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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 An Intense Fight

Willow was worried about Lilith. That was because the latter was unfamiliar with the area.

What if something happened to her? Willow drove the Rolls–Royce around, looking for her.

Meanwhile, at the park, Billy and his men were about to carry Priscilla into the car.

Suddenly, they heard a voice shouting, “What are you doing? Let her go!”

As soon as they turned around to look, they realized it was just a woman. They were

immediately annoyed.

“What the hell are you shouting for? It’s the middle of the night! Get lost! Otherwise, you’ll

regret it!” Billy threatened Lilith.

Priscilla was already in a state of despair. Upon hearing someone shouting, she thought


could be saved.

But to her dismay, the person was a woman. Priscilla’s hopes were crushed once again.

“Let the woman go!” Lilith yelled while approaching them. She was somewhat afraid.

However, she could not stand by and do nothing when someone was mistreating a


At the sight of Lilith walking toward them, Billy barked, “Let’s teach this busyb*dy a


Then, one of his underlings closed in on Lilith. As he approached her, he raised his fist and

aimed it at her.

To them, Lilith was merely an older woman. Thus, they did not think she was a threat.

But in the next second, Lilith’s expression darkened, and she swiftly delivered a kick.

“Ouch!” the man yelped. He took a solid blow to his groin, causing him to collapse on the

ground. His face contorted in pain as he rolled around.

The other men witnessing it could not help but clench their thighs in discomfort. No one

had expected Lilith to fight back.

“Get her! Beat her to death!” Billy shouted.

Two of his men moved in closer to surround Lilith. Although she usually did manual labor

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on the farm, her reactions were quick.

Lilith caught the two men off guard by kicking at their lower parts. Billy was left

dumbfounded after seeing that.

On the other side, Derek, in his Lamborghini, shouted impatiently, “What are you doing?

Don’t waste any more time. Kill her and throw her into the river! How dare she screw up



After he said that, the doors of the several Ferraris behind him swung open. Three men

stepped out from the cars with batons.

They were not from the York family but members of the Flying Dragons. The Flying

Dragons was a prominent organization in Southlake City.

Derek was on good terms with them. That was why he had the guts to act recklessly.

Whenever he saw women he fancied, he would just have them drag her into their cars.

When Lilith saw the men approaching her with weapons, she became scared.

“Damn! You sure like to meddle in other people’s business, huh? We’ll kill you first!” a bald

man named Quentin Lane snarled. He was one of the Flying Dragons‘ leaders.

Lilith’s voice quivered as she asked, “What are you trying to do? Are you not afraid of the


“End her!” Quentin could not be bothered to talk nonsense. After all, one life meant


to him.

Just as the members of the Flying Dragons were about to attack, a Rolls–Royce screeched

to a halt in front of Lilith. In the car was none other than Willow.

She had just stopped the car when she saw a group of people with weapons. Moreover,

they were about to hurt Lilith. Willow was startled, not knowing what was happening.

“Mom, quick, get in!” Willow shouted anxiously.

Lilith was somewhat surprised to see Willow, too. “Willow, what are you doing here?” the

former asked.

“I’ve come to bring you back to the villa. Let’s go! We can talk about it when we get

home,” Willow answered urgently.

But Lilith could not leave. “You should go now. Don’t worry about me! Please call the cops,


If she were to leave, they might harm Priscilla. Even though she was scared, she could not

bear to ignore the latter in such a situation.

Lilith was even more worried now that Willow had appeared. Given the latter’s beauty, she

was sure the group of men might harm her too. Hence, she wanted Willow to leave quickly.

“Mom! What are you trying to do?” Willow did not understand why the men were targeting


Lilith hurriedly explained, “They want to hurt that young woman!”

Willow turned to look. Not far away, she spotted Priscilla, a young woman in her twenties.

Right then, there were people holding Priscilla down.



At that moment, Willow understood why Lilith had gotten into a conflict with the thugs.

“Go! End this old woman’s life!” Quentin yelled.

With that, members of the Flying Dragons, armed with batons, charged toward Lilith. One

of them, a more petite man, rushed up to her with his weapon.

They believed they could knock Lilith out with just one strike. So, they did not take her


None of them expected that she would snatch the baton from the man. Then, Lilith struck


man on his head.

“Ah!” the man cried out in pain while clutching his head. They had underestimated Lilith.

She was much stronger than they thought.

Seeing Lilith fight with the men, Willow was terrified. Caspian had told her to take good


of Lilith no matter what.

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Hence, in such a situation, she couldn’t bring herself to escape alone. However, Willow

could not do anything but watch as they fought. After all, there were five or six people


Of course, Lilith had no advantages, either. Fortunately, when she was young, she joined

girl scouts in school. She even trained with a pike before.

Besides, Lilith knew a little martial arts. Additionally, doing farm work had also given her

some physical strength.

Yet, Lilith could only try her best as she was going against five or six young men. Not only

was she outnumbered but they also continuously created trouble for her.

Lilith wielded the baton she had snatched. She was doing everything she could to deal

with the thugs. In the process, she was repeatedly struck by the baton, sustaining more

and more


Willow did not expect Caspian’s foster mother to be so skilled at fighting. Nevertheless,

she was still scared in such a situation.

After all, Lilith was a woman and also older. It was a challenge for her to handle the five or

six young men. What made it worse was that each of them was armed with a weapon.

Seeing that she was stubbornly fighting back, one of the men took out a knife. Amidst the

chaos, he wounded Lilith. In the next second, blood began to flow down her arm.

At the sight of blood, Willow grew increasingly anxious. She considered driving her car to

knock the members of the Flying Dragons.

However, since they surrounded Lilith, it meant she would get hit too. Left with no choice,

Willow remained seated in the car.


She tightened her grip on the steering wheel while watching the hooligans beat Lilith up.

Willow felt helpless.

Right then, the man took out his knife once more. He was aiming to stab Lilith.

But fortunately, she was quick to react. Lilith dodged the knife and avoided being stabbed.

After that, she swung the baton in her hand. She struck the man, causing his knife to fall

to the ground.

With swift reflexes, Lilith snatched the knife.