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The Alpha Who Saved Me

Chapter 191
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Chapter 41
"So, you're saying that not one person is coming to mind when you think of a Gamma?" I ask Emmett.
"I wouldn't say that," he scratches the back of his head, "I do have someone in mind, but I don't know how you would feel about
"Do you think they would be good for the position?" I'm becoming annoyed with his vague answers already and I just want to
shake him until he spits it all out.
"Well, yeah. They have the knowledge of the Gamma posi- tion, and their father was a Gamma himself."
I squint my eyes, "Was a Gamma or still is a Gamma? You' re not talking about Leera Meeker, Cam's daughter, are you?"
His chuckle is a nervous one as he slightly smiles, "The one and only."
I think about this because I know that Leera, Cam's adop- tive daughter, has been training with the warriors for years. She's my
age and still hasn't found her mate, but I have to say, I've seen her train and she's just as good as the male warriors, if not better
than most of them. She's helped Cam out with some of his duties as Gamma and has even been on the spe- cial guard team
who protected my mother. She's definitely someone to look into.
"What made you hesitate on bringing Leera up right
away?" I ask the Beta, "I think she would make a great Gam- ma."
"You do?" He asks surprised, "I thought that maybe be- cause she's a female, you wouldn't want her as a candidate."
"How shallow do you think we are?" I laugh, "I remember a few times where Leera practically whooped my ass growing up just
for teasing her! I would choose her over many of the males here, and Emery respects her."
I see that the Beta gives a sigh of relief, "Well, then I want to nominate her, because I trust her explicitly.".

Again, a squint my eyes at him, "You're not fucking her, are you? I'm only asking because it can be a huge mess having her be
the Gamma if you two have a lover's quarrel."
"No! It's nothing like that. Not that I haven't tried but...I'm not her type if you know what I mean."
My eyes widen, "No shit?! Well, that explains why I've nev- er seen her date before." I chuckle.

"I guess I will talk to her and offer her the position. With any luck she will take it and you guys will only have Asher's territory left.
Has Ayden had any luck yet?"
"I'm not sure. Asher went to visit his grandmother and I think he plans on talking to him as well. With this new threat, I want to
have any and all protection in place." I explain, "But hey, I'm going to go find your sister, and I want you to head over and talk to
Leera right away."
"Yes, Alpha!"
I do.
"Fuck off with the Alpha shit, already!" I growl but I grin as
"Whatever you say, Alpha." The little fucker takes off be- fore I can punch him in the arm.
I'd chase after him, knowing that I can catch him in a heartbeat, but I have better places to be. Now, where is that sexy mate of
mine? I could link her and ask but I already know that she's in the middle of something; I can feel her arousal, and there is only
one other mate around that can be causing it. I put my nose to the air and sniff, catching onto Emery's lin- gering scent.
The closed office door gives it away even if my nose hadn' t. When I check the door, I find it locked, so with nothing bet- ter to do,
I go to Emmett's office and fetch the spare key, whistling as I do. Before I can go in and interrupt my mate and brother, though,
the patrols sound the alarms once again. More rogues and now Shikari line the south border. They don' t have the numbers that
we have if our three territories were gathered together, but we're not, so we have to try and hold them off, giving the others time
to get here.
I've already linked Bo, and he and the former Beta, Carter, are rounding up the warriors. Carter will remain behind and watch the
security feed and make sure there are no sneak at- tacks in the other territories while we are occupied here. I have a feeling that
they are here for only one reason: Emery.

I meet Decker and Emery as soon as they open the door to the office and come flying out, "We need to end this some- how!" My
mate is pissed as she runs down the stairs. Looking around, her expression turns to a worried one, "Is Asher not back yet?"
"No, but he's on his way, and yes, I already told him to have Blaze cut through the territories instead of him driving. It's a lot safer
that way."
She nods, "Okay, so we organize the warriors while we wait for Ash. We will not go to the border without all four of us being
"But we can't send our warriors to the border and not go ourselves." I say incredulously, thinking that our people may get

slaughtered while we stand here twiddling our thumbs as we wait for my brother.
"Holden, get a hold of yourself," she smiles at me as she cups my face, "Power of Four, remember that. Are you not getting a
vision of any of this, even now that it's happening?"
"No, nothing..." That's the weird part because I've been getting better at this but even when I try, there is nothing.
"Here," she moves her hair to the side, "use my blood, we need to see the outcome if at all possible or at least see what we are
up against."
I don't waste any time as I sink my teeth into her delicate skin. The first thing that hits me is the delicious taste of her blood, it's
sweet like candy and I can drink it all day long. Next is the arousal that always happens when I bite her, but then there it is, the
beginning of the battle. I feel Emery's confusion as much as I feel my own at what we are looking at, though. I search further and
all I see are dead bodies everywhere, but then, everything goes blank. There is nothing more to see at all. When I pull away,
Emery and I stare at one another, per- plexed by not only what we saw, but by what we didn't see.
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"The patrols are sure that the Shikari are out there with
the rogues." My mate states.
"What is going on, what did you see?" Decker questions, an anxious look of his own crossing his features.

"We never saw the Shikari in the vision," I tell him, "The rogues are there, but the hunters are not, and the rogues will litter the
ground by the time this ends, only we couldn't see how it ends because everything went blank; like there was nothing more to
"They're using wards to cover themselves; they know we have a Seer." Ledger, states this from behind us.
When we turn, all of our parents are standing behind us, ready for battle. My mother hands me a piece of paper, "When the time
is right, the four of you need to chant this."
I glance at the piece of paper and read the words before handing it to Emery, "What is this?" She asks my mother.
"That is the spell that your mother and I used to take out the Shikari last time. We've researched and we've added a lit- tle more
to it, making it, so when the Power of Four chant it, it will end every single Shikari who has ill will towards others. Unlike when we
did it, it only took out the ones that were at- tacking us. You gave your mother the power to use that day. It's the bloodlines, your
bloodlines; they're the only thing that will put an end to these hunters."
I look at my mate and my youngest brother as they glance back at me, and we all three nod together. All of a sudden, we hear
thunderous paws racing across the dirt and look up to see a blazing wolf skid to a halt right in front of us. My brother is
magnificent to look at in his wolf form, especially since he's gotten his powers and the fire blazes around him as he runs.
Shifting back into his human form he stands with his hands on his hips, in all of his naked glory and grins, "Are we doing this or
Thank you so much for reading...I hope you enjoyed these chapters! =)