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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 66
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66. 6 A Hard Decision MORGANA The following day, after breakfast, we set out before the sun was even up in the sky: Having packed more supplies and a good number of antidotes just in case. We were given two horses although Kian wasn’t too keen on it, Orrian said it was better for us to ride them until they tire and then reserve energy. Agreeing it would help a little, we took the horses.

| was dressed in pale grey pants, a long-sleeved, fitted top and a hooded cloak on top. Despite them being from the elves, we made sure they just looked simple, with no elven thread-work o n them, not wanting to let my brother know where we were coming from. Kian, on the other hand, refused to wear anything of theirs, and | had to admit it was rather amusing when his ego got in the way.

We were now at the borders of Elandorr, and although Orrian would see us again in a few weeks, he stubbornly wanted to cto see us off.

“Thank you to you and Elandorr for everything,” | said, looking down at him, as I held the reins of my horse in one hand.

“I wish you all the best on your next venture.” Orrian said, getting off his horse and walking over to mine.

I glanced at Kian, | hoped he didn’t get irked before | looked down at Orrian and raised an eyebrow “We don’t need luck, but let's see how welcoming Azrael is.” | said, glancing at the seven men who flanked Orrian, | had learned that these were sof his most trusted men.

| was still shocked that Kian wanted to try to help the Sanguine Empire for my sake, but it only showed that he was a true king and one who deserved the title he held.

“It is the first tyou stepped into Elandorr and | fear it may be the last. The next twe meet, it will be as allies on the battlefield... You will be the queen of Clair De Lune, and | will simply be your ally...” He said, this t| could see the emotion in those eyes of his. His sadness, wistfulness, the eyes of a man who had lost so much.

A sharp wind blew past us, sending both mine and his hair flying, but we didn’t break eye contact. He needed this closure, so | would allow him to say what he needed. We could do at least that much in return for all he was offering us.

“An ally and still a friend.” | said quietly.

He nodded, givinga smile that held no happiness.

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“I know you won't appreciatesaying this, but you will always be my Moonlight. | want you to know that, although | can tell that you are content and truly happy.” He said quietly, looking at Kian.

It may have been a few decades ago, but it was clear Orrian had held hope that one day | would cto him.

“Letgo Orrian, from your heart. Make space for someone more, someone who can return the love that you have to offer. | was never yours.” | said softly, wishing he found the slove that | held for Kian.

He looked down and nodded. “I once thought you were the one for me. Perhaps we could be, but you weren't mine. It’s true, you never were mine. | can see that Kian is the one who has given you happiness that | never could. Goodbye, my Moonlight... For the next twe meet, | will not address you as such.” 1 | nodded and offered him a gentle smile.

“Thank you. In decades to come, you will remember the woman who was just a passing moment of your life and laugh that you ever thought you could never love again, because | believe that you will find her. The one who becomes your all.” | said quietly, and | meant it.

“Or him.” Kian added with a cold smirk.

Orrian raised an eyebrow, and | looked at Kian.

“Well, whichever works. Orrian is rather pretty.” 1 “Thank you very much. At least you can admit that | am good looking.” Orrian said, frowning slightly.

“There's a difference.” Kian replied with an antagonising smirk, | thought | saw the faint glimmer of a smile on Orrian’s face as he and Kian gripped each other's forearms and shook, before Orrian moved back.

“See you soon.” Kian said to Orrian who nodded, and with a final smile at Orrian, | turned away. Kian and | nudged our horses into a trot, passing through the veil and beyond the borders of Elandorr.

The wind rushed through my hair as | nudged the horse into a gallop. Making sure to stay ahead of Kian, only for him to take the challenge and try to outdo me. However, | was definitely the better rider.

“Seems like I'm better at horse riding than you are my love.” | said tauntingly, with a small smile on my lips.

“Well, I don’t really see the need forto know how to ride. Thanatos already finds this insulting. We don’t ride other animals when we can fucking shift.” Kian said, turning to me.

