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The Alpha King’s Possession

Chapter 42
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42. ExtrMeasures KIAN Never had | felt as fucking helpless as | do right now. The moment her body started shaking, and | felt the odd pain within me, | had realised something was incredibly wrong. Seeing the blood that she coughed up, her beating heart that was racing too fucking fast had made my emotions take over, the fear of losing her rippedapart like | had been pushed through a fucking shredder.

| couldn't lose her, nothing could happen to her. My entire fucking exterior crumbled when | ran from the hall as fast as | fucking could, commanding every doctor in the palace to be ready to receive her.

| was terrified of losing her. Her delicate body convulsed in my arms, blood dripping from her mouth, and tears of pain clung to her lashes. | tried to keep her fucking awake, but her heart was skipping beats and slowing down, at times | couldn't even hear it. My own was thudding violently, Thanatos was frozen in shock within me. Even when | rushed into the medical wing and told the doctors to help her, | couldn't think of anything but my precious Blood Rose.

Fuck, hateall you want, just don’t fucking leave me.

| didn’t care that | was losing control as | roared at them to save her no matter what. She had lost consciousness and her already pale skin was even more ghostly.

“There's nothing we can do... Her heart's fading too fast...” “No, you will fix this!” 1 thundered.

“Alpha please, we will try-" “I swear if anything happens to her, | will kill you all!” “Alpha, please calm down. It looks like she’s been poisoned. We need to pump everything from her body! But she isn’t strong enough to fight it. It is lethal.” One of the doctors said, | didn’t even notice when Luca, Corbin and Ajax arrived or when they were holdingback to allow the doctors to deal with Morgana.

Shit, she needs to make it, | can’t lose her...

“There must be something! Just fucking save her.” | growled helplessly.

| didn’t even recognise the fear and desperation in my voice as | pulled free from my men and went to the bed, caressing her clammy forehead.

Fuck, wake up! “Alpha... Perhaps marking her might help.” The doctor said, making my eyes snap towards him.

“Mark her?” “Yes, marking may be the only way my king. | know she is not your fated mate but there's still a chance.” “I'll do it.” I cut in.

She is my mate. She has to survive this.

| looked down at her, my heart racing with the fear that was eatingup.

| need you.

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‘Mark her.” Thanatos growled.

| stared into her perfect face, | would not leave her at death's door.

| can’t lose you.

| reached down, threading my hand into her hair.

| don’t care if you get angry at me... But | fucking need you to live.

Without even a shadow of doubt, my eyes blazed gold and my teeth elongated as | bent down, sinking them into the corner of her neck. | didn’t care for the eyes that were on me. All | wanted was for my queen to return to me. Her heartbeat faintly accelerated and my own eyes fluttered shut as | bit into her neck, marking her.

A rush of power coursed throughlike a searing blast of heat. The sparks that | felt when | touched her now felt like a strong pleasant voltage of electricity. The pain she was in, hita thousand times stronger, almost as if we were one entity.


“Alpha, please move back. We need to pump the poison from her stomach.” One of the doctors said urgently.

Luca yankedback but | couldn't focus.

The only thing that | needed was for her to live, please... Ill take her place.

“Con, Kian.” Luca muttered, draggingfrom the room.

The last thing | saw was the doctors crowded around her, shouting commands to each other a s they worked together.

“She’ll make it.” Ajax said firmly.

But | couldn't think straight and when the door slammed shut, cutting off my view of her, | felt as if someone had just shoved their hand into my chest and twisted it painfully.


My back hit the wall as | stared at the door.

“Kian...” Luca's voice was fucking distant.

Don't talk to me...

“She will be ok. You marked her, you're strong and so is she.” Corbin said quietly.

I don’t know about that...

The way her body was “Kian!” | didn’t even bother turning when Sage crunning towards me.

Fucking go away. “Are you alright Kian?” The moment she touched my arm | pulled away, glaring at her. “Don’t fucking touch me!” | hissed.

She looked tearful and concerned, but the anger that was bubbling inside ofwas fucking suffocating. “Kian...

I'm worried about you. She'll be ok, | hope” “Did you do this, huh? Did you think that getting rid of her was best for you?!” | shouted, grabbing her by the neck.

“Kian no..” She whimpered, tears spilling down her cheeks.

“I will find out who did this!” | shouted, glaring at Luca as | dropped Sage to the ground roughly. “Now get the fuck out of my sight!” My gaze snapped to the rest.

“Get her the fuck away fromand | want everyone from the fucking omegas to every wolf i n the entire fucking castle under house arrest until | know who did this!” | hissed.

Corbin didn’t move as the other two signalled for him to stay with me. Luca tugged Sage away and | was fucking glad, | was ready to kill.

| looked at him, my eyes filled with fury.

“Tell me, Corbin, how many fucking people are in this castle?” “Over a hundred or so...” “Yeah? And do you think you joining them might fucking be better?” | hissed.

His face drained of colour. He nodded, quickly turning and hurrying off.

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The fire of vengeance would not be fucking quelled until | had revenge for my woman.

Glancing at the door, | placed my hand against it.

Pleasefucking ok.

| don’t know how much thad passed, but it felt like fucking forever, | wanted to go in but | knew | would only get in the way. My only reprieve was that the pain was fading, which meant things were getting better.

Please fucking be ok.

The moment the door opened, | was before it in a flash.

“Alpha, cinside.” The doctor said.

| stepped inside to see Morgana lying there. Two drips were connected to her along with a heart rate monitor.

“How is she?” | asked, closing the gap between the bed and taking her slender hand in my own.

“Luckily alive, marking her helped a lot... | think, as king, your mark was indeed strong...” He murmured.

I knew what he meant; the mark was almost like a true mate’s mark. Well, she was mine. Of course, it would fucking help.

Her lips were slightly parted, her breathing was weak but steady. My gaze dipped to her neck, where my mark was mostly healed.

“We managed to remove the poison, but the toll of it will take stto recover from. We are of course, not so well rounded with a vampire’s healing process, but as long as she is drinking plenty, I'm sure she'll recover sooner.” He said, checking her pulse.

“Hmm, do we know what the poison was or how it probably got to her?” “Most likely she took it orally. The concentrated level of it makesthink she digested it shortly before it took effect. Personally, there is one thing that concerns me...” “What is it?” | asked, caressing Morgana’s cheeks.

The strong surge of sparks and the incessant need to pull her into my arms was hard to fucking ignore.

“If... a Werewolf took it, they wouldn't have made it.” He said quietly.

| frowned, looking at him sharply.

“Alpha the poison, from what we gathered, contained obsidian nightshade and blood wolfsbane. Both are herbs that are lethal to our kind and-" “And are banned from our kingdom completely...” “Whoever brought this poison into this kingdom... They had this planned out, yet what concernsis, was this poison really for Lady Morgana or was it intended for you?”