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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92 Hiring an Assassin

“Well.” Willow’s expression tightened as she found herself in a difficult predicament.

She had contemplated helping the Stewart family, but she recalled the instructions given

to her by Miranda when she assumed her role.

The new CEO had given her a strict directive stating that she could have business

collaborations with anyone except the Stewart family.

The Stewarts in the room noticed Willow’s hesitation and mistakenly believed that her

success had led her to look down on their family.

“Willow, we acknowledge our past mistakes and hope you won’t hold them against us.

After all, we’re still the Stewarts. Can you stand by and watch the Stewart family fall

apart?” Donald said.

He held the significant position of general manager within the Stewart Group, which was

the linchpin of the entire Stewart family.

Henry apologized sincerely, “Willow, I used to be headstrong, rude, and entitled, I

apologize now and hope you won’t dwell on our past errors. You’re the director at

Southlake Corporation, and we believe you can make a difference for the Stewart family.

The purpose behind the Stewart family hosting this family dinner was to appeal to Willow.

Caspian felt a deep sense of satisfaction after observing the change in the Stewarts‘


toward her.

His decision to acquire Southlake Corporation was driven by the desire to enhance

Willow’s standing within the Stewart family, and this objective was slowly being realized.

“I have indeed considered helping the Stewart family, but the CEO of Southlake

Corporation does not allow us to collaborate with the Stewart family. I’m sorry, but my

hands are tied,” Willow lamented, a hint of helplessness in her tone.

“What? Who’s the new CEO, and why does he have a grudge against the Stewart family?”

Marilyn questioned confusedly.

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“I have no idea. I’ve been at the company for so long, and I’ve never seen him before,”

Willow replied.

The mysterious CEO piqued her curiosity. All she knew was that he was Caspian’s

classmate, but the details about his identity and appearance remained elusive.

“That’s strange. The Stewart family hasn’t offended anyone, right? There’s no reason for

the CEO of Southlake Corporation to target us,” Marilyn mused and tried to make sense of

the situation.



“Willow, if there’s any misunderstanding between the new CEO of Southlake Corporation

and the Stewart family, try to meet him and explain our situation. Although Steward Group

isn’t large in scale, we still have our strengths,” Carl suggested.

“Alright, I’ll do my best,” Willow nodded. When Carl spoke up, she had no reason to refuse


“Willow, the fate of the Stewart family in Southlake City rests on your shoulders. We’re

relying on you,” Marilyn said.

“At this critical moment, it’s all up to Willow. She’s definitely capable of handling it,” Kate

said, sounding a bit conceited.

Everyone nodded and bowed, trying to flatter Willow, who remained unimpressed by their


The Stewarts continued to ignore Caspian, but he remained unfazed. As long as Willow’s

status improved in the Stewarts family, his objective would be achieved.

Alicia felt even more frustrated when she saw Willow become the center of attention at


family dinner.

However, she had no choice but to swallow her anger and bide her time.

After the family dinner ended, Caspian and Willow returned to Riverside Villa.

With rounded eyes, Willow turned to Caspian and asked, “Could you find out from your

classmate why Southlake Corporation is reluctant to collaborate with the Stewart family?”

She continued, “We have the expertise, so we’ll deliver perfectly according to their

requirements if they give us projects.”

Caspian readily agreed and said, “I’ll look into it for you.”

This evening, the Stewarts had gone out of their way to please Willow, treating her in at

notably different manner. The situation would be awkward if Willow couldn’t secure the

projects they hoped for.

“Alright, I’m counting on you. If you manage to do it, I’ll sleep with you every night. It’ll be

more convenient for you,” Willow said. Her cheeks flushed as she spoke.

She had been waiting for Caspian to broach the subject, but his nonchalance had only

frustrated her.

“Convenient for what?” Caspian paused. He looked puzzled, not quite grasping her


Willow’s blush was even more profound, and her shyness filled her demeanor. She

retreated into her room, muttering, “Either you genuinely don’t know or you’re pretending

not to. I’ll



At the York family residence, Samuel anxiously questioned, “Mom, didn’t we talk to

Inspector Ezekiel yesterday? Why is there no action from the Office of Inspector General

today? What’s going on?”

Dawn asked, “Inspector Ezekiel wouldn’t ignore you, would he?”

However, Nadia repleid.“He’s quite cunning. He agreed on the phone, but now there’s no

sign of him doing anything. He must be worried about something.”

Dawn was furrowed, “What should we do then? Derek is still in the hospital and lying

there, and we just let it be?”

But Samuel had an even graver concern, “This matter isn’t the most crucial one. Don’t

forget the deadline mentioned by Caspian. He really could go on a rampage and destroy

the York family.”

The chilling realization that he was a formidable force sent a shiver down everyone’s

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spine. They acknowledged the truth that Caspian could make his threats a reality.

Dawn proposed a solution, “Mom, let’s have Zachary handle this issue! If Zachary steps in,

Ezekiel will have to save face for the York family.”

Nadia had another plan in mind, “It’s not the time yet. I still have one more idea. We can

hire. an assassin and assign them to eliminate Caspian.”

Early in the morning, Caspian drove Willow to work in his Ferrari. Again, he entered the

building after dropping Willow off. Once he settled into his CEO’s office, he called Miranda.

“Mr. Lynch, feel free to give me any orders,” Miranda said. She was curious about

Caspian’s unexpected presence at the company. He rarely intervened in person before.

“You can let Willow know that Southlake Corporation can collaborate with the Stewart

family now!” Caspian instructed.

“I understood, Mr. Lynch. There’s a new real estate project on the eastern outskirts of

Southlake City. It’s a great opportunity for the Stewart family,” Miranda replied promptly.

Caspian instructed, “Handle this matter yourself.”

Sure, I’ll inform Mrs. Lynch right away,” Miranda replied.

This presented an opportunity to offer Carl valuable training and advancement. Assigning

such a major project to others would inevitably result in shortcuts and compromised



“Alright, I got it,” Miranda replied.

Then, she promptly made her way to Willow’s office. “Willow, I’ve just received the CEO’s

latest instructions. Southlake Corporation is now allowed to collaborate with the Stewart

family,” Miranda said, getting straight to the point..

“Really?” Willow couldn’t believe her luck. She looked at Miranda in amazement.

“Absolutely! It’s a direct order from the CEO himself!” Miranda confirmed.

“That’s incredible!” Willow exclaimed. Her excitement was evident.

Just the day before, she had discussed the possibility with Caspian, but she never

expected it to be resolved so effortlessly.

“He also instructed us to hand over the development project in the eastern outskirts of

Southlake City to the Stewart Group,” Miranda added.