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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 71
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71. 71. For Two Kings K/AN Something was wrong. The moment | felt her storm of emotions through the bond, | left the room; grabbing spoison, antidote, and a long sword from her collection. | followed her scent as my emotions filledlike a storm. Not caring for the guards who started shouting and chasing me.

“I need to find Morgana!” | growled, ripping them offas | let my nose lead me, trying to calm the worry and fear that were grippingfor her safety.

‘Mate is in danger!” Thanatos thundered and I could feel him trying to cto the front.

| rushed through the doors where her scent was strong and several guards were gathered, clearly looking for something. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Morgana’s scent was strong here, as well as the overpowering smell of blood. | took in the scene before me, the entire floor was practically covered in blood mixed with shattered glass, and several guards were searching the room.

“What the... Who are you?!” One of them asked.

| raised the sword | had taken from Morgana’s room, a silent warning to the ones who were trying t o approach to stop in his tracks.

“I wouldn't cany fucking further if | were you.” | growled. “I'm Kian Araqiel and | want my Dune mate.” “Mate?” “Morgana! Her scent ledhere, | felt something wasn’t right. Where the fuck is your king?!” | snapped, my eyes blazing.

Actually, I had no fucking tto waste. I'll find him myself! | ran from the room, remembering the fucking asshole’s scent.

“Alpha... She was in that room. We heard a crash and she’s gone... We don’t know how they left.” One of the dickheads followingsaid.

That's why I'm finding her fucking brother or uncle.

“What are you doing here?!” The Vampire King’s fucking irritating voice cand | stopped in my tracks, grabbing him by his neck and slamming him against the wall. Letting my aura surge around me.

“WHERE IS SHE?!” | growled.

“Who?!” “Morgana!” | hissed, feeling several knives at my back.

“She... She’s with our uncle in the study! Now letdown!” Azrael hissed.

| dropped him, spinning around and knocking the weapons away.

“I went to the study. There was no one there. Something happened to her.” | growled.

“Your majesty, we heard the sound of crashing, but when we opened the door, both their highness’ Malachi and Princess Morgana were missing.” Azrael seemed to realise something, he pressed his lips together.

“Speak nothing of what happened here to anyone. Tell the rest of the men not to spread the news o four... guest.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” He said staring at me. “Guard your queen and prince with your life and allow no one, and | mean no one, to see them. Dismissed!” Once the men bowed and walked off, he looked at me.

“So... then... Is it possible that Malachi is...” Well, at least he didn’t see as much good in him as Morgana did.

“Yeah, as you know... We did not want war.... But it’s clear your uncle had plans.” | said turning away. “I need to find her.” “To sendto my death...” Azrael murmured, almost in shock before the irritation settled in. “I will assist you in finding them!” His eyes were filled with anger. | glanced at him, not bothering to wait for him as I let my senses and the pull of the mate bond guide me...

Twenty minutes had passed and | was growing restless, Morgana’s scent had just vanished, so we had switched to tracing Malachi’s scent instead. It was futile, he was nowhere in fucking sight.

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“Is there any place he may have gone?” | asked Azrael, who hadn't been of any fucking help.

“I don’t even know how they left my study...” He said.

“Just think where they'd go, not fucking how.” | said, feeling my restlessness growing.

He frowned thoughtfully before he snapped his fingers.

“The tombs.” “The tombs?” “We have sunderground tombs... | was told by one of my pair of ‘eyes’ that uncle headed to the tombs at times...” Eyes? So he was a suspicious man, guess he wasn’t a complete fool.

“Lead the way there.” | said coldly. “So, you never trusted him?” “I trust no one.” He replied, leading the way deeper into the palace.

I didn’t trust him either, he could be leadingto my death for all | knew... yet... | had nothing else to hold on to but the fact that | should never have allowed Morgana to go out there alone. If anything happened to her, I'd never forgive myself.

My heart skipped a beat and the sudden feeling that she was close filled me. Thanatos began pacing in my head. | was trying to remain calm, but I couldn't deny the worry and fear that filled every inch of my mind was threatening to explode.

“Why can’t | smell you?” Azrael asked suddenly, his red eyes glinting suspiciously.

“I'm using a cloaking spray.” | said frowning. “I think she’s close...” “How?” “I can sense it.” Sen “Mates...” He said with disdain.

We were heading lower, deep beneath the castle; it was getting colder, darker and narrower. The damp and cold bit into my skin, remindingof the icy temperatures outside.

Azrael slowed down when we reached a dead-end. | looked at him sharply, yet he was observing the wall.

“I don’t actually know the way in.” He said.

‘Fucking stupid.’ | agreed with Thanatos.

| frowned, stepping forward, staring at the wall...

“The old tongue...” | murmured, stepping back and staring at the cracks in the walls. “It’s etched in the walls.

“I don’t understand our ancient tongue, nor do | speak it.” He replied.

“I do... | learned each of the seven tongues...(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” | murmured.

“The seven tongues? Do you mean you even understand the elven tongue and the languages of the dying race of dragons?” He asked shocked.

“I may not be as old as you, but | assure you, | put my tto use.” | said.

“Hmph.” He scoffed, clearly irritated.

“Slice your hand and smear it on the wall...” | said after a moment.

| prayed she was here...

He frowned taking out a dagger and slicing his hand before rubbing his hands along the rocks.


“What a waste! Clearly, you know-" We felt the ground tremble slightly before a gold hue rushed through the cracks in the stone and his blood spread across it.

“What the...?” “These tombs can only be opened by a royal.” | said, glancing at Azrael.

How this man was related to Morgana was beyond me.

