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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 96
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hapter 96 Acting Rashly

“Don’t worry. I’m just taking him to the station for a simple investigation. If it’s really like

what you said, he’ll definitely be fine,” Joey said.

“Let’s go then. Don’t worry, Willow. I’ll surely be fine.” Caspian reassured her.

Right then, a few police cars arrived at the villa’s entrance.

About ten cops got out of their cars. They were all shocked to see the horrifying scene

before their eyes.

“Sorry for being here late, Ms. Sanders. Where’s the killer?” one of them asked.

“We got him. It’s him, Caspian Lynch,” Joey said. “Collect the evidence and bring the

bodies back. Find out their actual identities.“.

“Okay!” the cop replied.

“Let’s go, Caspian!” As Joey spoke, she took Caspian with her.

“Caspian …” Willow mumbled. She ran after them with concern.

“Don’t worry, Willow. I’ll definitely be okay. Call Sylvia later. Tell her that I’m just heading to

the police station for record purposes. She shouldn’t act rashly. Her number is…”

Caspian was worried that Sylvia would take action right away after knowing he got taken

away by the cops. That’s why he told Willow to send Sylvia a message.

“Okay, got it.” Although Willow didn’t understand Caspian’s intentions, she jotted down

Sylvia’s number.

“Sylvia? Is that the one who pretended to be a general officer?” frowning a little, Joey


“Yeah,” Caspian said while nodding.

“Don’t act rashly? What a joke. Would she even dare to barge into the police station?

Pretending to be a general officer is a serious offense! You certainly know where she’s

hiding now. Tell me!” Joey said harshly.

Caspian didn’t say a word. He ignored Joey.

He was then brought into the police car by Joey and left the villa.

Willow immediately headed back to the villa and called Sylvia.

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At that moment, Sylvia wasn’t occupied with anything. She picked up the call instantly

when she noticed that someone was calling her.

“Hello, who is this?” Sylvia wasn’t sure who the caller was. She had to ask that because it



“May I know if you’re Sylvia?” Willow wanted to make sure of her identity.

“That’s me, Mrs. Lynch. Is there anything?” Sylvia recognized Willow’s voice.

“Something happened. Caspian was taken away by people from the police station. He told

me to call you and inform you about this,” Willow said.

“What? The cops took Caspian away?” Sylvia jolted and stood up. She had been waiting

for the cops to make a move.

“That’s right. They left just a few minutes ago,” Willow said.

“That’s great! Really great!” Sylvia said excitedly.

She had been very free for the past few days. She was waiting for the cops to attack

Caspian. That way, she could then ask Julian’s army to enter the city and defeat the


Hearing Sylvia’s reaction, Willow was taken aback.

“Why is that great? Caspian is taken away now. Whose side are you on?” Willow asked.

“You’ve misunderstood me, Mrs. Lynch. Of course, I’m on Casplan’s side. Why did the cops

take Caspian away?” Sylvia quickly explained.

“A group of hitmen appeared out of nowhere just now. But they were all killed by Caspian

in the end. The chief of the station, Joey Sanders, arrived and took Caspian away. But

Caspian was left with no choice but to kill those eight men. They’re called the Dark

Blades,” Willow added.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Lynch. I’ll think of a way to save Caspian now!” Sylvia instantly said.

It was not strange that Caspian could take all of these hitmen down. It was too easy for

Lord. Caspian to get rid of people like them.

“Don’t act right away. Caspian asked me to call over and tell you to not make any moves


When Willow heard that Sylvia was ready to take action, she quickly added this.

“Why?” Sylvia was a little confused as she asked.

“He said he’s just heading to the station for recording purposes. He should be fine.” Willow

repeated what Caspian said.

“Alright, understood,” Sylvia/replied helplessly.

It seemed like she had to continue waiting here.

“That’s about everything, I’ll be hanging up now.” After saying that, Willow ended the call.

In the car, Joe and Caspian were halfway to their destination. She suddenly got a call from



“Mason, what’s up?” Joey asked.

“Chief, something happened! Harry and I noticed that the people from the Flying Dragons.

were on the move, so we followed them. We found out that they arrived somewhere called

the Rocky Den. They seemed to be dealing drugs there!” Mason said.

Joey’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly asked, “How many of them are there?”

“There’s no more than 300 people altogether. But quite a lot of men are armed,” Mason


“Okay, got it. Just keep a watch on them. Don’t take any action. I’ll come right away!” Joey


Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Suddenly, Joey heard gunshots from the other end of the call.

Horrified, Joey asked, “What’s wrong? Mason, what’s going on?”

“We’re doomed, chief! We’re exposed now!” Mason said anxiously.

“Leave the place now! Safety is your main priority!” Joey stated.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Followed by the sounds of another round of gunshots, there was no


from Mason anymore.

Joey could tell from the noises that Mason and the rest were fighting them now. He

couldn’t escape!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She was on pins and needles. Hitting the gas pedal hard, she sped toward the Rocky Den

situated in the suburbs.


Mason and Harry were investigating the matter alone, and they’re now facing more than

200 people. This was an urgent situation. They had to send more help now, or else they’d

be killed.

Joey didn’t even have time to call for more support.

“Are you going to the Rocky Den by yourself?” Caspian heard their conversation and


“I’m driving now. Help me call the station right now!” Joey was focusing on driving. She

had no time to do anything else.

“Okay,” Caspian nodded. It looked like he was the only one who could help.

Besides, he was Lord Caspian after all. It was his job to ensure people’s safety. Now that

someone was going against the law, he couldn’t just stand aside and watch.

Moreover, the ones déaling drugs were people from the Flying Dragons. He couldn’t

possibly ignore the matter.


Caspian then took Joey’s phone and called the police station. He told them to send some

men. over to the Rocky Den.

After hanging up, Caspian glanced at the speedometer. He was taken aback.

“Are you trying to fly the car? You’re nearly at maximum speed now! God damn it!”

Caspian said.

“You have no right to say that! We’re trying to save people here; it’s an emergency!” Joey

howled and continued to drive.

Her car sped on the road. Caspian felt helpless. It didn’t feel good to trust someone with


own life.

He was really worried. With Joey’s driving skills, there was no chance of survival if

anything happened when they were moving so fast.

Joey saw the anxious look on Caspian’s face out of the corner of her eyes. She made fun of

him. “What? Are you scared? Weren’t you arrogant just a moment ago?