like a child once again when the two of them dragged all four
of us into another room and began reaming us a new asshole. It doesn't matter that we are now the leaders of this pack; Mom is
still Queen, and they are both our mothers, so yeah, we got an earful and a few threats made against us.
The four of us laugh as we get to the Alpha suite to freshen up before we go down to greet the guests. Mom is right, though, as
the Alphas and Luna, we shouldn't have been so irresponsible, but damn, we have barely had any alone time together since the
Alphal and Luna ceremony. We only wanted to take a break before the next wave hits. Why mom and Cici are even throwing this
dinner party now, I'm not sure. I don't think they've thought it through, not with us holding the head Shikari in our cells and it is
only a matter of time before the rest decide to attack at any moment.
"We've got this, Ash." Emery states when I voice this concern, "In case you have forgotten, my three aunts are pretty powerful
witches as well. I think we can handle an attack, if they decide to come."
"I'm not sure that is going to matter to Colin's mother." We look over to see Holden holding onto the wall as his eyes are blank.
"Hold...is everything okay?" It always worries me when he gets his visions.
"I see a small army of men being led by no other than Colin's mother. Don't ask me how I know it's his mother because I've
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never seen her, but it's her."
"Holden?" Our mate goes to him.
"They are coming for us. I don't know exactly when but it's soon. We need to put up some kind of wards to trap them in our
"What? Why do we need to do that?" Decker asks.
"Because it's the only way that we can end them for sure. Our parents thought that we could do it while they were still on their
own turf, but that's not true. We need to take down all the high ranks and their council members in order to demolish them.

"Are you sure?" Emery looks confused by all of this, "The Moon Goddess never mentioned any of this."

"Maybe not but she did say that we can defeat them and that's all that matters." Holden concentrates even more, "It seems as
though they call the council because they can't break your wards... that's how we get the council here, to join in the fight. They
need to try and break the wards and we must let them. As soon as that happens then we trap them inside and only then are we
able to end them."
"You are seeing all of this?" I ask him.
"Yes, it's all right here in front of my eyes." He states.
"Will it be dangerous to have all those witches trapped withing our territory? There are so many innocents." Decker's worried and
I don't really blame him, but our people have safe rooms for a reason and wards on their homes as well, which I remind him of
this. "As long as everyone will be safe because I can't allow for the enemy to be here if they are a danger to my people; I'd rather
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another way."
Holden comes out of his vision, "They are our people, Decker, and I trust my visions; there will be no danger to the innocents
who are in their homes. There is always a chance with the warriors but even my vision showed none of our people dying. In fact,
not even all the Shikari die. If what I'm understanding is correct, then only the council and the major players with the hunters are
the ones whose lives are lost but they all will lose their magic.
"We need to talk to our parents about this, and the sooner we do it, the sooner we can enjoy the evening with my grandparents
and the rest of my family." Emery states.
Once we are all in agreement, we head down and pull all five into the library and explain everything. Of course, they are worried
for the outcome, but after my brother retells his visions, they all feel better prepared for the situation once it arises. Now that we
have it all out of the way and all we can do is wait, we head back out to the guests.
It's hard to believe that Brianna still looks so young and beautiful for a she-wolf in her sixties. I know I was just a baby when she
came to live in our territories but from the stories that I've heard Ledger talk about, I'm glad that she was able to find a second
chance mate; not all wolves do, but Brianna and Adam found theirs. Adam comes from my territory, and his first mate died in
childbirth along with their pup.

The two found each other when the three packs decided to have a pack run on a full moon. Our parents wanted to integrate
each individual pack back then since their sons would be taking over, so a couple times a year, they would run together, and it
was on the first run that Brianna and Adam found one another. Of course, Adam adopted the girls right away and he's always

considered their father, and a damn good one too, he loves those
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girls as though they are his own flesh and blood.
As for Ledger's sisters, Jessie, Sasha, and Danika, they have all found their mates as well. Jessie and Sasha's mates were from
the same pack, so they all live in the Blood Moon pack which belongs to Alpha Carson. His son is still too young to take over, so
he has another five years yet as Alpha
Danika, Ledger's youngest sister, is now Luna Danika, Alpha Easton's mate. Alpha Deke stepped down a few years back and
the new mated couple took over. They are expecting their first pup in a few months. Alpha Easton is one of our biggest allies, it's
to be expected, though, since he's family but still, he's a damn good Alpha just like his father was
It's great seeing family come together for times like this, life is too precious, as we have already been reminded these last few
weeks. I sit back and watch everyone enjoying themselves, little ones running around, even teenagers sitting around with their
faces in their cellphones. I look at my brothers and then I look at our beautiful mate, picturing her big with one of our pups, and
heart swells.
"What's that smile for, Alpha?" The object of my thoughts plops. herself on my lap.
"Hm, I was actually thinking about you." I wrap my arms around her and hold her to me.
"Oh? I suppose I was either on my back or on all fours?" She lifts a brow and I throw my head back and laugh.
"Oh, little wolf, you know me so well, but I was not thinking about me fucking you at the moment."
"Wow, that may be the first!" She giggles..

"Actually, I was picturing you big with one of our pups. When do you think you will be ready to start popping some of them out for
your Alphas?" I grin
She traces my bottom lip and smiles, "I would love nothing more. than to give all three of you your pups, but not until we have
this Shikari business over with. Doesn't mean we can't have fun practicing, though."
"Mm, a Luna after my own heart! I knew you were fated to me for a reason." I crush my lips against hers and smell her arousal
instantly. Groaning, I pull away reluctantly, so I don't make it worse, "How long is this party?" I growl out
"At least a few more hours," she leans in, so she can whisper in my ear, "But that doesn't mean that we can't sneak away for a
few minutes."
"Grrr...I'll need more than a few minutes." I scowl playfully and get another giggle from her.
She gets up off my lap, "I guess you will just have to be happy with what you can get!" She winks and then walks away, putting a
little extra swing to her hips.
I readjust myself, "Fucking little tease..."