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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 54
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54. Never Enough KIAN The emotions in her eyes were fucking intense, and it felt strange, yet fucking right the way | was able to express how | felt to her. The fact that I, who had never ever submitted to my father, who had been my Alpha, was willing to bend for her.

The power of the bond and love.” Thanatos murmured.

| knew he was already a fucking goner, something toldhe’d be even more willing to kneel before her.

‘Of course, to lick that pussy of hers.” O Her heart was racing as she closed the tiny gap that remained between us, | bit back a groan a smy dick rubbed against her. Wrapping her hand around the nape of my neck, her fingertips grazed my hair. Her breasts pressed against my chest, and once again | fucking appreciated - her height, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)my dick perfectly nestled against her pussy.

“I love you, Kian.” She whispered seductively, rubbing her pussy against my dick. Fuck, I'm going to cif she continues that. “I want you to fuckwhilst | drink from you.” | didn’t need to be told twice. Settling into the tub, and having her straddle me, letting the water reach up to our chests, | reached down between us and pressed my tip to her opening She moaned when | rubbed against her clit before she slammed down onto me, makingswear, but before | could even relish in having her wrapped aroundonce again, her fangs pierced my skin, makinggrunt at the surge of pleasure that rushed through me.

She moaned against me, and | squeezed her ass as | began fucking her slow and deep. Each t| was almost fully out, | rammed back into her, not even able to stop the groans that left my lips. There was something so fucking erotic about her drinking fromas | fucked her. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Every suck seemed to tug at the pleasure within me, making it pool in my cock.

We kept going as she drank sensually, meeting my thrusts halfway only adding even more intensity.

“Fuck Morgana.” | breathed, feeling even Thanatos’ desires laced with my own.

| sped up slightly, but it was taking all my fucking control not to pound her hard knowing she wouldn’t be able to drink if I did. | raked my hand down her back, loving the way her body reacted to me.

But soon | couldn't even focus on anything but how fucking good this felt, barely able to realise what was going on, the state of pure pleasure and bliss consuming me. If heaven fucking existed, this was what it was. If there was a reason to live, this was it. She had becthat fucking addiction that | was never going to get enough of.

| could feel her insides tightening around me, her moans and whimpers becoming louder. My own eyes blazed as both Thanatos and | were consumed by the immense euphoria that coursed through us.

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Wanton moans left her lips, her nails digging into my skin. She gasped, breaking away from my neck. | took the chance, biting into her neck right over her mate mark, sucking hard just a s her orgasm shot through her, making her let out a delicious horny scream of pure satisfaction and pleasure.

Her walls clamped down onand set off my own orgasm. | barely managed to pulled out as | came, letting out a groan of satisfaction. O Her in the midst of pleasure was the most beautiful voice | had ever heard and all | ever wanted to hear.

“That was perfect hot chocolate.” She whispered breathlessly, locking her arms around my neck tightly.

Hot chocolate? | didn’t mind the sound of that. | knew it was her favourite discovery of our kingdom, guess so was I.

“It fucking was.” | growled huskily.

‘It was and I'm awaiting my turn.” Thanatos growled.

| wasn’t so sure... Usually, we werewolves would mate in wolf form at times, so our wolves could connect too, however, Morgana was not a werewolf, to allow Thanatos control of my body...

‘Il won't hurt mate!” He thundered.

| could already feel his need growing for her, the desire to ravage her stronger than ever. As much as | was a beast, Thanatos was a true beast, and | don’t think Morgana was ready for that.

‘We'll see.’l said before kissing Morgana’s plush lips.

“Let's get sbreakfast into you now.” She said, her deep red eyes full of concern, “I drank a little more than | should have. Are you ok?” Was | fucking ok? | was way better than fucking ok.

