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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 The Inspector General’s Thoughts

“Why must I head to the Office of Inspector General?” Caspian hesitated. Wasn’t this just

about apprehending a criminal?

If Sylvia found out he’d been taken to the Inspector General’s office, she’d undoubtedly

order her troops from outside the city to storm the place!

Caspian held a favorable view of Joey as her recent actions to save lives were truly

commendable. Nevertheless, he was reluctant to deploy city troops over a minor incident.

“You had killed someone, so you need to provide a statement at the Office of Inspector

General,” Joey stated.

“I stepped in just now to save a life. You saw the situation back then,” Caspian explained.

“You took my gun, ignored the hostage situation, and fired recklessly. It was a dangerous

move. You must clarify your actions at the Inspector General’s office,” Joey insisted.

Willow and Zoey found Joey’s decision to confront Caspian unreasonable. After all, Caspian

had saved Carmen. Instead of being thanked, he was now facing the prospect of arrest,

which struck them as profoundly unjust.

“Dangerous move? What was so dangerous about it? The results speak for themselves.

Willliam was neutralized, and Carmen was unharmed!” Caspian sighed.

He continued, “If it weren’t for my intervention, you might be nursing a broken leg now

and watching William escape!”

“You were fortunate to shoot William! You’re not a part of the Inspector General’s team.

Who gave you the authority to use a gun?” Joey retorted.

“You must be out of your mind! It’s called being a good Samaritan. Can just anyone waltz

into the Office of Inspector General? You don’t even have any basic knowledge!” Caspian

said impatiently.

He hadn’t expected any rewards, but he certainly didn’t want more trouble.

Joey was brimming with anger, What gave this useless Caspian the right to insult her?

Despite knowing he had rescued the hostage earlier, she did not have a good impression

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of him.

“What do you know? William was crucial as he was a member of a fraudulent gang. We

were planning to follow his trail and capture all of these culprits. But now, you’ve killed

him directly and cut off all leads!” Joey voiced her frustration.

“How is that my concern? This is the inspectors‘ business,” Caspian replied


Joey fell silent as she was unable to counter Caspian’s argument.


“Without leads, the Office of Inspector General can figure it out independently. If Carmen

had been killed, your office wouldn’t escape responsibility, right? I saved her for you,

didn’t even get a thank you, and now you want to make trouble for me. Is this how your

office operates?” Caspian continued.

Joey was left speechless by Caspian’s words. Every point he made was entirely

reasonable, leaving Joey unable to counter any of them.

After all, he had not only rescued Carmen but also ensured they remained unharmed.

In that high–pressure situation, Joey hadn’t been confident about landing a single shot on

William, yet Caspian had managed to do it effortlessly.

Willow and Zoey looked at Caspian with surprise. When did he become so eloquent?

Wasn’t it excessive to leave Joey speechless like that?

“Can we go now?” Caspian asked nonchalantly. Being taken to the Office of Inspector

General would throw a wrench into his plans.

If Sylvia found out he was taken to the Inspector General’s office, her troops stationed

outside the city would indeed converge there.

Those troops were intended for handling the Inspector General’s chief, and mobilizing

them for Joey simply wasn’t worth it.

“Hold on!” Joey called out again.

“Is there anything else?” Caspian stopped and inquired.

“I’ve found some leads on the murder of Lilith,” Joey said.

“Tell me more details about that,” Caspian said.

Upon hearing Joey’s words, Willow suddenly felt uneasy.

“Lilith seems to have tried to save someone but was killed instead,” Joey said.

Although this case had happened some time ago, she didn’t believe it was that simple. So,

she had privately conducted an investigation.

After all, it was her duty as ti After all, it was her duty as the head of the criminal

investigation team to uncover the truth behind every case.

However, the evidence from the time of the incident had been destroyed, making it quite

challenging to reveal the whole truth.

“I’ve already got the details on this, so you don’t need to bother about it,” Caspian

responded with

some surprise, as he was not expecting Joey to look into the case actively.

Yet, he was well–informed about the whole story, and he knew that Lilith had been wrongly


“Don’t worry, I’ll get to the bottom of this and restore her reputation!” Joey affirmed with

determination, even though the leads she had found made the case quite challenging to


“Suit yourself.” Caspian waved his hand dismissively.

It was clear that Joey had a good heart. Caspian then left the hospital with Willow and


In the Office of Inspector General, Ezekiel had just finished a call with Nadia.

He had learned that Caspian had gone on a killing spree tonight, prompting Nadia to

request the inspector’s intervention to apprehend him.

After hanging up, Ezekiel took a moment to reflect. He certainly wanted to capture


but he couldn’t afford to rush into action.

Caspian’s wedding last month had even drawn the attendance of John, a senior military


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from the South Aridlands.

Rumor had it that Caspian had saved John’s life, and Ezekiel wasn’t willing to risk

challenging that connection between Caspian and John.

Even though Sylvia’s title was a sham, John was undoubtedly a genuine senior military

officer from the South Aridlands.

Ezekiel conducted his affairs with utmost caution to maintain his current position. The

higher his position, the more cautious one had to be, as any misstep could be irreversible.

He was well aware that without the support of the York family and the Flying Dragons, he

wouldn’t be sitting comfortably in his current role.

However, arresting Caspian required even greater caution. John was a figure Ezekiel

couldn’t afford to provoke.

Caspian dared to commit murder, indicating that he had supporters operating in the


However, dealing with the York family wouldn’t be a walk in the park, especially their

heavyweight, Zachary, the regional chief in the Two Lakes area.

Without Zachary’s direct intervention, Ezekiel decided it wasn’t the right moment to make



Caspian had personally chauffeured Willow to the Southlake Corporation for her work.

The Rolls–Royce had remained at the corporation since the previous day, so Willow was


Caspian was concerned about the optics of a high–ranking executive arriving at the office

in a cab.

Moreover, he was concerned that members of the Flying Dragons might target her again,

so he planned to provide her with personal protection in the coming days.

Once they arrived at the Southlake Corporation building, Willow quickly exited the car and

entered the office building.

Caspian also entered the building after waiting a short while to ensure she had safely