“Ah...” He said, as we now stared down a dark corridor.

| didn’t wait, my heart thundering and Thanatos’ encouragement that Morgana was near fuellingas I rushed ahead. However, we hit another wall and once again Azrael unlocked it. The moment the wall opened up, we were looking into a huge cavern.

mom avern.

The smell of blood was mixed in with Morgana’s intoxicating scent and the faintly familiar smell o f her uncle.

“Kian?” | saw her get to her feet, my own heart thundering as | closed the gap between us and pulled her into my arms.

Sparks rushed through us, like electricity, and our hearts beat as one. Fast, relieved and fucking happy that we were united once again.

“Kian! Thank god!” She whispered, her arms tight around my neck.

“What happened?” | asked, kissing every part of her neck, shoulder and face I could reach.

She took a shaky breath, her eyes closed as she letkiss her, her grip ontight, before our lips met in a desperate kiss that fuelled my raw emotions. Fear... | had felt it and now that she was here in my arms, | could breathe again.

“Finally, you found someone who can tyou.” Azrael’s remark made her pull away slowly as the entrance behind him closed with a grating rumble.

“Yes, | have.” She said softly, looking surprised to see him here. “You're here...Uncle... He killed both the kings of our kingdoms and my mother! He poisoned you against me!” Her heart was thumping, as she looked around as if he may just appear.

“He can teleport, he has an ability... | saw his eyes, Kian... They were like mine.” | frowned, taking in what she said when Azrael stepped forward, anger clear in his face, but at the stime, | could tell he was putting all the pieces together.

“He truly wantsdead then... Teleportation... Wait, my family!” “He doesn’t know Kian’s here... If he returns, and he will, we can get him. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Then he won't do anything to Anastasia and Remiel...” Morgana said, her heart was thudding and | knew she too was worried about her brother's family.

“We move fast. | have a poison that will work well on vampires. The moment he comes close, Morgana... If you can inject him... I'm sure it will stop him from teleporting, and then... I'll move in.” | said, caressing her waist, glad she was fucking ok.

“We move in.” Azrael said, his voice laced with fury and hatred.

| didn’t argue, knowing we could use all the fucking help we could get, especially if he could teleport. | just hoped he didn’t realise we had gotten here...

“How did you know your uncle cdown here, if he was teleporting in?” | asked, letting go of Morgana and looking at her brother as we both moved away to the shadows.

“He would often cfrom the lower floors. Maybe that’s why the rock looked so unused, | doubt h e was using his blood to get in...” “So it could be possible he can only teleport short distances?” | questioned.

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“No fucking idea.” Azrael said.

Morgana looked atand | knew that this was our only chance... Our eyes met and | silently told her it was going to be ok. To know that our fathers were killed by the sman... We weren't enemies but one and the same. Suffering due to the sman... Tonight, Malachi Araton will die.

Tseemed to pass slowly, although it was probably not even an hour before | saw the man materialise in the centre of the room. He grabbed Morgana, who had been sitting on the floor, yanking her up. My eyes flashed and | knew he'd sense us immediately, hoping that Morgana managed to inject him.

When it cto her, it was fucking weird. | could rely on her, like | knew she was my fucking equal, a team.

Despite the strong urge to protect her...

A piercing roar of rage echoed in the tomb as Malachi stumbled to his knees.


“What did you do?!” He hissed, as Morgana wrenched free, both Azrael and | moved forward in a flash.

Act fast. With the way he was... | didn’t trust that he’d try to teleport.

“No...What.” He saw us both and anger filled his eyes. “You two....” It was as if he wasn’t seeing us at all. His body began to tremble as he frowned, and | knew he was trying to teleport.

“You killed father and tried to havekilled?!” Azrael hissed.

“No no... It’s lies!” Malachi hissed as he got to his feet, drawing a dagger and lunging at me. “They are here to kill you, Azrael!” “Oh? So, you just happened to forget to mention your special abilities?!” Azrael deflected his hit, but Malachi was faster, kicking him away. Instantly | moved in, bringing Morgana’s sword up. | blocked his attacks, aiming a roundhouse kick at him. He stumbled back and I spun around, punching him in the face. The sickening crack making him hiss as | struck him with the sword down his chest.

“This is for every innocent soul you took, for every ounce of fucking pain you caused; my mate, and for the two kings who wanted peace.” | hissed, plunging the sword straight into his chest.

Blood splattered over me, but it causednothing but satisfaction. | wished | could torture him, but with the likes of him, ending it fast was best.

“And for our people.” Morgana said, quietly approaching us just as Malachi managed to push the sword from his chest, blood dripping from his hands from the blade. | gave her the smallest nod and she drove her hand into his back and ripped out his heart.

His eyes widened in shock. No, he hadn't seen that coming.

“Mor...” He fell forward dead. | stepped back as the body hit the ground, kicking his face off my foot.

“Givehis heart.” Azrael said, snatching it from Morgana’s hand.

| raised an eyebrow as he bit into it, feeling a tad fucking disgusted. | knew that tradition of the vampires, eat the hearts of their enemies as a sign of victory.

Not that he was the one to kill him... but I'd rather Morgana didn't eat it...

‘Yes, let's keep Mate’s mouth full with our tongue instead. The vampire can keep the heart.” Thanatos muttered.

For once, | fucking agreed with him, one hundred percent. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Although | think he didn’t realise we literally ripped people to shreds with our teeth... Yeah, let's just fucking forget that fucking part. 1 | looked at Morgana, even with splashes of blood across her hands and face, she still looked fucking beautiful.

We did it. Together.

I pulled her into my arms, making her gasp, those sparks rushing throughas | claimed her luscious lips in a deep kiss, one that she returned with equal passion....