“Perfectly, | think that’s the type of morning | want every fucking day.” | murmured as she got off ofand reached for the tray that was floating around the other side of the tub, pulling it towards us.

too.” She whispered, before pouting. “Although... there was another type of morning | want at times...” “Oh?” | asked. “And what is that?” She picked up a berry, placing it to my lips as she straddledonce more.

“To wake you up to my lips wrapped around your cock.” She said coquettishly, sticking her tongue out sexily, flicking it against her top lip and makingalmost choke on the damn berry. Her eyes looked so fucking sexy.

| felt myself harden, and she smiled faintly, like the vixen she was.

“You really are a fucking tease.” | said, trying not to let her see the effect she was having on m e, especially when she took a cherry between her teeth.

But we both knew she fucking knew the effect she was having on me.

Smirking, she broke off a piece of the sandwich, feeding me.

“You know you like it.” She said, “Now be a good little boy and eat, or should | say, big boy?” “Fuck...”l groaned when she rubbed againstteasingly.

“What's wrong? Too distracted to eat?” She teased.

“You fucking know that.” I growled, grabbing a glass of juice and gulping it down.

- She laughed at that, her entire face lighting up. | caressed her cheek, allowing her to feedthat fucking sandwich that was only sticking in my throat thanks to her being a fucking tease | kissed her neck, making her sigh, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)before I dipped my finger into the chocolate bowl and placed it to her lips. Her eyes locked with mine as she slowly took my finger into her mouth, licking it clean slowly.

| slipped my finger out, my eyes blazing as | yanked her towards me, wrapping my hand around her throat as | kissed her fucking hard. This desire and passion withinreally wasn’t going to ever be fucking satiated.

We fought for dominance. The hunger for one another fucking strong, neither of us cared about anything but the other. | could have kissed her for fucking forever, but she needed air. | let up as she gasped for air, the scent of her arousal strong in the air once again. Her eyes met mine and I simply licked my lips, breathing hard before placing a teasing kiss on her mouth and holding her tightly.

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After a moment of getting her breath back, she moved back slightly, my dick still pressed against her pussy, although all | wanted was to be buried inside of her all over again.

“When are we leaving for Elandorr?” She asked pouring us both a glass of wine before she passedone. “At dawn, supplies and clothing will be waiting for us outside of the pack grounds.” | said, clinking my glass with hers before taking a sip.

“I see.” She said with a nod, “Then what are your plans for today 7” | frowned, knowing exactly what | was going to do today. My mood darkening and she frowned.

“Kian...” “I have a few things to take care of, one regarding Cain and... Sage.” | said, hating that she was fucking brought up.

Morgana tilted her head, placing her glass down.

“It doesn’t matter if she’s pregnant, | know you're mine. | will treat that child well because it is yours-" “IF she even fucking is. | don’t think she is...” | said, coldly cutting her off.

I don’t know, it just felt too fucking coincidental.

“Have you listened for a heartbeat, or a scan even?” “She’s had a scan, withoutactually knowing but from what Luca said, it’s healthy. She had pictures to prove it. | know she’s been trying to get in touch with me, but | have made it clear | don’t want her around me. The thing is, we do have enchanters in this kingdom. They are rare... but there are certain spells that can deceive a person or make something appear as i t isn't.” “What are you insinuating?” She asked, frowning.

| sighed.

“The thought ctowhen | was discussing the plans about making sure it looked like w e are still around in the castle, and Luca mentioned someone Liana knew who could cast illusionary spells. Saying perhaps we can get him to cast a few for us so smembers of staff hear or see us... (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)l refused, not wanting to risk even this enchanter knowing. But the fact h e knows Liana...

there’s a high chance Sage knows him too. They are friends after all.” | said, downing the last of my wine.

Morgana nodded slowly, and | knew she understood what | was saying.

“So you think... she’s... lying?” She asked stunned.

“There's a high chance. We'll find out today, because I've invited an enchanter of my own to confirm her pregnancy, or lack of.” I said coldly. Yeah, | didn’t trust her, not one fucking bit...