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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 78
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Chapter 78 Isn’t It a Bit Too Cruel?

“A scumbag assassin was trying to take advantage of Willow!” Caspian said with a calm


“An assassin? Where?” Sylvia was shocked and asked.

“Over there. I sent him flying after a kick,” Caspian said and pointed at the man lying

under a faraway tree.

How daring of him to take advantage of Willow! I’ll go teach him a lesson now!” Sylvia

walked over toward the assassin.

“Do you want to know what the assassin you hired looks like?” Caspian asked Willow.

“Sure.” With Caspian by her side, Willow was no longer afraid. She wanted to see the

assassin’s face.

Blood shadow lay motionless on the ground. When he saw Caspian and Sylvia approaching

him, he trembled out of fear. He was very scared of how strong Caspian was.

Sylvia stood in front of the man and removed his black overalls. His perverted face was

exposed immediately.

Willow frowned after she saw the assassin’s face. She did not want to see him anymore.

She was afraid and felt lucky at the same time to have Caspian rescuing her. Otherwise,

she would rather die than be captured by someone like the assassin.

“How much money did you spend on hiring this guy?” Caspian asked in disdain.

300 … 300 thousand dollars,” Willow was embarrassed and said softly.

“How is this guy worth that much money? You are such an easy target.” Caspian felt

helpless. Willow blushed when she heard that.

“Who are you?” Caspian stared and asked at the assassin.

“I… Sir, I’m just a hooligan. I’ll return the money to you. Please forgive me and let me go!”

The assassin begged.

“Now you know that he is a complete fraud!” Caspian said while looking at Willow.

Willow did not know what to do and quickly explained, “I wanted to avenge Mom and

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didn’t think too much. Who knew I would fall for it?”

“Did you tell him about wanting to kill Derek and Quentin?” Caspian asked.

“I did. I told him everything.” Willow said embarrassingly.

“I told you to forget about revenge. I have my own plans for that.” Caspian did not want to


“I understand.” Willow lowered her head and felt very embarrassed. This incident had


her a lesson.

“Caspian, what should I do with this guy?” Sylvia stared at the assassin and asked.

“He knows too much and even tried to take advantage of Willow. If we let people like him

go, he might continue to scam someone else. Why not kill him so he can’t do that ever

again?” Caspian said strictly with a gloomy face.

Willow heard Caspian’s solution and thought it was the same during the meeting. She

wondered if they were going to kill the assassin.

“I understand!” Sylvia nodded. Then, she dragged the assassin into the depths of the


“What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go now! I’ll give all my money to you!” Blood

Shadow realized he was in trouble and begged for forgiveness.

“You reap what you sow,” Caspian said casually without any pity.

“Caspian, are you going to kill him?” Willow asked with astonishment.

“Leaving people like him alive will only harm society. There’s no need to pity people like

him! “Caspian said.

“But, isn’t it a bit too cruel?” Willow said with a sad face.

“Cruel? Do you know what would have happened if I didn’t appear in time? Who knows

how many people had been scammed by him? People like him don’t deserve any pity!”

Caspian said indignantly.

Willow had no response to that. She knew Caspian was right. The assassin would only do

bad things if he was kept alive. She did not know how many people were being scammed.

After all, not everyone could be as lucky as her and be saved by Caspian.

“Let’s go. I’ll send you back home.” Caspian knew Willow had experienced a shock, so he

tried to send her back to Riverside Villa.

“Sure!” Willow nodded. She did not want to stay there anymore.

Willow took the briefcase and sat in the passenger’s seat. Caspian sat in the driver’s seat,

Hel would be driving.

“Did you tail me?” Willow asked as soon as she sat in the car.

“Why would I tail you? Can you stop thinking that people are so filthy?” Caspian thought

what Willow said was a little ridiculous.

“Why did you appear in front of me when I was in danger?” Willow was confused.


“I came to my late foster mother’s home to tidy up her belongings. When I wanted to go

back, I saw you driving past, so I wanted to see what you were trying to do,” Caspian


“What? Is Mom’s house here?” Willow was astonished.

“That’s right. It’s in front. Not too far away from here,” Caspian said.

“That is such a coincidence!” Willow said.

Thankfully, Caspian had appeared. Otherwise, Willow did not know what would have

happened. She was terrified when she remembered that man’s disgusting face.

“I think this is so coincidental. When I go back, I must tell Zoey. Perhaps she will get some

inspiration from this,” Willow said.

“Are you su

you sure you want to tell people such an embarrassing thing?” Caspian asked helplessly.

Willow thought about it and thought Caspian was right. If Zoey found out she was fooled

by a hooligan, Zoey would surely make fun of her.

Caspian stopped beside the SUV and moved all of Lilith’s belongings to the Rolls Royce.

Sylvia came back as well. From the calm look on her face, it was obvious that she’d gotten

rid of the scumbag.

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“I’ll send Willow back. Go and do what you must,” Caspian said to Sylvia.

“Sure, Caspian,” Sylvia said with a nod.

After that, Caspian drove the Rolls Royce and took Willow back to the villa.

Zoey completed her work when Caspian and Willow returned to the villa.

“Willow, I was wondering where you went. Turns out you went to pick up Caspian. I do

envy both of you,” Zoey said excitedly.

“Nonsense. I didn’t go and pick him up purposely. I only met him on my way back,” Willow

blushed and quickly explained. She was too embarrassed to tell Zoey that she was


“Look how red your face is. I won’t be disturbing you two tonight. I’ve tidied up a room so I

will be sleeping alone,” Zoey laughed and said.

“Won’t you sleep with me?” Willow was afraid after what she experienced. She wanted.

someone to accompany her. She did not expect Zoey to not sleep with her.

“I don’t want to be a third wheel. Just spend your time with Caspian,” Zoey said.

“What nonsense are you spouting? Since you are here, we…” Willow felt even more


“Willow, are you trying to say that both of you want to do something, and it’s inconvenient



“Don’t talk nonsensel” Willow was embarrassed.

“I’m not talking nonsense. I’m telling the truth,” Zoey said.

“I don’t care. You must sleep with me tonight. Otherwise, I won’t call you my bestie

anymore! “Willow said in an annoyed tone.

“Fine. I’m the one who is living under someone else’s roof after all. Casplan, don’t blame

met for spoiling your moment,” Zoey said.

“Whatever. We have all the time in the world,” Caspian said with a smile.

So, Zoey and Willow slept in a room.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the room at night. “Help! No! Don’t come here!” Caspian

woke up from his slumber and realized it came from Willow’s room.