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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 44
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44. A Few Blows KIAN “This is... Lady Morgana’s favourite spot, she always sits here when she’s resting.” Corbin added, as if he didn’t want to believe it.

No...” Thanatos growled. ‘Lies!” The pain of betrayal that was now fucking consumingwas powerful. | couldn’t deny there were times when she hadn’t drunk fromand her eyes would be a lot darker. | also knew m y men wouldn't lie to me. Once or twice, that thought had cto my mind, but | never pondered on it.

Sure, they didn’t find out who fucking poisoned her, but there was someone else aside from m e who was giving Morgana blood. Meaning she was in contact with someone else...

There was only a rare few who | actually trusted here too.

“When you ‘re watching her, have you ever seen her take anything from here?” | asked looking at the narrow niche, it was so fucking deep in no one would ever think much of it, it was just a slight damage in the architecture.

“There are moments when we aren't constantly watching her, especially when she isn’t moving and just wants to rest. Like earlier, she had stood up the moment | got distracted and then wanted to head straight to your wing, saying she wanted to stay there.” Ajax said, frowning coldly.

“I see. Place the blood back exactly how it was, and | want someone to discreetly keep an eye o n this spot, constantly. | want to see who comes here... Morgana included.” | said emotionlessly, | did not want them to sense how | was fucking feeling.

But the way | felt inside...| had my walls up, not wanting her to sense anything from the bond, but it fucking hurt.

| thought | was trying to treat her better, but clearly it was not fucking enough.

‘Maybe when you hurt her to start with, you pushed mate to look elsewhere for blood." Thanatos added ‘I don’t know... Let's return home.’ | didn’t want to talk about it. | headed inside, not knowing how the fuck to feel. Alongside the betrayal, | was also angry.

Entering the bedroom, | saw she was fast asleep. She had put on sshorts, her legs tangled in the blanket, one hand under her cheek.

| frowned. Now there was two fucking things on my mind. | couldn't sleep, so | decided I'll go start questioning everyone in this goddamn castle. The culprit who tried to poison her or was still here and | intended to find them.

The sun had risen, but even when noon came, | wasn’t done, going around and questioning everyone was no small fete. | was now at my brother's quarters, and the fucking asshole was just sipping his tea as if the entire situation was amusing.

“It's a shoddy job, Kian. If it was me, do you really think I'd leave area for her to make it?” | growled warningly and he sighed.

“It wasn’t me. You would know if | was lying, wouldn't you? After all, you are the Alpha.” He spat, clenching his jaw.

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“I am but we both know there are many ways to defy that. | don’t trust you, Cain. | also know you cback for a reason, not just to play happy families. Heed my fucking advice, if | even get a slight suspicion on you, | swear by the goddess herself | will kill you.” | warned coldly.

His eyes blazed as he glared atwith open hatred.

“Don’t threaten me, Kian! | am still your brother!” “Brother, friend, or whatever; hurt Morgana and | will kill you. Now where the fuck is Kai?” “Out.” He hissed, but he was smart enough not to argue further.

‘Kai, where are you?’ | asked through mind-link.

‘Training grounds, brother.’ | frowned and headed that way. Although I didn’t believe it was Kai, | still needed to question everyone.

| saw him running laps and approached him. He slowed down and cover to me, lowering his head slightly.

“Kian.” “You know why I'm here; did you have anything to do with what happened to Morgana?” “You know, | would never hurt her. She’s yours, Kian.” He said quietly.

“All the more reason to hurt her.” | replied coldly.

He looked away and | could sense hesitancy within him. My eyes narrowed.

“What is it?” “Nothing... | mean... Have you asked Morgana?” He asked attentively. 1 | frowned.

“Asked her what? Kai didn’t reply, just simply shrugged.

“I know we aren't close, Kian, and it’s not my place, but | wouldn't trust Morgana completely. I'm sorry.” He said quietly before turning and jogging off, leavingfeeling completely cold.

Another blow. Another fucking wave of betrayal... What did Kai know? Was Morgana really involved in something? ‘No mate can’t... Mate is ours!’ Thanatos growled.

| knew if we ever did discover something about her, it would destroy him completely. | hoped, for all our sakes, it wasn't true...


