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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 The Execution Begins

Upon hearing Willow’s words, Marilyn and the others felt a bit awkward.

“I heard that John also showed up, along with a whole troop. Have they left?” Marilyn

avoided Willow’s question and asked further.

“They’re all inside!” answered Willow.

“In that case, let’s go in,” Marilyn said happily.

She believed that with her identity, she could surely enter the cemetery.

Just as Caspian was preparing to begin the execution, a guard rushed in. “Reporting to

Lord Caspian, there’s an elderly lady outside claiming to be your grandmother. She wishes

to attend the memorial service. Shall we let her group in?”

“Send them back,” answered Caspian.

Caspian instantly understood that Marilyn’s intention wasn’t to pay respects to Lilith. She

wanted to meet these influential figures, hoping one of them could help the Stewart family

rise to prominence.

He had invited them before, and they rejected him. Now that they wished to come, he had

no intention of letting them in!

“Yes, Lord Caspian!”

“Tell them that General Anderson has ordered that the memorial service has ended. All

unrelated individuals are not permitted inside!” Caspian ordered.

He didn’t want to reveal his identity or let the Stewart family know about his background.

John was stunned when he heard this and found himself in an unexpected position.

“Yes, Lord Caspian!”

The guard turned and hurried back.

“Can we enter now?” Marilyn asked the guard.

“No. General Anderson gave the order that the memorial service has ended and unrelated

people aren’t allowed in!”

“What? It ended so quickly?” Marilyn was shocked to hear this.

“Yes!” The guard nodded.

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“If it has ended, why haven’t they come out yet?” Marilyn persisted, refusing to let it go.


“I cannot disclose that! Please return!”

“I want to see Caspian. Ask him to come out and greet us!” She continued to insist. She

was unwilling to leave without meeting the influential figures, especially after traveling all

the way here.

It’s a direct order from General Anderson. Please return,” the guard said, firm in his


“Mom, let’s leave! The general has given his orders. There’s no use in looking for

Caspian,” said Donald.

When Marilyn heard this, she found Donald’s words reasonable and nodded in agreement.

With that, they left in dismay, and did not want to stay for another second.

At this moment, Caspian was addressing the group of perpetrators at Lilith’s grave.

“Quentin, you killed my mother. Do you have any last words?” Caspian stared intently at

Quentin, preparing to punish him first.

“Please have mercy! I only acted upon Derek’s order! Please, give me a chance!” Even

though Quentin was notorious for his evil deeds, he felt an immense fear in the face of


“My mother was barely alive at the time, yet you continued to stab her. If not for those

stabs, she might’ve had a chance to survive! And now you expect me to spare you? Did

you ever think of sparing her?” Caspian said coldly.

“I’m truly sorry! Even if you kill me now, it won’t change a thing. She won’t come back

alive. Please let me go!” Quentin pleaded desperately.

“An eye for an eye! Take him to my mother’s grave and execute him by firing squad!”

Caspian waved his hands.

He wasn’t interested in further conversation with Quentin.

Upon hearing Caspian’s order, Quentin collapsed helplessly to the ground.

Two guards dragged him to Lilith’s grave, followed closely by another guard holding a rifle.

“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! Please, I beg you!” Quentin shouted desperately.

A gunshot rang out, and Quentin fell to the ground.

Upon witnessing this scene, the others kneeling on the ground were terrified. Their faces

were pale, and they were scared that they might be next.

Derek trembled in fear as he was the mastermind behind this incident.

Ezekiel and others held on to a glimmer of hope in their hearts. They felt Lilith’s death

wasn’t related to them, so Caspian might not hurt them. At most, he would just teach

them a lesson.


“Skylar, you’re next,” Caspian said again.


I didn’t do anything. Why do you want to kill me? I have nothing to do with Lilith’s death!

“Skylar was stunned for a moment and immediately explained.

“Indeed, you have nothing to do with my mother’s death. But as the head of the Flying

Dragons, you’ve done all sorts of evil deeds and even dared to kidnap my wife. So, you

must die too!” Caspian stated coldly.

“I did it under someone else’s command. I didn’t intend on kidnapping her! Please, spare

my life!” Skylar cried out.

“Drag him over and execute him!” Caspian gave his order.

Skylar met the same fate as Quentin.

Now, the remaining people were even more terrified. The feeling of awaiting death was


“Victor, do you have anything to say?” Caspian stared at Victor.

Victor trembled all over as he stuttered, “I only gave advice to the Flying Dragons. I didn’t

do anything!”

“You’re a shit strategist! Many people’s lives have been lost as a result of your ideas! You

must have come up with the idea for the Cliff of Death incident! Drag him over and

execute him!” Caspian commanded.

“No! No!” Victor shouted desperately.

A gunshot echoed, marking Victor’s death.

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“Bring Ezekiel and Garrett up here!” Caspian wanted to speed up the process, and since

both of these bastards were working together, they might as well be dealt with together!

Ezekiel and Garrett were brought in front of Caspian.

“Ezekiel! Do you admit your guilt?” Caspian questioned.

“Diatoranian God of War, I’m aware of my mistake now! I didn’t know you were the God of

War! If I had known your identity, I wouldn’t have dared to act against you!” Ezekiel

trembled as he spoke.

“Shut up! As the head of the Inspector General’s office, you colluded with the Flying

Dragons! You deserve to die!” Caspian bellowed.

“No, no! The incident last night was a misunderstanding. I only wanted to scare you,”



“Is that so? I warned you yesterday. Today, you’re undoubtedly going to die!”


Ezekiel was terrified and begged, “Diatoranian God of War, I know I was wrong! Please

spare my life!”

“It’s too late. I gave you a chance before!” Caspian said.

Ezekiel’s face was ashen.

The reason Caspian had his troop capture Ezekiel, Garrett, and the rest alive was to

torment them and let them feel such fear. Killing them directly would be too easy for


“Garrett, it’s your turn!” Caspian’s gaze fell upon Garrett.

“D–Diatoranian God of War, I have no connection to the Cliff of Death’s incident yesterday.

It was all Ezekiel’s idea. I just gathered some manpower,” Garrett stated in extreme fear.

“If it wasn’t for Joey’s timely arrival yesterday, Miranda’s chastity might have been lost.

The Flying Dragons have committed all sorts of evil, and now, it’s time for all of you to

pay!” said Caspian

“Please! Give me a chance! I don’t want to die yet!” Garrett was terrified. He knelt on the

ground and begged.

“It’s not up to you to decide!” Caspian stated coldly.