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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 7238
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Chapter 7238 "Well, back to what we were saying!" James grinned.

"If you chere just to show off and bicker, it would make you seem too easy andtoo dumb." The demonic James let out a chuckle and nodded.

"I'll be direct. I need your help since I'm running out of patience." James smiled slightly.

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"You can tellyour conditions." The demonic James gestured to him. "I will try and fulfill them to the best of my abilities." "Do you honestly have that much confidence?" James gave him a sideways glance. 'You're acting as though you've successfully returned and regained control over the Haleth Realm." The demonic James curled his lips. "It won't be too hard to achieve those things if you're willing to cooperate with me." "What about Xanthakos?" James asked, "You also have the unpredictable Taiyi. What's more, there are the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness." The demonic James laughed contemptuously.

"Xanthakos is no threat to US. He can't compare to you at all when it comes to wit and perceptiveness.

"Moreover, he's more corrupt than most of the divine beings. He was once a pet I kept. Even now, he can't cause any real damage.

"As for Taiyi, she is a tricky opponent. However, as long as I show myself, she won't be a problem for US. Instead, she can be useful to US." The demonic James narrowed his eyes.

"As for the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness, they are formidable opponents that we need to take care of after we seize control of the Haleth Realm.

"James, you must understand. Frona has tricked and convinced you into aiming for the SuprPath's position. "In truth, they just want to make sure their Forty-Nine Daoisms won't get abolished. That way, they will regain control over the Haleth Realm." The demonic James pointed at James. "However, you don't belong under the Forty-Nine Daoisms of Nothingness. "Instead, you are a Historial being belonging to the fiftieth Daoism that I created. For that reason, you should be taking my side!" The demonic James was almost shouting when he said the last sentence.

James' smile broadened. "What do you wantto help you with?" The demonic James' eyes lit up. 'You should tellyour conditions first. I want to make sure the deal is fair for both of US." "That won't do." James shook his head. "Taiyi needs to be here too when I share my conditions." The demonic James frowned slightly. 'You want the Taiyi Pearl to complete the Five Spirits Integration?" "That's not all. I also want to discuss with her what to do with you," James replied unhurriedly.

The demonic James' heart dropped. He leaped to his feet. "James, I thought you were a sensible man, but you..." "Are you upset?" James snickered. "Calm down. Where are your manners and sincerity? You're already losing your temper when we've just started our discussion." 'You... You...!" The demonic James pointed to the real James and stumbled backward.

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"Even if you want to kill me, you won't be able to do it! I am the manifestation of the Forty-Nine Daoisms. Hence, I have forty-nine lives..." "Why would I want to kill a mere soul spirit? Wouldn't it be more fun if I kept you around?" James used his Zen the next instant.

Behind the demonic James, a gigantic gate of light materialized and flew open. Curiously, the gate continued to expand.

The demonic James' eyes bulged as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Which... Which Path Gate is this? I've never seen it before..." "It's the Gate of Anonymous." James responded, "Mr. Waitara, I think we should have our conversation elsewhere." "No... Impossible..." the demonic James yelled, "This is your last chance, James! Once my Soremsia returns, it'll be over for you, your family, and your friends. Are you sure you want to do this?"