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The Alpha King’s Fated Mate By Yui Ismutomo

Chapter 142
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Chapter 142

I was running around my neighborhood when I smelled this strange scent… ‘What is this smell, Vie?‘ I

asked my wolf.

‘Blood and… I’ve never smelled it before‘ my wolf replied.

I knew my father, King Alpha Titus had always said to never go far from the palace grounds, as there

were many dangerous things out there, but right now my curiosity overpowered my logic, so I turned

my wolf’s body around and ran towards the source of the smell.

“Vienna… Damn, where are you going?” I heard Justin call my name in annoyance as he watched me

keep running away from him.

I knew it wouldn’t be long before my father heard about my mischief, but I was curious and tired of his

overprotectiveness towards me.

My name is Vienna Katherine Osmund, yes I am the first daughter of king Rolf Titus Osmund and my

mother the queen Gwen Katherine Louve who has a very understanding and kind nature, unlike my

father who likes to tell me this as if I am his personal servant.

Anyway, he never let me free, always wanted a guard to protect me, but since I was young, I never

experienced anything bad, so I never understood what bad things could happen to me?

Tomorrow I turn 16, which is old enough to find my mate and hopefully find him soon so I can leave the

prison–like palace.

Yes, the title of princess and heir makes me tired and want to run away from there, but I know that my

father, King Alpha will kill me if he catches me running away from my responsibilities as the successor

to the royal throne.

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“Vienna… Vienna, where are you?” I heard Justin’s voice trying to find me and ignored him by

continuing to walk towards the source of the smell I smelled. Blood was everywhere and made me

have to scrunch up my wolf life which was very sensitive to odors so I had to know this answer


Blood is everywhere and I wonder, where are the guards that no one knows about this? I thought and

then not long after, Mr. Lim came with Rangga and just left him.

I heard the sound of groans and I immediately walked slowly to find the source of the groans.

stopped my steps when I saw someone lying on the ground with bruises his body.

I asked softly

He groaned and sat up while leaning his body against a nearby tree before looking at me with a smile.

Who is this guy?

Blond hair, blue eyes and porcelain–white skin. He’s…. pretty?

Gasping in shock as if I just remembered, I looked back at the man.

Yes, for the first time Vienna met a man who had a strange figure that she had never seen before and

strangely there was something in that man that shook her heart.

‘Huh? Who is that man?‘ she thought in wonder.


Fifteen years ago upon hearing that Melissa had given birth to a cute baby boy, but somehow my

circumstances did not allow me to come and visit the snowy country to meet her.

Yes, I, Gwen for the first time since becoming a werewolf experienced strange symptoms and pain

without cause.

What’s wrong with me Destine?‘ I asked for the umpteenth time but my white–wolf just replied ‘you’ll be

fine‘ in a very strange way that made me worry about my condition.

Was I really going to be okay?

Why didn’t she help me and explain my condition if I really wasn’t well anymore?

Why is he acting so strange?

It’s as if she….

Happy with my condition?


Titus opened the door to the room loudly before he walked quickly towards me but before he was by

my side, I saw him take a deep breath and fall to his knees a second later which made me widen my

eyes in surprise before running towards him.

Titus.. you.. you why?” I gasped in shock and touched his back which was staring at the floor with a

look of disbelief before with tears in his eyes, he looked back at me with a look of disbelief towards me

which made me raise my eyebrows in confusion with his current reaction and attitude.

You scared me. Titus‘ I whispered in concern but the man who was my mate just pulled me in and gave

me a tight hug “Titus?” I called out still confused.

you… Thank you, Gwen He confused me even more with his thanks as if I

something truly wonderful.

I really don’t understand” I said honestly and made him reach my face with a smile and still covered

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with tears of happiness.

“Gwen… You…”

“Yeah? What’s wrong with me?” I urged curiously.

“Gwen, you’re pregnant…” I gasp loudly in shock and Titus just nods his head “I can smell my pup from

your body”


That’s why….


I’m pregnant?

That’s why Destine seemed to be happy about my sickness.

‘Why didn’t you tell me, Destine?” I said to myself and my wolf just laughed. However, I couldn’t stay

angry any longer, as my mate’s reaction was more than I could have imagined.

Smiling at her I touched her cheek and made her look into my eyes “I didn’t expect you to be this

happy” I whispered softly while smiling happily.

The man just sobbed and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

The man who was the king of Alpha, crying tears of joy just knowing that he was going to have a child

from his mate, me.

With this I’m sure that the child I’m carrying will receive a great deal of love from the father, because

just knowing that I’m going to have it has made him shed such tears, I can’t imagine how it will be when

he sees it for the first time.

“I love you, Gwen… and thank you so much for this amazing gift you’ve given me. I will take good care

of all of you and make you always happy” My mate promised before capturing my lips as if it was a

sealed promise.

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