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The Alpha King’s Fated Mate By Yui Ismutomo

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139

Have you ever experienced the fear of one thing happening after another? That’s what I’m going

through right now, the happiness I’m feeling right now is scaring me. Can I have consecutive happiness

like this?

Can I keep smiling at the things that keep happening in my life lately?

Is it possible that this could happen to me? That happiness with my mate really happened, that happy

ever after really happened to me?

Someone’s arms embraced me from behind and from the smell of his body I immediately recognized

who this man was who embraced me intimately while starting to kiss the back of my neck.

“What are you doing here, Titus?” I greeted with a small smile without turning my body and tilting my

head so that he would have easier access to kiss my neck.

He continued kissing my neck and tightened his embrace for a while before turning me around and

kissing my lips passionately.

This is what I was afraid of, the constant bliss of being with my mate Titus to the point where I was

afraid that this time would end because I wanted to feel this bliss forever.

“What’s wrong?” He asked confusedly with raised eyebrows as he lowered his head to meet my gaze.

Yes, that’s Titus, I can’t hide anything from him, not even from my unreasonable. worries.

He knows me and knows everything about me, even the things I’m used to so I can’t hide anything

from him.

Things that are sometimes good but also not good for me.

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Because sometimes not everything can be told to our mate, there are things that we can’t tell him but

Titus always wants to know everything that I’m thinking and troubling me, he doesn’t even care if it’s

completely unimportant, yes, he just wants me to always be open and talk to him about whatever is in

my head at the


Turning towards him and cupping his cheek, I gave him a small peck before. smiling to calm him down

“I’m just confused because I’m happy” I said softly and he exhaled before cupping my face and bringing

his forehead to mine.

We enjoyed our closeness for some time before he again kissed my lips. affectionately “It’s good that

you’re happy, my dear. You deserve this happiness after what you’ve been through” He whispered

softly and continued to stroke my body so tenderly that it felt like I was floating high into the clouds with

this sense of happiness.

Before long, a strange body scent approached and we turned our heads towards

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the couple who decided to stay in this hospital and manage the treatment center for werewolves.

“Hey, Drake” Titus greeted kindly and shook his best friend’s hand “What’s up?” Drake looked hesitant

before he looked at Melissa who nodded her head as if they had important information to tell you.

“The witch is pregnant‘ Destine whispered and shattered the secret in a second.

I gasped loudly with wide eyes in shock at the words spoken by my wolf and made Titus look back at

me in confusion, but Melissa only chuckled in annoyance, understanding that I had found out her secret

from my white–wolf. “D*mn white–wolf” she cursed in annoyance but kept smiling as I cried out in

pleasure and gave my best friend a warm hug.

“Congratulations!!!” I shouted happily and continued to give him a hug while jumping up and down

which made Drake look wide–eyed with fear.

Oops… Yes, male werewolves will be very over–protective of their mates who are carrying their future

babies or pups.

Titus, who was staring at his best friend’s reaction, also gasped loudly as if he had just realized


Yes, it seemed that he also realized that his best friend’s reaction was very strange. “Oh my God,

Drake….” He seemed to come to his senses and patted Drake on the shoulder “Congratulations, you’re

going to have a pup!!” he exclaimed happily and made his friend beam in happiness and proud.

Yes, we know how long Drake has been trying to get an heir with Melissa, but it is difficult because

Melissa is not a werewolf so it always fails and miscarries, therefore Titus, who does understand and

knows the sacrifices and the wait for his best friend to get an ancestry, understands why he will be very

protective of his


But, with all that they will carry here, will it be okay for Melissa’s fetus?

“You can’t be too tired, Mel” I admonished the woman who just nodded her head with a smile plastered

on her face.

There was no denying that she was pregnant, her face was glistening with beauty and I couldn’t stop

myself from hugging her back and screaming with joy at this good news.

Hopefully we’ll be the ones to get offspring next, I prayed silently and smiled at my mate who was

looking at me in delight for seeing me this happy.

We walked to our room to clean up our things again, holding hands in silence, Titus continued to hold

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me and didn’t let go of his hand to keep touching me.

I looked up at him with a smile and made him raise an eyebrow questioningly “It would be nice if I was

pregnant too, wouldn’t it?” I asked sincerely and made him smile widely before pulling my hand and

stopping our steps.

Wes, Lately we’ve been together like newlyweds in a high state of intimacy, and I really like the

attention and love that he always shown me in the form of this


Titus holds my body close to his before passionately pursuing my lips

Yes, lately we were like a new couple in love who couldnt let go of each others grip, but everyone who

looked at us just smiled without making any bad

mments or complaining about our act of intimacy

Whatever it is that matters is that I’m with you, Gwen Titus whispered between kisses which made me

melt from the words he said so I threw myself back into his


Yes, lately we’ve been together like newlyweds in a high state of intimacy, and I really like the attention

and love that he always shows me in the form of this


Titus holds my body close to his before passionately pursuing my lips.

Yes, lately we were like a new couple in love who couldn’t let go of each other’s grip, but everyone who

looked at us just smiled without making any bad. comments or complaining about our act of intimacy.

“Whatever it is that matters is that I’m with you, Gwen” Titus whispered between kisses which made me

melt from the words he said so I threw myself back into his


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