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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116 Hand Over the Traitor

“The Embassy of Tigra,” John informed Caspian of the latest news.

The situation had escalated beyond their plan.

“The Embassy of Tigra?” Caspian was somewhat surprised.

He hadn’t anticipated Zachary betraying the nation!

“Yes. What actions should we take now? Please give your orders, Lord Caspian!” John


This was a matter concerning two nations, hence he didn’t dare to make decisions alone.

“As the regional chief in the Two Lakes area, Zachary has betrayed the nation! Issue

immediate orders for people to go to the Embassy of Tigra and demand that Zachary be

handed over!”

“Lord Caspian, sending an army to the Embassy of Tigra might provoke objections from

the people of Tigra. It might even lead to war!” John expressed his worries.

“Don’t be afraid! Diatoran has an abundance of talents. If they refuse to hand over

Zachary, we’ll start a war!” Caspian asserted determinedly.

“Yes, Lord Caspian!” John replied firmly.

At the Embassy of Tigra, Chris Olsen was reviewing documents when Zachary, the regional

chief of Diatoran, came to see him. So, he decided to meet him.

“I have many classified Diatoran documents, including some crucial information. If you can

ensure my safety and help me escape safely, I’ll provide you with the secrets on

Diatoran,” said Zachary.

“Sure! Seeing as you’re so sincere, I’ll ensure your safety. But could you show me the

classified documents first?” asked Chris.

“Not now. I can only give them to you once I leave Diatoran safely.” Zachary wasn’t an

idiot. He knew that these classified documents were his lifeline.

If he disclosed these secrets now, he would be left with nothing to protect him.

“Alright. I’ll arrange for you to leave Diatoran tomorrow.”

Chris was clear about Zachary’s current state, so he knew that Zachary wouldn’t lie.

Hence, it

was a worthwhile deal for him.

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Just then, panicked voices echoed from outside.


“Ambassador! Something bad happened!” a guard shouted in a panicked tone.

“What’s happening? What’s with all this panic?” Chris exclaimed irritably.


“A military unit has arrived outside, and they’ve surrounded the entire embassy!” the

guard answered, still panicking.

“What!” Chris was alarmed by the news.

When Zachary heard the news, he began to panic as well. He hadn’t anticipated that the

Diatoran army would come so soon.

Chris and Zachary went to take a peek by the window and saw that the area had been

surrounded by armored vehicles.

“Hand over Zachary York!”

“Hand over the traitor!”

“Hand over Zachary York!”

The soldiers shouted loudly outside the embassy.

Seeing this, Zachary trembled in fear. He said to Chris beside him, safety. I have a lot of

secrets on Diatoran that you want.”

You must ensure my

“I know. Since I’ve already promised you, I’ll keep my word. They won’t dare to break in

recklessly,” Chris stated calmly.

“If they dare to surround the embassy, they must’ve made thorough preparations!”

Zachary exclaimed.

“So what? Do they dare to declare war with my mighty nation, Tigra? If they dare to come

in here, they’ll be provoking the dignity of Tigra. This will definitely cause a dispute

between the two nations,” Chris spoke arrogantly.

“I hope that’s indeed the case,” Zachary said.


At this moment, the leader of the troop, Derick Myers, shouted, “The traitor of my country,

Zachary York, has entered the Embassy of Tigra. Please hand him over immediately!”

“I don’t know any Zachary York,” Chris replied.

“We’ve received information that the traitor is inside your embassy! We hope that you can

hand him over and not ruin the relationship between our two countries over this!” said


“Why are you yelling! Zachary is right beside me, but I won’t hand him over! What are you

going to do about it?” Chris shouted with irritation.

“I don’t have time to argue with you. If you don’t hand over the traitor, I’ll lead my men




“Do you have the guts? This is the Embassy of Tigra. If you break in, you’ll be declaring

war against our nation!” Chris said disdainfully.

“Damn it!” Derick hadn’t expected Chris to be so difficult to deal with.

He didn’t dare to act recklessly and instead reported the situation to John.

When John knew about this, he went to report to Caspian.

what’s the situation?”

Caspian was about to sleep but saw the phone call and answered it.

“Lord Caspian, the situation is a bit tense. Chris refuses to hand over Zachary,” John


“Do they want to protect Zachary?” Caspian asked him.

“We received information that Zachary has classified information on Diatoran. He has

indeed. betrayed the nation!” John stated.

“That jerk! We can’t let him hand over the classified information,” said Caspian.

Zachary’s betrayal had made him the enemy of the entire country.

“But the situation is tense right now. Our men are afraid to barge in,” said John.

“Send out my order! Give them ten minutes. If they still refuse to hand over the traitor,

the soldiers can charge in. Anyone who doesn’t cooperate shall face immediate

consequences!” Caspian stated firmly.

“Lord Caspian, this is a critical issue. Shouldn’t we seek Balthazar’s opinion?” John asked.

“There’s no need for that. I have the power to make the decision first before reporting to

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him. Zachary’s betrayal is evident. I want him to be immediately captured! I’ll take

responsibility for any problems that arise,” Caspian assured him.

“Yes, Lord Caspian!”

Being brave enough to act at critical moments without hesitation was the hallmark of a



Outside the Embassy of Tigra, Derrick had received orders from John and became more.

confident. “You have ten minutes to consider. If you still don’t surrender him to us, we will

make our move!”

“I would like to see if you have the guts!” Chris remained defiant.

“Your ten minutes start now!” Derick didn’t want to waste his time and began the


Chris didn’t take him seriously at all as he didn’t believe that they were brave enough to

charge in.


Time passed, yet there was no action taken by Chris.

“All guards, pay attention to me! If they dare to charge in and attack, they’re declaring

war with Tigra. Deal with them ruthlessly!” Chris gave an order.

“Yes, sir!” Tigra’s guards stood readily.

However, they had no confidence in winning. After all, there was an entire troop outside.

Their forces were limited, and they might not even withstand the attack.

When Zachary saw the situation outside, he trembled with fear. At this point, he could only

hope that Chris could keep him safe.

“Six, five, four…”

Derick began counting down.

The soldiers were prepared and ready.

Seeing this, Chris took a few steps back as he had no confidence as well.

“Three, two, one!”

Derick gave the order, “Men! Charge inside and capture Zachary alive! Show no mercy to

anyone who dares to stop in your way!”

The fully armed soldiers began to surge forward like a tide.

The imminent battle was about to begin.