Our eyes met and | smirked. “Well, just admit that | am better at it.” | said haughtily.

“You are, | won't fucking deny that, but then again, you're pretty good at riding regardless of what it is.” He replied with a smirk, lookingover. “But don't let it get to your head sunshine.” 1 I rolled my eyes, despite my stomach fluttering at his words.” “Cat got your tongue?” “Just a wolf.” | replied in the stone before | becthoughtful. “Kian... You once said it was a vampire who killed your father. How can you be so sure?” He frowned deeply. Our horses were now at a steady trot, and the mood suddenly becserious.

“I witnessed my father being killed, but | was helpless. | saw the vampire... Father was fucking confused, saying he didn’t understand when all he wanted was peace...but the vampire didn’t care...” His voice was cold and filled with a burning rage.

My own heart was pounding just listening to him. Unlike me, who assumed that a werewolf killed my dad, he knew it was a vampire. | reached over, placing my hand over his comfortingly, sensing the excruciating pain through the bond, although | knew he was trying to mask it.

“You saw it?” | asked, shocked.

Kian looked ahead and nodded.

“He had released a poison in the air and | remember breathing in whatever crap he had concocted, barely able to walk or keep my eyes open. It's all a haze or | would have caught his scent. | just lay there, watching him kill my father, slowly... painfully... As if it was an entertainment for him... My father signalled toto stay the fuck down and you know what? | did. Like a fucking useless coward.” He was angry, and even disgusted with himself.

“Kian... you did what was right.” | said softly, “You were in no shape to fight.” “He tried to use his Alpha command on me, but when that didn’t work, he warnedthat if | got up, it would be the end of the entire kingdom.” He continued, | knew it was hard for him to say. | stayed silent, my heart aching for him.

“I would never have tried for the fucking title of king, but my father had wantedto, saying that Cain could not becking, that he was not fit for it... All | wanted was to just live happily... but he remindedof his wish as he was pinned to the ground, unable to move. | simply watched, watched my father die...” “Pinned him down...” | mused. Did he mean with powers? But that was rare...

“There is something about that vampire that I'll never forget.” He said quietly, his jaw clenched.

“What is it? Maybe we can find him.” | said softly.

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“The colour of his eyes. There is only one vampire whose eyes are as dark as that killers.” He said quietly, now turning to me. Our eyes met and | understood his silent statement. As mine...

Dark... Mine was the darkest... There was no one in the Sanguine Empire whose eyes were as dark as mine...

“There's no one... Not even Azrael.” | murmured.

“1 did take a look when | came. None of the officials had that colour eyes, only you, but the vampire was a man.” He said frowning.

“I'm sorry... It must have been hard to look at me.” | said softly He cocked an eyebrow.

“When you're that fucking hot? You're rather easy on the eyes, although my cock gets hard at the sight of you.” He said now smirking arrogantly.

| raised an eyebrow “Oh? Well... that’s good, because | like mini-Kian being hard for me.” | said, giggling.

He frowned at me, and | knew for a fact that Thanatos would be laughing. 1 “The two of you fucking annoy me.” Kian growled.

“Yet you love us.” | said, and just like that, the mood lifted. “Race you to those hills!” | shouted, snapping my reins and galloping off ahead.

“That's cheating, little she-devil!” Kian growled.

| laughed as the wind rushed past me, the sound of galloping hooves loud in my ear.

“Then you can punishlater.” | teased not slowing down.

He was hot on my heels, and | couldn’t stop the smile that graced my lips. Yes, we were going t o the Sanguine empire, not something that | had a good feeling about... but with Kian by my side. We have got this.

| shrieked in alarm when he suddenly caught up, grabbing the reins of my horse and pulling i t to a stop. | held on as my horse neighed, rearing on its hind legs. He smirked in victory, grabbing my elbow and flippingonto his horse. | clung on to him like a ridiculous damsel i n distress, my heart pounding at his wild move. Yet... the moment those lips of his met mine, | forgot everything else because in his arms. | was a mess, losing myself in his perfect kiss..