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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 63
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63. 6 Our Love MORGANA He turned his head slightly when | called him, but he had his walls up, | couldn't sense his emotions. | walked towards him, my heart squeezing painfully. | wrapped my arms around his bare waist tightly from behind and rested my head against his back, relishing in the tingles that coursed throughlike a storm | welcomed.

“You are my world Kian, | don’t see life without you, | don’t want a life without you... | don’t want to live a day without you. | love you more than anything, so don’t ever feel guilty for makingyours. Because even if you didn’t do it to save my life, | would have wanted you to markanyway.” | said, | could feel his heart racing and my own was no less. He didn’t answer and | felt a sting of hurt. “Kian... We love one another, I'm not meant to feel like you will shutout at any time..(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com). | don't like this.

You are the only one I will ever love, you or no one. You know that.” | didn’t bother hiding the pain in my voice. | hated showing my vulnerable side, but I didn’t like the walls he built around himself. Those words seemed to get to him, he removed my arms from around him, turning to look at me, but rather than speaking, he pulledagainst his chest, wrapping his arms aroundtightly and burying his head in my neck.

| curled my arms under his, placing my hands on his broad shoulders, closing my eyes.

“I didn’t think, | never ever took into account what marking you meant.” My heart thudded. His words were so quiet | barely heard them. The pain | felt inside was rippingup and a tear trickled down my cheek.

“I know.” | whispered.

He tensed and pulled back, frowning as he stared into my face. “Are you crying?” He asked, almost as if he was far too stunned to believe it.

“Of course not! | don't cry.” | said, brushing my few stray tears away.

His gaze softened and he smirked, making my stomach flutter. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)”Oh yeah?” He asked, rubbing his finger along my damp cheek. “Yeah.” | said softly, staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes. Reaching up | cupped his face, brushing my finger along his stubble. “Kian... Stop feeling guilty, it hurts seeing you like this, and | don’t like getting sentimental.” | pouted.

“I literally cut your life short... You're the one person at the top of my fucking list to protect, yet | already took away your-" “You are my life! Stop it Kian! If you really want to make up for it then don’t waste even.a moment... Don’t shutout.” | said, unable to hide the pain when I said those last words.

His eyes flashed with guilt as he threaded his fingers through my hair.

“I'm not shutting you out. | just fucking needed to control my own emotions.” He said quietly, rubbing his thumb along my lips. “I'm sorry... | just fucking love you.” “I know and I'm yours. You are the only one | want... and Thanatos too.” | said with a smile, | knew him well enough that he’d complain if | didn’t mention him.

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“You really do fuel his ego.” Kian said, his arm snaking around my waist, the other squeezing my ass as he pressedhard against him.

I bit my lip, looking up at him seductively.

“Wantto fuel yours?” | asked, running my hand down his abs, my own core clenching in anticipation.

He smirked but shook his head. “No... Tonight it’s about you.” He said huskily, not waiting for a reply as his lips crashed against mine in a deep kiss. Pleasure rushed through me, but it was the moment he lowered his walls, the intensity of his emotions hittinghard: The desire, the possessiveness, the overwhelming affection and concern underlying with a hint of guilt and sadness. But above all, the deep love, appreciation, and the need for me.

| moaned against his lips as he kissedwith everything he had. My heart was fluttering and | felt dizzy, but it was perfect. My arms tightened around his neck as | kissed him back with equal passion and love.

He then liftedup, bridal style, his lips not leaving mine as he carriedback through the archway to the bedroom, placingdown in the middle of the bed as he climbed on top of m | smiled ever so softly, sinking into the soft mattress, but the moment his lips touched mine again, my back arched, pressing myself against him as that ache between my legs grew.

“I love you, Sunshine.” He whispered, kissing my neck before he tore off the shirt he had puto nearlier, his eyes darkening with approval as he looked down atin nothing but that shimmery gown. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)”You're mine.” “I am yours.” | said seductively before yanking him towardsand kissing him hard. | was his and | wanted him to always remember that no matter what, that would never change...

He tore my nightgown off me, kissing every inch of my body sensually. My body was begging for more, yet he took his time. Even when | took his pants off, the most | was able to feel of him was his manhood rubbing againstat times. | reached down, stroking his shaft, moaning softly.

God, did I want this inside of me.

He fondled my breasts, sucking hard on my neck, makinggroan in pleasure.

“I told you, tonight is about you.” He murmured, grabbing the torn nightdress as he flippedonto my stomach, tying my wrists behind my back. “I know you can break free... But if you do ... you won't get anything tonight.” My core throbbed and | bit my lip “I'll behave.” | pouted, moaning when he ran his tongue down my spine, shivering as pleasure tingled through me.