There was so much crap to do. | had cancelled the summit meeting for today as well, | think everyone needed to fucking clear their heads.

Just then, none other than Reuban mind linked me.

‘Alpha, can we talk? It's urgent, | am awaiting inside your office.” He was back? Which meant he had news.

| returned to my main office swiftly. The door was flanked by two guards. Upon entering, | shut it behindto see Reuban sitting there. He looked exhausted, it was clear he cstraight here, dressed only in a pair of pants.

“You have bad news.” | stated.

“I do. | calone and as fast as | could.” “What is it?” | asked, sitting down in my chair.

“Another three packs have been attacked in a matter of days. The attacks are increasing. We are losing more people. Several younger she-wolves and human girls have been taken... Things are a lot worse than we thought Kian.” Reuban said, his voice sounding heavy.

| frowned; this was not fucking good. “I wouldn't have returned if | didn’t trust that the news may not get to you.

We are losing far too many men. Playing defence alone isn’t enough... Also it is the Fae, that is confirmed...

There have been three occasions where the description has matched and the victim survived to tell us... And you know, with their speed... It's definitely lone attackers who are sliding past the defences.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” He replied with complete confidence. “As you ordered, if things looked bad and it was the worst-case scenario, to clear out all civilians from the borders. | have already ordered that, our men are moving them all.

Swill cto the palace and other cities around the capital. We can’t deny it anymore or ignore it... We can’t stop war because we are already at war.” I knew he had seen a lot; | could see that from the haunted look in his eyes. | frowned, standing up and walked over to the window.


“If you are the one who is saying that, then it’s true. You are one of the most passive of my men. You have always been against war.” | said quietly.

“I am, but we can no longer refuse to acknowledge it.” “Hmm. | have extended the hand of friendship to the Sanguine Empire in hopes that we can declare peace and help each other's kingdoms grow. If we are at peace with them, then it means we can deal with the Fae without any other kingdom getting involved.” Turning, | quickly filled him in on how Morgana was my mate and what had happened last night.

“I hope they agree. This might be ideal considering they are neutral with the Fae.” “I hope so, because things are already bad.” | replied quietly.

“What is your command, Alpha?” He asked quietly.

| frowned deeply, | had to announce to the kingdom that war was upon us, which meant | needed to take Morgana as my queen and | needed to layout our battle plans.

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“Givea day. | need to make plans, get srest. | will fill the other four in and then tomorrow we will announce it at the summit. It's good that you returned at this time. With them all here, it'll make spreading this news a lot easier.” “Understood.” “A job well done, Reuban.” | said quietly.

He gavea half-smile.

“Yeah? Well, | don’t know about that, but thank you, Alpha.” He lowered his head before leaving my office.

Could shit get any worse? | was left in silence, pacing my office.

‘We will win.” Thanatos growled. “Those Fae are dangerous and need to be dealt with once and for all.” “Yeah, they fucking do, but they are also fucking strong. War is going to cost us greatly! ‘Yes. | know you don’t want that, Kian, but inevitably it needs doing.” ‘I know... but you know how many women will be left without their mates, children without their fathers, and, in scases, even mothers..." It is understandable, but as a king, you have to have thick skin. “Death will happen, you will have to hold yourself together for your kingdom.” Thanatos murmured.

| frowned.

‘I know and I fucking will, even if | don’t like it.” | replied coldly.

We both fell silent, the shadow of war lurking above our heads.

As much as | wanted to go upstairs to check on Morgana after what | discovered, | was delaying it. The pain that she may have fucking betrayedwas still strong. Although maybe | deserved it, it still didn’t makefeel fucking better.

| went back to my desk and began working on smatters that needed attending to. | was immersed in my work when there was a knock on the door.

“Enter!” | called out.

It opened and Luca stood there, slightly breathless.

“A reply from the Sanguine Empire.” He said, holding up the black envelope with the red seal.

He looked as nervous as | fucking felt. He cover and | broke the seal, flipping it open.

| skimmed over it, my heart racing as the words that | read rang in my head.

Things just got one thousand fucking times worse.

“What does it say?” Luca asked quietly, nervousness and anticipation clear in his voice.

“They declined our offer and have joined hands with the Fae Kingdom Onis.”