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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 Head of the Investigation Team

“That might be true, but that’s still the Flying Dragons‘ territory. As the ruler of Diatoran,

you mustn’t risk your life. I can handle this matter; there’s no need for you to put yourself

in danger,” Sylvia insisted.

“An eye for an eye! I must exact my revenge personally!” Caspian replied.

“Caspian, there’s something else I need to report to you.”

“What is it?” Caspian asked.

“I just received instructions from above. They’ve noticed some unrest in Southlake City

lately. Many high–ranking officials here are a bit corrupt, so they’re planning to form an

investigation team to clean up the city,” Sylvia explained.

“Well, that doesn’t really concern me, right?”

“How could it not? They know you’re in Southlake City right now, so they want you to be

the head of the investigation team.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Am I not on a vacation?” Caspian replied, displeased.

“Why don’t you consider it, Caspian? If you take it, your vacation will only end after the

investigation is completed,” Sylvia explained.

“Head of the investigation team? You want me, the ruler of Diatoran, to take up such a

lowly position? Am I going to be demoted several ranks?” Caspian asked.

“How is that possible? You’ve achieved outstanding military merits; no one would demote

you. This investigation team is temporary. Although it doesn’t sound very powerful, this

position will make all the high–ranking officials in Southlake City tremble in fear. Your

authority will surpass everyone else’s in Southlake City!” Sylvia assured.

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“It doesn’t matter.”

“If you accept this position and with the special privileges the country gives you,

investigating Lilith’s case will become much simpler. You won’t need to report to anyone

and you can make decisions yourself. If you encounter uncooperative individuals, you can

directly deal with


“I can make decisions myself; I’ve always had that right,” Caspian said nonchalantly.

In fact, he already had a plan to handle it.

“I know, but for your safety, they will assign some men to secretly protect you. In addition,

they will send a troop to be stationed outside Southlake City under your command,” Sylvia



“There’s no need for the men. With you by my side, it is enough; Too many people may

draw attention,” Caspian replied.

“What about the troops?” Sylvia inquired.

“Have them be on standby outside the city for now. When I need them, I’ll say the word.”

“So, are you willing to accept this position?” Sylvia asked.

“Is this something I can refuse? Can I go against the orders from above?” Caspian

retorted. “I want to thoroughly clean up the corrupt authorities in Southlake City!”

“Do you already have a plan, Caspian?” Sylvia asked.

Caspian briefly explained his plan to Sylvia.

After listening, Sylvia was shocked. “You’re the ruler of Diatoran! That’s too risky!”

“If I don’t take the risks, how can I lure these bastards out? The relationships in Southlake

City are an intricate web; I need to expose them all at once and take them down.”

“But I’m tasked by the country to protect you. If anything happens to you, I’ll be done for. I

can’t bear that responsibility!” Sylvia said.

“I’ve faced thousands of troops and participated in countless battles or various scales.

There’s nothing I haven’t encountered. What is there to be nervous about?”

“But what if? Leave the York family and the Flying Dragons to me. Or, with just one

command from you, let’s have the troops destroy them,” Sylvia urged.

“This isn’t a battlefield, so there’s no way we can use armored forces here. It’s easy to

wipe out the York family and the Flying Dragons, but what about their hidden leaders? We

need to expose them as well.”

“I understand!” Sylvia nodded.

“Well, that better be the case. We need to take this slowly and set up a grand scheme.

Once they lower their guard and expose themselves, we will strike.”

“I’m still afraid something might happen to you. After all, you’re the backbone of Diatoran

Sylvia voiced her concerns.

“Relax! There are troops stationed outside the city, and they can intervene at any time if

there’s trouble.”

“I’m just afraid that there won’t be enough time. The location they’re stationed at is a bit

far from Southlake City, so I think it’s better to have some men around you to protect you,‘

Sylvia persisted. After all, Caspian’s safety was no laughing matter.

“If a bunch of people are following me, my intentions will be quickly revealed. I have to do



“But” Sylvia wanted to say more.

“That’s enough. I’ve made up my mind. Not another word from you; just follow my

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instructions,” Caspian waved his hand, cutting off Sylvia.

“Yes!” Sylvia nodded. She didn’t dare to disobey Caspian’s orders.

“However, to avoid drawing attention to myself, my identity should not be revealed. If the

Office of Inspector General discovers my identity, they will certainly become more

cautious,” Caspian said.

“How should we deal with that?” Sylvia asked.

“It’s simple. Have someone encrypt all my files and records. Just state that I’m an ordinary

soldier in the data,” Caspian suggested.

“Sure, I’ll arrange that right away,” Sylvia said.

At that moment, Ezekiel Parker, the head of the Office of Inspector General, received a call

from the York family, asking him to investigate Caspian’s background. Without delay,

Ezekiel personally began investigating the matter.

After a series of searches, he found that Caspian had joined the military several years ago

and was still an ordinary soldier.

After learning about Caspian’s situation from Ezekiel’s findings, the York family finally felt

relieved. Fortunately, Caspian was just an ordinary soldier, without any military rank.

Equipped with that knowledge, they began planning how to teach him a lesson.

Meanwhile, Caspian planned to seek revenge on Quentin in the evening. Hence, he

instructed Sylvia to drive him to Paradise Clubhouse.

In the evening, Zoey decided to take a leisure walk outside. Unexpectedly, when she

entered a less crowded area, a car suddenly stopped beside her. Then, two men got out of

the car and dragged her into the car.

Zoey’s face turned pale with fear. She tried to cry for help, but her mouth was taped shut

instantly. She was blindfolded, her head covered, and even her limbs were bound.


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