“Good, that’s my girl.” He whispered seductively, grabbing my hips as he liftedup onto my knees, parting my legs. | gasped when he ran his tongue between my ass cheeks. pleasure shooting throughas that tongue worked its magic.

“Fuck Kian!” | moaned, wriggling my ass. He delivered a light tap, his tongue rimming my back entrance.

| bit my lip, fighting back a moan. His tongue went lower until it reached my pussy, licking m e teasingly before he moved back. If my hands weren't tied, | would have turned to look at him, but my body was supported by my shoulders and my cheek that was pressed against the bedding.

| gasped when he slipped two fingers into me, sending another wave of pleasure through me.

“Oh fuck! Kian...” | whimpered as he slowly began fuckingwith them, | tensed when | felt his little finger press against my back entrance.

“Relax...” He whispered, “Trust me...” 1 did trust him. His finger circled my back entrance, slowly pressurising the area, and | bit my lip. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)His fingers that were slowly fuckinghelped take the edge of the pain, the pleasure makinglet out a wanton moan.

“Oh fuck baby...” | groaned when his small finger finally penetrated me. The pressure was intense and if | didn’t know | would have thought it was something a lot larger.

“That's it, baby girl relax.” He groaned, | could tell he was turned on, despite not lettingeven touch him. He kissed my ass, his hand fuckingslowly. “Aah god... Kian.... Fuck.” It felt good, different but good, I liked the feeling of being completely full. The forbidden pleasure madethrob harder. | whimpered at his slow assault.

“One day... I'm going to fuck this ass of yours.” He growled huskily, making my stomach knot.

| couldn’t imagine him ever fitting, but the pleasure | felt made my head fuzzy and | couldn't think straight. He sped up slowly, my moans getting louder.

“Faster baby.” | whimpered, “Fuck me, Kian | want you.” He slipped his fingers out of my pussy, yet his finger remained in my ass as he positioned himself at my entrance.

“Oh fuck...” | groaned. The moment he thrust into| cried out, my body taking a moment to adjust to his girth.

I don’t think I'll ever be prepared for how big he was. He slipped his little finger out, replacing it with his index finger, | gasped when he slipped it inside of me, the pain makingtense for a moment.

“Tellhow you want it.” He asked huskily, “Hard and fast.” | whimpered.

He tapped my ass in approval.

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“That's my girl.” He growled before he began fucking me, one hand holding my bound wrists a she sped up giving it tohard and fast.

His finger moved inside offaster, along with his cock that was buried inside of me, the pleasure was inexplicable. My whines of pleasure were loud, and | sounded horny as | begged for him to fuckharder. | couldn’t even recognise myself. My moans were loud and horny, but | didn’t care.

| felt myself nearing when he tuggedup by my hair, pullingonto my knees, as he continued to fuck me, his other hand squeezing my boobs hard before he began rubbing my clit.

| spread my legs, whimpering as pleasure erupted inside of me, my orgasm tearing through m e like a huge tidal wave, and | faintly heard myself scream his nas my juices coated my inner thighs. His arm wrapped around my waist, supportingas | trembled from the aftershock. He slipped his finger out of my ass, makinggasp.

He squeezed my ass gently before giving it another light tap and wrapping his hand around my neck.

“Fuck baby girl...” His moves becfaster, rougher and with a few more thrusts, he came, groaning against my ear.

“Fuck!” Kian growled, pulling out. | realised he had chalf inside of me, his seed mixing with my own release.

“Shit, I'm sorry...” “It’s ok...” | whispered, thinking he always pulled out... | turned looking at him, curiosity at his actions that | never questioned now filling my mind. “Why are you worried?” He looked at me, cupping my face with one hand as he pressed his lips to mine.

“We are at war... If you end up pregnant... it will put you both at more risk.”(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) | felt the worry and fear from him, and | smiled gently.

“One twon't getpregnant. Us vampires don’t get pregnant so easily.” | said as he laid u s down, untying my wrists. | locked them around his neck and kissed his lips.

“I don’t want to rush you.” He said quietly, cupping my chin and kissingdeeply.

We broke apart and | bit my lip.

“Don’t worry so much,” | said. “If you ask me, you're just scared that perhaps there's a little Morgana in the works and she’ll make your life just as much hell as | do.” For the first tin our ttogether, an actual smile crossed his face and remained. His eyes softened as he caressed my cheek.

“That would actually be perfect...” My heart skipped a beat and | realized, despite his cold exterior, Kian did want a family and | would be the one to give him that. Was it wrong to secretly hope that maybe, just maybe, | will get pregnant soon? “I love you, my little she-devil.” “I love you too, baby.” | whispered, cupping his face as | kissed him once more...